
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
134 Chs

General and Desperate Situation.

AN: Hello there. Having a good day/afternoon/night? I hope so :) Anyways, I'm here to tell you guys that the auxiliary chapter has been updated, go check it out. That's all folks! Enjoy the chapter.

(Duke of Ehrlich POV)

'Those barbarians dare to invade my territory! My house has served for over 200 years the Brune royal family, and now someone dares to dirty my house's reputation and the ones who did it, are a bunch of barbarians!' I was furious.

I turned to my aid. "Hurry the soldiers up! We have to destroy these barbarians as quickly as possible!"

"But my Lord, the soldiers have been marching for 8 hours without stopping, they need to rest." He tried to reason but I simply sneered.

"What a joke. They rest when I tell them to. They should serve with their body and soul, just the fact that I am here leading them personally and breathing the same air as them, should make them feel honored!"

'I'm only here to take the honors. If I manage to repel a barbarian invasion, the King will probably reward me.' At this moment, I saw the beginning of a mountain.

On both left and right, there are dense forests.

"My Lord, it is unwise to travel through here. Our soldiers are exhausted, if we cross this dense forest we might get ambushed." The servant said.

"How close are we from the Lacros Fortress?" I asked.

"We will take at least 1 hour marching up the mountain to reach it." He said.

"Then have the soldiers march through the forest. They are all proud Brune soldiers. They should be able to kill a thousand barbarians even when exhausted." I ordered.

"Yes, my Lord." He bowed.

And sure enough, my entire army crossed the forest and reached an elevated plane.

Turning to my aid, I looked at him and said. "This is why I hate peasants like you. You never know what you speak off." I shaked my head.

The one I call my aid, had his mouth opened wide with a look of despair.

'He is probably scared of what I am going to do to him when I subjugate those barbarians.' I smiled at such thought.

"B-b-barbarians! Lots of them!" He loudly said.

'If the mere sight of barbarians scared him, then he truly is incompetent.' I shook my head before I turned to see what has gotten my aid so scared.

When I did, I saw that thousands and thousands of barbarians were lined up. "There are at least 40,000 to 50,000 barbarians. My information said that there was only 1,000 barbarians." I wondered.

Suddenly, I began to hear a trumpets sounding in the distance and the barbarians began to charge. My aid got out of his stupor. "We are going to get swamped."

The barbarian cavalry charged head on, with their infantry following right after. My soldiers were scared and some were probably already thinking of deserting. The barbarians were all looking at us like we were walking pieces of meat, and sure enough, as soon as the cavarly hit our lines, it destroyed our formation in seconds. My exhausted soldiers are no match for those crazy barbarians.

I turned to my aid. "Hold them off while I run away!"

"My Lord, if you run away, then the entire army will break completely!" He tried to stop me.


"Ahhhhh!!!" I heard screams behind me.

"What is going on?" I turned to look and saw another army right behind me, charging at me.

All of a sudden, my aid realized. "The forest was not the place of ambush. It was the place where they hid another army. Now we have an army of 40,000 to 50,000 in front of us and at least 5,000 men behind us. And our headquarters was breached by the army behind us."

At this moment, I saw hope, a man that was leading the barbarian charge, was wearing armor with golden parts.

'There is only one way that I can get out of this alive.' I smiled. "I CHALLENGE THE ENEMY GENERAL TO A DUEL!!!"

I was riding my horse with my sword in hand. I was galloping towards the General who was using his club to smash anyone in his way. As soon as I got close enough, I saw a giant man that made me feel like am insect. I could feel the pure pressure from the enemy General. I couldn't even lift my sword in front of such an opponent. I couldn't even if I wanted, because before I noticed, the club was already smashing my skull.

(Oemitsu POV)

I am, currently on the headquarters of my army, I set it up on higher ground so that I could have a perfect view of the battlefield. The enemy's formation was crumbling. Now, there are only soldiers running away without knowing what to do.

"Their commander is probably dead." I commented.

"That is what he deserves for trying to start a war. However, I truly enjoyed how you completely crushed them." Shiro said.

"Do you know how I did it?" I asked with a smile.

She nodded. "You spread the rumour that you only had 1,000 men, and the idiot Duke didn't even consult the capital. Instead, he thought that he could hold all the glory for himself, so he marched with an army of 5,000 men, up the mountain. You had your army stationed in front of a forest so that they didn't have clear vision of how many numbers you had. You also stationed a small force on the forest in the shadows, cutting off their escape routes. As soon as they got out of the forest, they were sandwiched between two armies." She explained.

"Yes. I am proud of you little Shiro." I told her while I picked her up like a little doll and placing her on my lap.

Since I'm wearing a armor, I thought that she wouldn't enjoy it, but she beamed a huge smile that proved otherwise.

"Remember Shiro, all warfare is based on deception. The only reason such plan worked, was because that Duke was looking for glory and strongly believed in the superiority of the nobility. If he actually used his brain, he would have sent a couple of scouts, just this simple action would make my plain turn into dust." I told her, to which she nodded.

"Good job, Nii. It was a beautiful strategy." She said.

I smiled and kissed her small head.

Suddenly, a messenger ran through my headquarters. "Reporting! General Mo bu has claimed the enemy General´s head!" He announced.

"Good. Kill anyone who doesn't surrender and take the rest as prisioners. They might be needed later on." I told him.

Shizuku got up from her seat. "So, the true fight will start now, huh."

"Fufufufu. True. From what I know, the King is quite a hero to its people. From now on, we will enter the north of Brune and start pillaging everything." I smiled.

"Are you going to conquer or just raze the cities to the ground?" Machi asked.

"The same as always. Those who surrender, we keep. Those who don't, we kill them all." I shrugged.

"Fine. Let's just hurry this up. Pakunoda is dealing with all the problems back home, alone." She said.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot." I told her before I turned to another messenger, since I ordered the other one to rest. He deserves it, after all, he ran with his horse all the way from the battlefield to the headquarters. "Order the entire army to regroup after they deal with the remnants of Duke's army. They will march and take the closest city, Guo. And after that, they will spread out and take fortress after fortress." I told him.

He nodded, bowed and went towards the exit, but before he could get out, he ended up bumping into a tall person that just entered the tent. This earned him a kick that sent him flying. The person that just entered was my last General, Karin.

"You should care more for your companions, Karin." I joked, knowing well her personality.

"As if! What is the true goal of this campaign, brat?" She asked after she stopped in front of me.

"Fufufufufu. Isn't it obvious? The true objective is the capital." I told her.

"Don't make me laugh! You don't have enough men to do such a thing. With each fortress you take, you need to leave a guarrison and before you notice, you will arrive in the capital with less then half the men you started with!" She quickly analyzed.

"You truly are smart." I smiled. 'Possessing height that rivaled that of Mo bu, Karin is a tall well-proportioned woman, with a voluptuous figure that she often grabs when excited. She has black pixie short hair and a grim look on her face. Karin was the leader of one of the mountains. She is a twisted woman who takes pleasure in war... or in causing pain... I don't know which one. Anyways, she is ruthless and she isn't afraid of sacrificing thousands of soldiers if it means victory.

She hates people who she doesn't think as cute. She is dangerous even to her allies... pood messenger. Almost all my Generals hate her, and even Machi offered to kill her more than once. However, she is way too good at war to die. Subjugating her tribe was rather complicated, though. I offered her a nice deal. I would give her the pleasure of war, and in exchange, she would serve me as one of my Generals.

The problem with her is her lack of manners. It doesn't botter me that much, but the same can't be said for my family and subordinates.' I smiled ironically.

"You are in front of your King, show some respect." Shizuku said.

Karin just looked at her. "Shut the fuck up, shorty."

"Nii, the tall bitch is making a lot of noise." Shiro complained.

"Who are you calling tall, you brat?!" She inquired in an enraged voice.

"Huff." I massaged my head. 'Her biggest weakness, is her complex about her giant size.' I thought before I turned to Shiro. "Shiro, I don't like when you curse."

"I am sorry Nii." She said as she and placed her head close to my armor's chest.

I just patted her head. "It is alright little Shiro." I told her before I looked at Karin. "You can go now. I will tell you the true objective of this campaign when the time comes."

She turned around, clearly unhappy about the result.

"Oh, and Karin. Next time you insult one of my family members, I will kill you." I told her with a kind smile while I released my bloodlust.

Karin looked at me and placed one hand on her big breast. "That is the look. That is the lord I serve." She said before she turned around and left.

"Huff. What a problematic woman." I commented.

"The offer still stands. If you want, I can remove her head." Machi said.

"Fufufufufu. You really don't like her, do you?" I smiled.

"What is there to like about that giant?" Machi shrugged.

Suddenly, I could feel the ground shake. "Ohh, so she heard it even from that far away, incredible hearing."

All of a sudden, a woman appeared beside me. "Sachstein's army General has accepted the offer. He will keep The Order of Navarre busy."

"Good." I nodded. 'In medieval warfare, one cannot underestimate the strength of information. With The Order of Navarre busy in the west with Sachstein and the duke of Nemetacum, Thenardier will not be able to interfere since the Muozinel is still a threat in the south, and so is Zhcted in the east. Ganelon is not strong enough to stop them.

So there is only one individual who can raise an army big enough to stop us.'

(King Faron Soleil Rauy Blainville de Charles POV)

I am currently discussing the preparation for the war with Sachstein in my throne room with my subjects.

"According to our information, Sachstein is assembling an army of at least 70,000 men on our south-west border. We have already deployed Roland and his knights there. However, he only has 20,000 men, so the fight will be hard." The Minister of Defence said.

"We are currently preparing another 45,000 men to help him." Other Minister said.

I just nodded. "Unfortunately, we cannot send any more. If we do, we will keep our border with Muozinel and Zhcted empty. However, it is Roland that we are talking about. With identical numbers there is no way that they can win."

Suddenly, a messenger entering the royal court and knelt. "REPORTING!!!"

"How dare you! This is a royal court, you can't just barge in as you please!" The Prime Minister, Pierre Badouin said.

I lifted my hand. "Enough. I will allow it this time."

"A huge barbarian force have come down the mountains. Duke Ehrlich has led 5,000 men, however, he was defeated and killed in battle." The messenger spoke.

"WHAT?! How is this possible?! How many men do they have?!" The Minister of Defence asked.

"We don't have the exact number, however, we expect it to be at least 50,000 men. The entire Ehrlich county has already fallen in the enemy's hands, including the main city, Eisen." He said.

"So, someone managed to unite all of those mountain tribes." I commented.

All of a sudden, another messenger bursted through the royal court and knelt. "REPORTING!!! A Mouzinel army of at least 100,000 men has crossed the border!"

"How is this possible?!" The Prime Minister inquired.

Suddenly, realisation hit everyone in the court. We were being attacked by 3 sides. One single mistake could mean the destruction of the Brune Kingdom. Chaos ensued in the royal court. No one knew what to do. I knew that I had to restore order. So I simply slammed my fist on the armrest of my throne. "Duke of Nemetacum, rally all of the soldiers left on the south and stall the mouzinels!"

The Duke knelt. "It shall be done, my King."

'While the Duke of Nemetacum is an ambitious vassal who wishes to become King, however, he can't become the King of Brune, if Brune stops existing. So he will fight with everything in line.'

"What about the barbarians in the north?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Call all of my royal guards. We will meet up with the Duke of Lutetia and combine our forces. I will lead and crush the barbarians personally. At the same time, we must make sure that the information of Brune being invaded from three sides is supressed. We already have enough on our plates, with 3 armies running around on our territories." I declared. 'Three armies attacking at the same time, from three different fronts one army in the north, one in the south-west and one in the south. This is no coincidence. This was prepared. A coalition with the aim on destroying Brune. If the King of the barbarians was the one who started this coalition, then we might be in more trouble than expected.'