
Chaotic Levelling

You have died That should be a scary statement, right? Trust me, the terror has only begun. {Shut up. Don't ruin my surprise. They'll see} {I'll bring 11 unlucky souls and make them another chance at life. But this time, I call the shots} So here we go. Good luck. Oh, and try not to die... Again 11 people have been killed across different timelines. Without warning, they are transported to a world that exists beyond all timelines and the multiverse. On a planet that has only one of them throughout all of time, indigenous life is already more powerful than all other species across all timelines. These people are then forced to survive, all for the entertainment of the system, but it seems to have an ulterior motive, and no one may live to see the truth.

The1k · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Study and Practice


"Okay, so base-level spatial magic inventory does not need an incantation, so let's try it out then."

I take a deep breath and try to get a feel for mana. I feel this feeling of energy that is flowing through me like blood. I focus on trying to guide it to my hand, and just like that, all of the energy redirects itself with little to no effort, and pure mana is released out of my hand.

I then imagine myself tearing paper and tearing at the air. As I move my hand, a black ominous hole replaces that space and expands till it's about 10 centimeters wide, and then it sits there in front of me.

I don't trust myself to put my hand inside, so I pick up a pen and place it inside.

I then place a pencil inside as well, and I close it. The book says that it's easier to envision a wheel, so when you want to select your items, you put your hand inside the spatial whole and swipe up or down. Either that or create your method, which isn't recommended as it's incomparably harder and involves thinking of a full organization system and method of selection.

But I already have a good idea of the kind of system I should use, which is very similar to the system on a computer. Using the folder system for organization and to change between folders, I'll use the opening and closing of my hand to switch between folders.

The remaining mechanics will all be ironed out. I open and close my hand, and I feel the pencil in my hand. It isn't 100% accurate yet; I can feel it, but it will do for now.

The next main issue is producing an attack spell that can be my trump card, which I already have an idea for. Since I have all the basic elements, it is best to utilize the relationship between them. Such as wind and fire. If the wind overpowers the fire, it will change the direction of the fire and spread it; if the fire is more intense, it will just fuel the flames and increase the power, and if balanced out properly, it will cause an explosion.

If you instead change the proportions a little and add some earth to it, lava can be made, and this is just from the basic elements. But for now, till I have more control, I'll stick to the basics.


"What?", I say, feeling the person behind the panel's piercing gaze on me, trying to decode my intentions.


"That's what I thought." I need to keep as much information from everyone, especially this ' system' as it calls itself.

{You know I can read minds most of the time}

"I figured out you had to have some form of precognition that you were either limited in use or just chose not to use it so that decisions will surprise you", I pause and stare at the screen.

{That's just borderline creepy at this point}

"You're just a hater of talent", I say with a smug look.

"Anyhow, I memorized the chants. I just need to understand the true meaning, and it will help with my overall control, and I can start to cut down on casting speed."

"Sapatrirata fotah tahatuh Fatriratu Hatuuda mayah kawunlalah

Tri kawunlalah fivpafonah Tahatu pafowaturah fofah thatu falahwun matusah

Tri sawunkara fatrikatuh maya manwun manwun."

[Fire Bullet]

I felt the dormant mana suddenly pour out of my hand as I said the chant. The mana started to compress at a small point, then burst into flames, creating a small dot of flame.

The heat of it surprised me, but I soon gained my composure and calmed down since this was nothing compared to a future spell.

{come on, be excited for once it suits you}

"I don't want to give you the satisfaction of surprising me."

{we'll see, and if you add just a bit more mana, it will shoot forward}

"Hmmm,", skeptical but curious, I add a bit more mana, and it suddenly shoots forward, making me jump.

It soars across the library, hitting a book before dissipating. Surprise is now replaced with some fear since I just shot fire at a book in the royal library.

{Just so you know, all the books have been enchanted so they can't be destroyed by any normal means}

"That's surprisingly nice of you to tell me."

{I got a picture of you scared, the most entertaining thing I have had in a while}

Ignoring him I think of how to apply this in a fight; the power is subpar at best, but the speed is okay for a beginner-level spell.

Then suddenly something clicks in my head; if I use it with [inventory], it will work. That's if inventory works the way I think.

{ugh, here we go again with your damn ideas}