
Cap 7: The Nion people

I woke up after Mailux abruptly shook the carriage in which I had fallen asleep, apparently it lasted 2 minutes trying to wake me up and did not react, what could I do, I am a very heavy sleeper hahahahaha. Anyway, I got out of the carriage and stretched out and did a little exercise to warm up my body.

"Very well, everyone get on the carriage that in 1 minute we will leave for the town Nion" Mailux spoke.

"Pueblo Nion?" I asked, intrigued.

"It's the town I said last night was about 3 hours from here," Mailux said.

"I forgot hahahaha" I said as I scratched the back of my head.

It had already warmed up and the 5 guards, Mailux and I got into the carriage, there were also two men of about 48 years of age, they were the drivers, we were all ready and we left, Mailux was making some notes of what we would need for the trip, the 5 guards were looking out the windows to make sure no one attacked us and I, on the other hand, closed my eyes and decided to sleep.

After about 30 minutes I woke up since the carriage had fallen into a pothole, Mailux rose a few centimeters in the air and when he fell his glasses had fallen off, I laughed and handed them to him, it was funny to see him looking for his glasses . 2 hours had already passed, there was little left to reach the town, maybe there are strong people who want to fight or something like that.

It had already been 3 hours and the town was already close, I know because there were some signs saying it is approaching the town Nion.

"Well, we're coming, everyone stay tuned in case you have doubts," Mailux exclaimed.

"Yes sir!" The guards shouted a little loudly.

"Attentive?" Attentive why? - I said somewhat confused.

—I don't know if it's true, but they say that in this town there are bandits who loot the carriages that come to town, it usually happens very often, so that's why you have to be attentive ...

"Sir, 6 bandits are attacking us, 3 from the right and 3 from the left," a guard spoke.

The carriage stopped abruptly, I almost went over to the other seat, we quickly got out of the carriage and put ourselves in a defensive position, in the carriage there are valuable things that the king said to take to the Galatian kingdom. Me and two guards were positioned on the right side of the carriage, Mailux and two more guards were positioned on the left side and the two drivers with the last guard were positioned at the back of the carriage to secure.

The three bandits who touched the two guards and me were somewhat robust, they had scars on their arms and on their faces. One of the bandits had a gray flannel, he had no sleeves so his scars were more noticeable on his arms, he also wore short black shorts, another had a black sweatshirt and dark blue pants and the last one was wearing a black robe that covered him completely.

They did not look strong, I think that I alone was enough to defeat them, I told the guards not to interfere that I was only taking care of them. I ran to get away from the carriage, I was about 6 meters away from the carriage, they were about 3 meters from me.

"Take off or we will do it by force," one of the bandits spoke to me.

"Ha! As if that's going to happen, you are the ones who have to run away, I don't think you have a chance of stealing that carriage," I said as I got into an attack position.

"Ts, that arrogance will be removed from your face, you idiot!" The other bandit spoke.

The flannel bandit launched himself at me with a knife of about 20 cm, I dodged it without difficulty but the other bandit in a black robe also jumped at me, I narrowly dodged it, I grabbed the one with the black robe And I hit him hard on the face, knocking him off balance. I jumped back away from the two bandits who attacked me.

"Shit!" I forgot there was another bandit, when I hit the ground, the bandit wasted no time and lunged at me, throwing me at the other two bandits. I fell on the ground, the bandit in the black robe took out an iron bar from my left sleeve, the middle bar more or less about 45 cm, both he and the bandit with the knife rushed at me to stab me.

As I could, I jumped avoiding the danger but the bandit who rammed me jumped and gave me a strong kick in the shoulder, they were good at fighting as a team, I fell back on the ground, I got up but the three already had me surrounded, I was a slightly stunned by the blow and the fall, the three bandits rushed towards me to stab me, I could not dodge it. It was late, the three guards had already pierced me with their weapons.

"Shit" my face was surprised, a little blood came out of my mouth.

The bandits were happy and with a face of satisfaction at having stabbed me, I looked at where the knife, the iron bar and another knife from the bandit in the black robe stabbed me. Only a forgetful laugh passed through my mind.

—Ah right, I'm immortal— when I finished to say that, the bandits were quite surprised, they tried to get away from me but it was too late. I gave a strong discharge to the three bandits, and the one who suffered the most was the one in the black robe since he had the iron bar. The three bandits shot back.

"Uff almost, I had forgotten that I am immortal hahahahahaha, well now if I will give you a good beating" I said while making a serious face.

The three bandits showed their terrified faces, I took off the first knife that the gray flannel bandit had nailed me in the middle of my stomach, then I took off the iron bar that the bandit in the black robe had nailed me in the chest, and finally I took off the other knife that the sweatshirt bandit had stuck in my back.

I was walking slowly towards the three bandits, the one in flannel I kicked him with my right foot and sent him about 3 meters away, the one in the robe I grabbed him by the neck of the robe and gave him three strong blows to the face, I broke his nose and opened his right eyebrow a little. He had been knocked unconscious from the pain, and the last bandit I threw him up, I jumped and gave him a strong punch in the stomach, taking out all the air, he fell hard to the ground and was unconscious. I approached the bandit who kicked him and knocked him unconscious from an electric shock.

The three bandits were unconscious, Mailux also defeated the other three bandits, both the guards and the drivers were surprised by my strength and the fact that I am immortal, I think what surprised them the most was my rapid regeneration. The wounds that those weapons had inflicted on me had instantly healed. I don't blame them, I was also surprised when I saw how I instantly regenerated.

"Your feedback is amazing Sam," Mailux spoke.

—Yes hahahaha, although I must admit that I regenerated much faster than before, before, less serious wounds took about 30 seconds to heal, and deep and lethal wounds took 1 hour, now minor wounds heal in less than 10 seconds and serious injuries should take about 3 minutes.

"Wow, that must be because magic didn't exist back then, now that's what is most abundant, but anyway." Everyone get in the carriage and let's go, the town is just a few minutes from here - Mailux.

"Ah, Mailux, how about we take these bandits to town, they are strong I admit, maybe they have a high reward."

"Why do we need more money, if that's not necessary," Mailux reproached.

"Well, I wouldn't like a few extra coins," I said as I looked at the bandits.

"Okay, tie up the bandits and put him in the carriage."

Three guards tied up the 6 bandits and put them in the carriage. I must explain how it is to avoid problems, this is made up of the first part that is the float, it is where the Mailux guards and I are, and in the front part is the driver's seat and finally, in the The back is the carriage, it is where the things that we will take to the Galatian kingdom are and it is where the guards put the bandits.

Well anyway, we got into the carriage and left, after about 10 minutes we reached the town. The place is beautiful, it is more or less large, there were children, adolescents and adults strolling happily, some couples smiled, they lived life without knowing that a war was approaching.

"We have reached the place where we will buy supplies," Mailux said.

"Well, me and two other guards will take these bandits to the first guard station we see."

"Well, in 1 hour I want you here."

The two guards and I mounted two bandits, each one on each shoulder, they weighed a little yes, but not that much. After about 6 minutes we found a guard station, when everyone around us entered they were surprised, apparently no one had been able to capture those bandits since they were very elusive and strong.

We threw the bandits to the ground and they woke up scared, they looked everywhere and then they saw me, I don't think they were so scared to see someone immortal, by God. Anyway, some guards took them away and one of them gave me a bag full of silver coins, the guard told me that there were 3,500 silver coins there.

Uff, in my house I have a bag of 1000 gold coins, two bags with 6 thousand silver coins and now I have 3500 more silver coins, sir, I feel that I can live as a rich man. We left the place and the two guards went to where Mailux and the others were, I on the other hand I went to visit the town and eat something, 3 hours of travel and fight with some bandits, that exhausts and makes me very hungry.

I saw a cafeteria where they sold very delicious things, I know it because I saw from the glass outside and there were people with satisfied faces, I went in and sat at the table on the left side of the cafeteria. A waitress approached me and told me what would I order, I told her that a lunch would be fine. She told me that she would bring it right away and withdrew.

After 3 minutes the waitress arrived and brought me a plate with rice, black beans, shredded meat, a few slices of fried plantain and a little grated cheese. And as a drink he brought me a cold black soda, it looked very, very appetizing just by looking at it, I ate it without buts. It was definitely tasty, I lasted about 15 minutes in the cafeteria, 6 minutes leading the bandits, plus about 17 minutes, in total it would be about 23 minutes, that means I still have about 37 minutes left.

"Good! Let's go through the town," I said satisfied.

I walked through the town for about 10 minutes. Definitely this town is boring, there is nothing interesting, it is time to return with Mailux, I walked and walked, wow, I do not remember having walked that much. Ah, I got lost hahahahahahaha, I spoke with 3 people to show me the way and after about 6 minutes I arrived at the place where I had to arrive.

"Because you were late?" I told you I wanted you here in 1 hour— Mailux half yelled at me.

"Well, I was lost and uh, well, is everything ready to go?" I asked.

"Y ...

"AAAAAHHHH, DEMONS !!" I yelled into the air.

"What-what happened?" Are you okay? - Mailux said to me a little scared by the scream.

—I forgot to write a letter to Liliana and I didn't train, how bad ...

"Is that why you had to scream like crazy?" It will be for the next time, we have to leave if we want to get to the Ponte kingdom quickly. Only 3 days to go, ”said Mailux.

"Okay," I said as I had my head looking at the ground and got on the float.

We were all inside and left, Mailux said that we would stay in another town that was about 6 hours from here, according to him, there the inns are much cheaper and that he knows the place better since they have stayed there several times for travel and stuff. I just accepted without further ado, luckily I had bought some things to eat on the way.

I took the opportunity to buy a calendar to be aware of the month and that, today is Thursday December 5 of the year 2503, in February is my birthday, what a thrill. Well the thing is that nobody knows hahahahaha, then maybe I will tell you about my birthday. It had already been 3 hours since we left Nion town.

"Hey Mailux, are the dark elves to be feared?" I asked to break the ice.

-HEY? Why the question? - said Mailux.

"Well, the only thing I've seen is a giant and a dwarf, and from what I could see they are strong, the truth is that I don't know what those dark elves are like."

—The dark elves are very strong, their magic and spells are also to be feared, they are intelligent and they are not at all pious, they must be planning something. That would be the only option for which they have done absolutely nothing at all.

"Hmm, I see, so if I did find one, would I have to fight alone or with someone for support?"

"With your strength I doubt that you would lose even with three at the same time, but in the case of someone less strong than you if you would need support, but don't believe it, there are both weak dark elves and very strong dark elves" said Mailux.

-I see. Well I just wanted to know that ...

After 3 more hours, we had already reached the town that Mailux had said, this town is small but the people here are very happy, we arrived at the inn where we would stay, I will be in room 201, Mailux in room 204, the guards in rooms 202, 208, 200, 207 and 205, the two drivers will be in rooms 206 and 203.

Everyone on the same floor, I walked into my room, it's a bit big, there's a big bed, it has a decent bathroom, and there's space to work out, it also has a desk. Great, so I can write a letter to Liliana. I'd better do it now before I forgot.

I wrote and wrote, I was inspired, tomorrow morning I'll see how she sent it to him. Well now I will train a bit and then I will take a bath and lie down to sleep. I did push-ups, sit-ups and stuff, then did a few reps of kick, dodge, and kick. The typical and finally meditate to improve my energy concentration.

After about 4 hours I finished everything, I saw the clock that was on the wall and it was 9:20 p.m., I went to bathe and then I went to sleep. I can finally sleep in a bed!