
Charlie's Universe

After a sudden family accident, a big boy with a warm family and a kind-hearted personality but cowardly found out that his parents were not human, and a woman who claimed to be his mother appeared and told him his life experience and more shocking secrets about human beings. At this time, he has been involved in a turbulent struggle for power and a journey to the universe.

charlei_saint · Ciencia y ficción
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25 Chs

Set off

Jack, who shaved his beard, seems to have changed a person, at least ten years younger, and his whole person looks very tough and capable. Charlie and Gadot looked at Jack, who reappeared in front of them a few minutes later. They couldn't believe it for a while, and they all widened their mouths and showed surprised expressions. Immediately, everyone was full of praise for Jack's change, which made Jack a little embarrassed.

Soon, the three of them were ready to go, but Charlie didn't expect that the place of contact was not Carrie Lake as he had always thought, but somewhere else.

Gadot quickly answered, and the eyes of the three fell on the map in the air, mapped by the black device worn by Gadot's wrist.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be near Alena Bay. Look, this is the bay, and I remember there is a mountain." Jack, standing beside him, frowned while touching his smooth chin that had just shaved off his beard. "Look here again..." Jack gestured at the map that appeared in the air.

"Then let's hit the road." Charlie looked at the two companions, and the other two nodded silently.

The three walked towards the car, not far away. At this moment, Jack's phone rang, and he took out his cell phone from his jacket pocket—a set of unknown codes.

Jack refuses to answer the phone.

The phone kept ringing, and Charlie and Gadot noticed the phone's constant buzzing in his hand.

Jack answered the phone, and there was a familiar voice on the other end of the phone, which Jack didn't seem surprised by.

He leaned against the car door and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Don't do this with me, Howard! Please don't put your hat on my head; I have nothing to talk to you. You can't catch me to remember our friendship, especially Call me to get some clues from my set?"

Seeing that Charlie and Gadot both got into the car, Jack took a few puffs, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and then stomped on it hard.

"You can't irritate me. If you have the ability, you can take me back to the police station. I still miss it. I worry about the police station. After handing it over to you, these guys won't make any progress." After that, Jack hung up. I picked up the phone and jumped into the car.

Jack lowered his head and fastened his seat belt. "No wonder the police are so bad these days." He looked at the other two companions, "Let's go."

At this moment, in the police station, Howard put down his phone and looked at the staff member who was listening with headphones. "How? Have you tracked it?" The policeman shook his head. It turned out that Howard, who was in the listening room of the police station at the moment, had already made arrangements to try to locate the whereabouts of the three people through his relationship with Jack and to persuade him to surrender by private phone and to find some clues by drawing up some hints.

"Sheriff, come and listen to this..." The female monitor handed the earphones to Howard.

From the conversation recording, Howard heard that it was a bird call from the lake. This bird's call was special, but he couldn't remember the name. Jennifer, on the side, said the bird's word after listening. Then, based on the bird's local habitat and the sound of the motor of the boat, the two inferred that the location of the three was near Lake Carrie.

Howard immediately asked Jennifer to notify the patrol police near Lake Carrie to pay close attention to all suspicious vehicles in the compound and to send Jack's vehicle information and wanted photos to the local police in the form of emergency information.

Today is a good day to travel, the wind is sunny, and the window is green and full of life.

The car drove fast, and the green trees by the lake ran behind Charlie one by one until they disappeared.

Charlie's gaze passed through the green trees by the road around the lake and fell on the silvery lake, which reminded him of the scales of the fish Jack had caught yesterday. The wind blowing through the car window ruffled his blond hair. The cool air entering his heart gave him a spirit he had never had before. He suddenly remembered the feeling of walking through the school gate for the first time in his childhood. He was nervous, excited, and full of expectations for the future.

When the three's car came to a fork in the road, a police car with its lights flashing stopped on the side of the road.

A fat police officer with a mustache beckoned and walked toward them. Immediately, the atmosphere in the car became very tense. Jack said to Gadot in the rearview mirror, "Relax." But in fact, Charlie was more worried about what he might do.

The officer glanced around the car through the glassless window, then smiled and said to Jack, "The car is cool. I wanted to ask you a favor."

The fat police officer with a mustache asked Jack if he was good at repairing cars and was bluntly rejected, then offered to borrow a toolbox. Still, Jack replied impatiently with the look of a leader despising his subordinates.

This arrogant leadership made the fat police officer unhappy, and he was still dissatisfied after checking Jack's driver's license.

He cross-examined Jack after getting out of the car and asked Jack to open the trunk for inspection. Charlie also got out of the vehicle, saying flattering words to the police officer, taking the opportunity to wink desperately at Jack to calm him down. Because at this time, Charlie saw that Jack had already reached for the gun on his waist.

Jack was worried about not the embarrassment caused by the fat police officer seeing the toolbox inside the trunk after opening the box, but the row of bullet holes on the right side of the car body, which is something even fools see as a problem.

The fat police officer saw the toolbox's face full of pride.

While Jack was repairing the car, a colleague's call came from the other end of the fat police officer's walkie-talkie. A colleague communicates a brief message about the characteristics of a person in a wanted vehicle. The fat police officer returned to the car and tore up the photo of the wanted man that had just arrived. He looked at the three people outside the vehicle and made a silent comparison in his heart - Jack, who repaired the car, didn't have a beard, and he didn't look like that; Charlie was wearing a peaked cap and a face. Sunglasses leaned against the car and pretended to be an experienced smoker, like a bad boy; he glanced at Gadot in the back seat, dressed in revealing clothes; maybe the two were a couple, so he quickly dispelled his doubts.

Jack quickly repaired the car, and the fat police officer wanted to shake his hand to express his gratitude, but Jack politely refused with dirty hands. After that, Jack returned to the car without looking back. The two continued to smoke, trying to block the bullet holes with their bodies until the fat officer in the police car passed them, waving.

The two jumped into the police car and left the place at the fastest speed when the police car was far away. They didn't rule out the possibility of exposing themselves, but Charlie didn't expect the fat guy with the mustache would find out so quickly.

Presumably, seeing others smoking, I couldn't help but want to smoke one. He was looking for a cigarette while driving and found that the corner of the exit of the document transporter was plugged with paper, which may have been caused accidentally when he just tore off the document.

After he cleared the scraps of paper stuck in the exit, several pages of wanted vehicle information appeared. He suddenly remembered that the car and license plate he had just seen were undoubtedly the wanted cars. Therefore, he immediately contacted the headquarters to report. And this critical news quickly spread from centers to Howard's office.

"Quick! Let the nearby police force 3 kilometers to get there as fast as possible, and be sure to find me!" Howard said to Jennifer and several right-hand men.

From time to time, Carlo, sitting in the suburban desert rushing to the pick-up point to solve Charlie, received a call from McKee, "We've been tricked; the pick-up point is near Alena Bay."

Carlo hung up the phone; his face was cold and pale. A group of convoys driving in the yellow desert all turned around and went away.

The three of Charlie headed south all the way, and according to the coordinates on the map, they bypassed the sea ring road and quickly drove into the periphery of Alena Bay. The road entrance on the outskirts of the bay is a large consumer area. There are restaurants, water bars, supermarkets, hotels, a small car park, and a petrol station next to the car park. Jack thinks his car has been spotted, and they need a new one. In the end, the three of them gave up the parking lot with cameras and used Gadot to seduce the truck driver who was going to refuel the car at the gas station. Jack was in charge of knocking out the guy urinating on the side, and Charlie was in charge of driving. The division of labor among the three was straightforward and quickly succeeded, and they were happy on the road again.

"Wow! It's so exciting! It feels amazing" Charlie almost jumped happily into the driver's seat.

"Gado, I didn't expect you to learn the kung fu of seducing people so much."

Charlie looked at Gadot through the rearview mirror and saw that she had a smile as warm as the morning sun.

This is a medium-sized cargo car with a high body and good visibility. The driving feeling makes Charlie feel like driving a tank, which is very exciting. But despite this, for the sake of safety, he agreed to Jack's proposal and handed the truck to Jack to drive. However, Charlie was not idle for a while. He found bread, potato chips, fruit, and water in the car, so he ate with Gadot in a good mood. He stuffed an apple into Jack's mouth halfway through, and Jack ate a few bites and threw it out of the window, saying it was too unpalatable.

Charlie asked Gadot questions all the way. For example, will I vomit during takeoff, or will I spit out everything I eat? After saying that, you must pick your throat and spit it out. He was relieved after Gadot told that they were teleporting through a time-space portal and flying combined, and there would be almost no discomfort. Then I asked where is the first stop and how long will the whole flight take. It will not get lost in space. What are the procedures for taking over Harvey's galaxy, and will there be a scene similar to the enthronement ceremony? Charlie can't help but imagine that he has become a king. But he couldn't imagine how he would appear in front of the world with what kind of face. Gadot gave a brief answer to Charlie's first few questions and the same sentence to the latter questions, I don't know.

When Charlie finally asked, "So, will I come back again?" he couldn't help but change the conversation, with a bit of sadness, and looked at the sea on one side, "I can go back to Earth again. ?"

"I think there will be a chance. Your Highness," said Gadot.

"I told you last night, just call me by my name when there are no outsiders."


After a moment of silence, Charlie smiled and said he was no longer afraid of Pierre and his followers, no longer afraid of the teacher's troubles, and no longer had to sit on the bench. , will let yourself graduate from high school with the applause and envy of everyone. Jack joked that he was too naive, and finally, Charlie promised Jack would appoint him to manage the entire police station against all evil forces to maintain justice.

"Stop dreaming; let's talk about it when you have that day," Jack said with a smile.

"Yeah, hopefully, one day." Charlie looked out the window, the smile on his face fading.

"Gadot, do you have any dreams you want to realize?" Charlie's question was a bit sudden, and Gadot didn't know where to start for a while.

"No." Gadot thought for a moment and said, but there was a cloud over his face.

The car came to a stop on a vast meadow. At the end of the field is a cliff facing the sea. The roar of the waves crashing against the rocks pounded Charlie's chest. The sea breeze blows, bringing a salty taste into the heart. Charlie opened his arms and felt he would be blown into the sky in the next second. Jack lit a cigarette and squinted at the sea in the distance.

"It's very open here, and it's very suitable for signal transmission and reception," Gadot said as he operated the device in his hand.

Her fingers quickly clicked and typed in the blue menu box in the air. Then, the menu disappeared, and the indicator lights on the device jumped one by one in a circle, then turned from blue to red until a red light appeared, and then returned to normal.

"How?" Charlie asked.

"The signal has been sent successfully."


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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