
Chaos has come to Orario (A Seven Deadly Sins X Danmachi SI story)

This is a tale of ancient times, a time before the human and non-human races were forever divided. An era of power and glory, the 'Days of the Dungeon'. A legend so old and mythical, it has been lost in the flow of time. During this age, greater beings descended upon the lower realms to find entertainment. They roamed the surface of the Mortal Realm, bestowing blessings upon whom they pleased, which gave those fortunate few the chance to transcend the limits of their flesh, and taste the experience of an existence beyond what they could conceive. These greater beings called themselves 'Gods', and their children whom they bestowed their blessings upon were called 'adventurers'. These brave mortals strove to become something greater than the rest of their kin, by facing the trials of the treacherous and ever perilous Dungeon. And in the centuries that followed, many found glory where others found only their demise. But there was 'one' adventurer, who sought something that even the so-called gods could not imagine. A mortal boy who fought for what he stood for to the end, and achieved something beyond anything that anyone of that world could dream of. A child that faced the greatest of tribulations, and came out above all who had preceded him. And he was known...as the King of Chaos. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my Patreon: Patreon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
146 Chs

Ottar (2)

As a 50 chapter special, I'm giving special thanks to three particular legends that have just been pumping those sweet power stones into this story and have carried it to the eyes of so many more people.

Thank you to three mighty legends:




And with that, onto the next chapter!


(General POV)

Elder Bors was starting to get concerned with the commotion that seemed to be erupting from the south side of the 18th floor. In the distance, he could see plumes of dark smoke rising into the air which was an indication of a fire. It made him wonder if a monster had come down to the Under Resort from the upper floors.

Not too long ago, some of his men had come back rather unhappy with a particularly disappointing bit of news. They'd in fact gone to the south side to pick some special fruits that always showed to be ripe this early on compared to other parts of the eighteenth floor. Those fruits would then be pressed to make some particularly delicious booze.

Unfortunately, they'd come back with their wickers empty and had put him in a particular grumpy mood as well. The special berries were nowhere to be found, and seemed as if they'd already been picked as well. With no berries, obviously no booze could be made.

Which was a damn shame because with how much Evilus was mucking around lately, the adventurer's city on the safe zone had become somewhat of a berth point for people on the surface. Commerce was pretty trash now and living conditions were struggling to improve.

Add in the fact that they had to continuously rebuild some parts of the city as well due to monsters rushing it from the lower floors, it was safe to say he was having quite the migraines nowadays as Rivira's leader. One of the things that would have made it better would have been the booze but even then it seemed destiny liked to give him a kick up a dark place all the while laughing at him.

And now there appeared to be some sort of natural disaster happening in the distance which was odd because this was the dungeon and not the surface world. Some of his people had also gone missing too while exploring in the forests. More and more work was just being added on to his plate and he hadn't even fully woken up yet.

Well, Rivira was his jurisdiction. Whatever was happening elsewhere was not his concern but he dearly prayed to the heavens that whatever was going on over there did not reach the city. That would be another kind of nightmare. He really didn't want to have to spend more money than they could already spare on renovating the city if the fire got to it.


However, right in the middle of the 'natural disaster', there was another scene altogether playing itself out. Lyze called out to the spirits inside of Excalibur and they welcomed him back in return. Whether he discarded them or not, it was their duty as his predecessors to always be there for him when he called for them.

For the sword had chosen him as their rightful master.

Lyze smiled as he felt his swordplay straighten itself out again as the familiar weight and rhythm of Libur flowed back into him and the graceful dance of his usual style began to show in his fighting once again. But even so, he was doing very bad against Ottar. Not that it wasn't expected but even Lyze was starting to despair a little.

If one were to describe the scene, they would say that all they were seeing was a small black blur dashing around the giant man, accompanied each time he moved in with the glint of a sword slash. But Ottar, even though he was standing still and unmoved did not seem concerned at all as his own arm seemed to blitz from one position to another, countering the small shikomizue with his giant greatsword, as if his weapon did not weigh anything whatsoever.

Lyze pressed on though, dancing from foot to foot while expertly deflecting each of Ottar's counters' The Boaz's seemingly lazy strikes still held enough power and weight to them that threatened to snap Lyze's knees whenever he took it head on. So as he bounced from each foot, he used Libur to guide that weight away from his body, and then use that momentum to swing Libur around for a counter of his own.

But he could see Ottar's eyes easily follow the small blade when ever he did so. The ground around them was littered with smoking craters as Lyze fired off multiple elemental spells that didn't seem to even faze Ottar.

At one point Ottar decided to put more power into one of his strikes and with a massive sweep struck Lyze with the sharp edge of his sword. Lyze blocked with Libur and tried to hold on but his defence crumbled under the superior strength of the older adventurer instantly. Ottar's weapon slid along Libur's edge and hit Lyze square in chest.

Thanks to the golden chainmail which seemed to possess unbreakable qualities, Ottar's attack did not cut through Lyze's skin but the boy was sure he had a few shattered ribs. The force of the blow swept Lyze of his feet and sent him flying through the air towards the treeline. He gritted his teeth and swung Libur around before doing a slashing motion.

'Time to take a page out of Diane's book.'

"Double Hammer!"

Two giant fists made of rock appeared on either side of Ottar and the Boaz was momentarily taken by surprise as they both punched at him simultaneously. He caught them in his own fists, his arms outstretched as he fought against the earthen attack. His eyes widened a little at how his arms wobbled in fighting back against the two constructs.

"You really do have strange magic, Lyze." He commented.

Lyze seized the moment and backflipped to pull his body to the ground. He landed on his feet but the force of Ottar's attack persisted to push him backwards, his heels digging ruts in the ground as he spat out some more blood. Pointing Libur right at the Boaz caught between the two rock fists, he invoked another technique.

"Thunderclap Strike!"

An aura of Lightning Magic covered Libur before extending to Lyze, making them both a bright focus of lightning magic as Lyze's body shot off towards Ottar at blinding speeds. Arcs of lightning licked the end of Libur's point as it levelled itself straight towards Ottar's midsection, clearly aimed to skewer the man.

Ottar displayed a superior level of strength again as he merely clenched his fists, shattering the stone constructs before lifting his greatsword and using the flat side to block Libur. The force behind Lyze's attack finally succeeded in pushing the Boaz backwards as the two sent skidding through the burnt wasteland Lyze had created, eventually breaking the treeline.

Lyze placed his feet on Ottar's chest and vaulted off, flipping before flying upwards in the air and stretching his hands out like Ottar did earlier. Clenching his fists, two trees were telekinetically ripped out of the ground and smashed into the Boaz sandwiching him between their trunks.

Or so Lyze had thought. For when the trees fell down, he found that Ottar's shape had been imprinted into them while no damage at all had been dealt to the target. Ottar grabbed one of the branches and swung the felled tree back at him. Lyze slashed the tree into several pieces instantly. But the destruction of the tree revealed Ottar upon him with an outstretched fist.

Ottar landed a devastating gut punch that made Lyze feel as if his intestines had been shredded apart by the force of the blow, and his body went bouncing along the ground, Libur clattering away somewhere as Lyze forced himself into a seating position, clutching his stomach tightly as he tried not to barf. Because he sure that whatever would come up was definitely not sick.

Ottar slowly walked towards holding the greatsword. The other still remained sheath on his back. Ottar nodded a little as his intimidating frame came closer and closer to the boy.

"You truly are a formidable fighter for your level, boy." Ottar said as he spun his weapon around. "That attack would have easily killed a level 3, no doubt. In fact it greatly reminded me of that special power your other prodigal member has. Ais, was it not?"

"How would you know about her Ariel?" Lyze choked out confused. Ottar did not answer but merely stare at him. Lyze realized the answer from that silence alone. "I see. So Freya has also been stalking Ais, is that right?"

Ottar narrowed his eyes before spinning his weapon in his palm and then transitioned that display into another sweeping attack that aimed for Lyze unprotected side. Lyze quickly pulled out Cupid from his belt and blocked the oncoming sword. Lyze was dragged across the ground in a full circle by the force of the attack as he held on. Ottar narrowed his eyes at him further as he saw the dagger.

While being dragged Lyze noticed that they were coming upon Libur's resting place. He snatched up his main weapon and used Cupid to guide Ottars attack over his head before he dived out of Ottar's reach. Ottar straightened his back from the crouch he had to do in order to reach Lyze and turned to face the boy fully.

The two stared each other down before Lyze sheathed Libur and Cupid in their places and ran straight for Ottar. Ottar raised a brow at what Lyze was doing but didn't hesitate to swing again a little faster this time. Lyze bent his back as the sword passed over him, shaving a bit of skin off his nose as he dived through Ottar's legs and got behind the man.

There he saw on Ottar's back a set of chains that acted as holders for his swords. Flying upwards, he grabbed the chains and proceeded to lift the Boaz off the ground and higher into the air. Upwards they travelled towards the ceiling as Ottar flailed momentarily.

This was not a situation he'd been in before as none of his non-monster opponents had ever been able to fly. And as Lyze was too small, it was difficult for him to swing his sword backwards accurately enough to hit the boy. Lyze was definitely not as strong as Ottar but he was strong enough to easily handle Ottar's bodyweight with one hand.

"You have an advantage on the ground, but you can't do much in the air!" Lyze shouted as he flung the Boaz towards the ceiling. Ottar turned in the air as his body flew upwards, facing Lyze with a surprised expression as he wondered what the boy would do next. Ottar's body came closer and closer to the crystal ceiling.

"You can't dodge mid-air." Lyze said as he placed his palms opposite each other. A blue fireball appeared in hands which became bigger as Lyze pumped more and more Mind into it. Lyze than pointed his palms towards Ottar as he aimed it at the level 6. A magical circle appeared behind the fireball.

Lyze did not like Riveria's study group but even in that lesson he'd been able to take something away. Although elves dealt a lot in magical circles, they themselves didn't understand the circles fully as they contained sigils and hieroglyphs which was the language of the gods.

And that was where another of Chaos's gifts to Lyze came into play. Lyze could understand any written language he saw. Which was why he recognised that the bulk of the gods' language was really just Japanese characters either flipped backwards or turned upside down. As such, he knew the meaning behind them and exactly what to put in his own magical circles. Who would have guessed?

When he said he had no need for Riveria's lessons, he wasn't lying or being childish in that instance. He literally didn't need it as all he had to do now was imagine specific Japanese characters in his magical circles and he would form the spell he wished.

This magical circle in particular was a cannon spell. The circle acted as the cannon and the fireball was the cannon ball. A loud bang resounded through the eighteenth floor as the giant blue fireball was fired directly at Ottar. The boar man found himself engulfed by the blue flames as they rushed him towards the crystal ceiling where they impacted and created a bright explosion that could be seen by everyone that inhabited the 18th floor.

Showers of broken crystals rained down from the point of impact as the floor lost some of the daylight glow and residents in Rivira looked up in worry at the destruction happening overhead. They focused on the upside-down mushroom cloud that had formed on the ceiling.

Lyze stared for a few moments at the smoke cloud with his hand on Libur's hilt, not believing for a second that the attack had incapacitated Ottar. And sure enough he was right, as the smoke cloud burst apart revealing a comet resembling Ottar shooting straight at him with an outstretched sword. The only sign of damage on him was that some locks of his hair had been burnt.

Lyze lifted Libur just in time as Ottar crashed into him. Lyze's defence was again obliterated as Ottar momentarily used his full strength, striking him so hard, Libur's superior sharpness forced the holy sword to cut and lodge itself into Ottar's weapon, effectively locking them and the two adventurers together.

They were approaching the ground too fast for Lyze to flip their positions, so he remained underneath as they both impacted the forest floor, creating a massive crater and a large shockwave that uprooted hundreds of trees around. The entire eighteenth floor shook like an earthquake had hit it as another and much larger mushroom cloud formed above the crater.


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