
Character Transfusion System

Kal was tortured everyday for being poor by his classmates. He hated Himself to the bone for being weak. Continuas suffering left him exhausted. So he died. But that said , as long as there was hope, there was a way. A screen appeared, floating in the air. [ Congratulations ] [ You have fully merged with the "Character Transfusion System " by fulfilling the requirement ]

siyamAH · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Character Transfusion System

He was walking with the intention to go to school. But his face has the expression of unwillingness.

"Just like any other day, this is going to be another hellish day. ",he sighed bitterly.

After all, a poor, orphan boy like him, had none to take care of. He was along,filled with lonelyness. Those rich boys and girls bullied him every day.

Even if they forgot to take their meal, they wouldn't forgot to bully him. His only fault was that he was poor.

That was the kind of a day, Kal had to go through. But what could he even do.Had he tried to fight back, they would instantly beat him up badly. Even teachers turned blind eye about this matter because they were afraid of their rich and powerful father. As a result, he could do nothing but suffer thoroughly.

"I can only hope that they won't notice me.",he thought.

After sometime passed, he was standing in front his school, The South East High School.

He was in class 10. He had a thin body, looked like a simple wind could blow him away. It wasn't strange after all, he lived alone, ate junk foods all the day with the little money his parents had left behind. With that be the situation, how could he not have a weak, unhealthy body.

He was about to entered his classroom. But unexpectedly, he saw a ball flying straight toward him. It hit his chest with terrifying force.His chest caved in. He, suddenly, found out he couldn't breath.

His lungs screamed for air, face turned red.His body shot backward and then his body crashed against the wall.

A loud bang was hard. He coughed out a mouthful of blood, dropped on the floor, on his face. As a result, his nose was broken. Blood was flowing out of his mouth and nose.

Tears was about to roll down on his face from the immense pain. But he gritted his teeth and held back the tears.

Human's cry with the hope that someone would notice his pain, suffering and would come to help him or her.

But if there was no one to see his tears, pain, wouldn't it be a shame? wouldn't it mean that he was weak?

He would never admit that, even if he had to die, he would die with no regret as it was his fate.

So, trembling, he stood in his feet, eyes bloodshot he looked at the direction from where the ball was thrown at him.

A boy, with a muscular body came out of the classroom. He was surrounded by a group of 9 boys, all of them had a cruel smile on their face.

The boy on the lead coldly sneered at him and said craftily, "I was about to win the bet but you had to throw yourself in front of my ball? "

"Now that I have suffered a terrible loss, who is going to compensate me? "

"You, kal. You. ",Nico pushed his index finger on his chest. Kal felt like he was about to lose his consciousness from the pain. Gritting his teeth, he stared at Nico with murderous gaze. If looks could kill, Nico would have died million times in an instant.

"But you are a poor, orphan. How can you compensate me, who don't lack anything. ",Nico continued, pretended that he didn't notice Kal's glare.

"I have an idea. Why don't you go and confessed your love to the girl you like? ",Nico said with strange eyes.

Boys around him began to laugh.

Kal thought of the girl, he liked. She was beautiful like fairy. She never talked to him but he had always thought of her.

Then, Nico threatened him saying that if he not did what he said,then he would make a grave mistake. So Kal could do nothing but follow his order.

He removed the blood from his face and nose with the sleeve of his shirt. Nico,then led the trembling kal without even asking his opinion to the place, where the girl, Miha was standing with her friends.

He approached her, hesitated a bit.Then thought, not doing the thing would make him suffer thoroughly.

Kal didn't notice that behind him Nico winked at Miha. Miha understood the meaning and nodded.

Kal looked at Miha and said, "Miha, I liked you a lot from the first day of our school. "

"So what? " her expression turned gloomy.

"I was thinking tha….." before he could finish, she interrupted him with a cold voice "That I should hang out with you or something like that? "

Kal tried to say something but he was interrupted again. Behind him Nico was silently laughing.

"You are dreaming, Kal. You should see your face on a mirror and think about your standard. You are no match for me." she sneered at him.

"What a courage.", the girls beside Miha looked at him with disdain.

Her image on his mind completely shatterd. The moment Nico led him here, he guessed that something bad would happen. But he didn't think it would be this much intense.

The insults, the cruel truths from the girl, he liked left his mind a blank. This pain overshadowed the physical pain he got a moments ago.

Granted, he was poor but was there a need to insult him? She could have declined him politely.

Suddenly, realization struck him like a lightning. He turned back to look at Nico and saw he was silently laughing along with the boys. Both Nico and Miha planned it beforehand to destroy him both physically and mentally.

Rage filled his mind, he clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and left with a trembling body. He could do nothing but swallow the torture and insult.

Without attending in the class, he directly left the school. His whole body was filled with pain, he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He dragged his injured body home.

The moment he enter his house, he fell on the floor. It took his all to drag his weak body.


Why? His condition was like this. He thought. He screamed, cried.

The tears he had held back in school, now pouring down like that of a waterfall.

He asked himself this question several times but got no answer.

He hated himself for being weak. He hated the world that threw him away. He hated everyone.As he was crying, he didn't know when he fell asleep.

Next day, he woke up.His mind felt dizzy. He sat down sometime while leaning against the wall. Eyes bloodshot,he stood up,got into the kitchen and brought out packets of instant noodles. He began eat them raw.

While eating, he began to play video game . one day, two day…. soon it was the seventh day, he found out that all the instant noodles he had

were all eaten. He had nothing left to eat and also, the money his parents had left behind for him was already used.

He stared blankly at the ceiling for a long time. No one would give him any job to do.So, he decided that he wouldn't go out anymore. He would just end his life. At least that way he would be free from this constant suffering .

8th day

His body was gradually weakening.

12th day

His heart beat slowed down.

16th day

His looked like a corpse. His eyes sunk into the eyehole.

20th day

He breathing ragged, he couldn't even move his finger.

24th day

It seemed like, he was about to take his final breath. He lost his consciousness.

All of a sudden, a bright light filled the room. The bright light then began to condense untill it was one Centimeter wide. Then,without any notice, it entered into Kal's head. His body trembled a bit. But it was that. Nothing else happened.

25th day

Kal suddenly opened his eyes, a confused look appeared on his face.

Wasn't he dead? How did he still alive?

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his head. Then in front of him a screen appeared. It was like those of a computer screen but the problem he had no computer in his house.

There were something written on the screen, glowing brightly.

[ Congratulations ]

[ you have successfully merged with the "Character Transfusion system".

The requirement was dying. ]

[ Every book has protagonist. Every protagonist has unique abilities and by transfusing with those characters you can gain those skills permanently. ]

[ This system will give you the books if you level up. To level up you have to complete the tasks.The more you level up, the more powerful characters will appear. ]

[Your current progress : Level 0


Character transfusion:0





Element:?????? ]

[ Task: 100 push up

100 sit up

3 km running ]

"Readers system? Character transfusion? Doesn't that simply mean by completing the task I can be stronger? But system is related to books while I have to train my body?

I do not understand what is happening. "

"Am I really alive or I am in heavens. Here God pitied me and put me into a illusion? "

"Whatever, I will complete the task, then see what really happens.After all, not every day I will get a chance to live, to be stronger. It doesn't matter whether it's a illusion or not."

Determination flashed through his eyes.