
Chaos has come to Orario (A Seven Deadly Sins X Danmachi SI story)

This is a tale of ancient times, a time before the human and non-human races were forever divided. An era of power and glory, the 'Days of the Dungeon'. A legend so old and mythical, it has been lost in the flow of time. During this age, greater beings descended upon the lower realms to find entertainment. They roamed the surface of the Mortal Realm, bestowing blessings upon whom they pleased, which gave those fortunate few the chance to transcend the limits of their flesh, and taste the experience of an existence beyond what they could conceive. These greater beings called themselves 'Gods', and their children whom they bestowed their blessings upon were called 'adventurers'. These brave mortals strove to become something greater than the rest of their kin, by facing the trials of the treacherous and ever perilous Dungeon. And in the centuries that followed, many found glory where others found only their demise. But there was 'one' adventurer, who sought something that even the so-called gods could not imagine. A mortal boy who fought for what he stood for to the end, and achieved something beyond anything that anyone of that world could dream of. A child that faced the greatest of tribulations, and came out above all who had preceded him. And he was known...as the King of Chaos. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my Patreon: Patreon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime y Cómics
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146 Chs

An awkward moment with Ais

A.N. I have gotten rid of Libur as you all wanted. Now Excalibur has returned in its full glory. I told you to have faith in me.

Also, after three months I decided to just leave it up to the patrons to decide and they have spoken.

This story will be a harem one although I don't intend to bring that around anytime soon. Ais will be his first and even that is something I have not planned to start until a very long way away, when they're older. As for the candidates, well that is debateable at this moment.

Very few people in this story are beyond love.


(Lyze POV)

I connected a clean punch to Bara's face with a sound that echoed throughout the training area. The older woman was sent flipping head over heels as her body smashed into the wall, creating spider cracks around the human shaped hole she made.

I pulled back my fist and crouched into a stance, having learnt by now to never drop my guard. I was completely bare save for a pair of trousers to preserve my dignity while I engaged the Amazon in a bare-knuckle fight. After a couple more strict instructions on keeping my true nature hidden (as well as a few warnings of the consequences to come if I ever said anything about her chest again which I completely ignored), Loki left my room to presumably go and speak with the executives.

Shortly thereafter the healer had come by and had been completely astonished at the fact I was basically back in peak condition in so little time. I was discharged from medical much to his chagrin and the moment I got out of bed, I sniffed around for Bara and asked for a spar.

It wasn't the first time we'd done this. Ever since the first time she'd got the jump on me, we'd had a few friendly scuffles here and there as I got a chance to keep my martial arts polished while she basically had a punching bag that didn't run from her whenever she needed to let off a little steam. And usually that meant me getting my ass kicked until she was satisfied.

Now though...

Bara climbed out of the wall holding her jaw. She tensed for a bit as she moved it awkwardly and I heard it click back into place.

"Damn, kid." She said, half ginning and half wincing. "That's quite a punch you got there. Much better than those sissy little love taps you used to give before. What happened to you that you improved like that in a few days?"

Only the top three and Loki knew about my battle with Ottar. The rest had no clue, and because the entire Familia was pretty much used to me coming home in a banged up state, they just assumed I went on another death mission. They were quite aware though of how fast I was growing, hence why some had gone to see if they could tempt fate a little.

Of course Riveria would give all of those who did that a good dressing down, me included. The reason why I grew stronger while they didn't was because I didn't listen. Well I supposed that one method wouldn't work for everyone anyway. Surprisingly, the only one who hadn't attempted anything like that was Ais.

Which was an obvious shock as I expected her to be the first one to copy my example with how obsessed she was at gaining strength. Perhaps she hadn't done so as not long before I joined, she went down to the 12th floor to fight an Infant Dragon I believe. While she killed a Wyvern down there, I doubt Riveria would still have been all too pleased about the situation.

Still, perhaps it was best not to raise any flags just in case the little air-head did decide to try something.

"I just went and fought another monster that nearly killed me again." I said. "You should read about it soon enough."

"Oh, yes. That new monster type you found in the safe zone. I was wondering how strong a beast it is. Got to be something if it was able to make little Shakti bring you home in that state."

Loki had apparently seen my fight with Claw when she did a status update on me. As such it was expected of me to go to the guild and fill out a report on the new monster. Those that didn't know of what truly happened that day assumed it was the new monster that nearly killed me.

I could understand the reasoning behind the executives pushing that notion though. If Ottar's fight with me came to light, it wouldn't be a good thing as a whole. For starters, he would be seen as just another person come to test the prowess of the newest and probably greatest record breaker in history. I had been challenged a few times by adventurers in the dungeon on that front and word had probably spread about those instances now as I'd pretty much wiped the floor with all of them.

None of them were first class adventurers though. It would immediately put an even bigger spotlight on me and it could tempt others to do the same even if my defeat at his hands was obvious. There was also the chance it could stir up conflict in my Familia as well. Most of the people I'd met here were nice but I had encountered a few jealous individuals. The strongest adventurer in Orario himself paying attention to me would be the icing on the cake for that lot and would also probably create more sore losers.

Not to mention how nosy people would become. In a medieval world, gossip took the place of modern entertainment as something people enjoyed doing most...apart from the stuff they got up to at night of course. My fame had probably peaked at this point as people recognised me whenever I was out on the streets.

The influence of the Loki Familia was no joke.

Plus it could also cause the public to bolster tensions between our two Familia as we were known as rivals for the top place. Freya held that title but she was continuously fighting back against Loki to keep her seat. And with Loki having already gained amazing talent in the form of Ais and I, I was certain that a few people were beginning to lean towards Loki's favour a little.

I tell you one thing. Even if these people were not as advanced as those of Earth, they definitely took the care to use their heads more.

"I think we should end it here then." Bara said. "You've got to go to the guild and take care of that business. I enjoyed this spar though."

"Will it count as my win then?"

"Hell no." She smirked. "It can only be considered a win if you beat me to the point where I can't even stand up anymore. That's a victory."

"How about I do that now then?"

"Forget it kid." She waved me off. "I can tell you're tired. So just hurry along before I put you back in that bed." She wasn't wrong. I was really tired, but I knew I'd done a lot better against her this time. She only confirmed it. "You've gotten stronger Lyze. Wayyyy stronger. It's scary to see how fast you're growing."

"Well my stats are mostly in S rank now." I said as dusted my clothes. Her eyes widened.

"Seriously? Already? Then have you levelled up?"

"No. I'm going to wait a bit before I do, see if I can bump them up more. If I find that I can't, then I'll level up."

"Wow." She breathed. "That means you're practically a level 3 already."

"I suppose." I shrugged. I mean, I could definitely kill a level 3 for sure. I'd already beaten a couple even before my dungeon run three days ago.

"That confirms it." She nodded. "You're a little monster alright. One that's way too eager to sharpen his claws."

"It is what it is." I waved her goodbye as I left to go back to my room for a change of clothes.

On my way there, I bumped into Ais who was geared up to go to the dungeon. In all honesty, it looked more adorable than anything else but one should never underestimate how much of a little terror she could become when she fought. Especially her Ariel, that magic had quite a sting to it. Still couldn't defeat me though.

By her side hung a sword I recognized immediately.

"Hey Ais." I said to her as she perked up. She always seemed to do that whenever I spoke to her for some reason. Nobody else. "That's a great sword you got there. Is it new?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "They commissioned it for me from the Goibniu Familia. It has the Durandal property too." She unsheathed it and waved it about a little. "Pretty nice, right?"

"It sure is." I never knew quite when Desperate had been given to her. She'd taken Alfia and Delphyne on in Memoria Freese with it, but I never could pinpoint when exactly it had been given to her. For one thing, to give a Durandal weapon to a level 2 was quite opulent if you thought about it. But then again Loki was very invested in Ais's future so she made sure to get special things for her.

I'd have to be on the look-out for anything Loki might try to force on me. I didn't believe Loki would become more perverse with me over the years as she was with Ais in canon, but I gave the redhead enough of a reason to exact revenge on me. Hence why I often found her at the centre of pranks directed at me along with Aki. With how much Loki bragged about me, I was either tied with Ais at being her favourite or I was just simply her favourite now.

"It's not as impressive as my new sword though." I said and she looked at me in shock. Then she pouted.

"That's not nice."

"It's true." I said to her as I pulled out Excalibur from my hammer-space. In its true glory, the double bladed sword shone even brighter than it had when it was Libur. Furthermore, it was definitely a lot better looking.

"Wow!" Ais's eyes sparkled as she momentarily forgot her own weapon. "It's so beautiful. Where did you get it?"

"I've always had it." I replied. "And like I said, it's still better than yours."

"Spar with me and we'll see." She said in a cute annoyance.

"Later. I have to go to the guild to sort a few things out. I won't be able to play until I've come back."

"Fine." She said as she sheathed Desperate again. Something was telling me though that this still was not the time she was supposed to have acquired it...I also didn't like the name much either. I threw Excalibur back where it belonged.

"I'll see you later then." I said. I made to move past her but she surprised me by hugging me. This time it was a lot more awkward than the one in the market because I was bare chested and probably smelling a little from my spar with Bara. "Ais, are you okay?"

She held me for a few more seconds before she whispered, "I'm glad you're okay." She released me, bowed a little before scurrying off.

I frowned in confusion as my stomach churned a little in an odd manner. It was felt like it was flipping around a little bit and my heart started to pound faster. I was a little confused.

"What's wrong with me?"


(General POV)

Ais hurried down the stairs and stood by them as she panted a little. She hadn't known what had come over her, but on an impulse she'd embraced him. And it had felt like the right thing to do.

She'd been worried for him ever since he started doing death runs in the dungeon and coming back home half dead all the time. This time around had been the worst by far and she'd worriedly spent every night with him out of the fear his breathing would stop.

There was of course that time a few nights ago where he'd been a little bit mean to her. She'd been hurt for sure, but then immensely happy when he apologised and clearly did his best to cheer her up and make amends.

Ais didn't understand the way she was feeling. When the Ganesha Familia had brought him home nearly lifeless, her heart had jumped in her throat and she'd even stopped going to the dungeon in her worry. It brought her immense relief when he woke up.

For some reason her thoughts had been centred on him for a long time. Her fascination with him grew at the same rate his strength did and she always felt happier when he was around. Something about him set him apart from everyone else in her eyes and she couldn't figure out what.

She blinked a little as she realised a strand of her hair was damp. Lifting her hand to her face, she realised the left side of her face was actually damp entirely. A moment later she realised why. It was the side of her face that had pressed against his chest when she hugged him.

And he'd been sweating from his spar with Bara.

Ais blushed a little as she wiped some of the dampness of her face and sniffed it. An odd odour came off of it that seemed like something that she should have been disgusted of yet for some reason it made her feel tingly.

She definitely needed to ask Riveria about this.


(Lyze POV)

I wrapped my cloak a little tighter around me as a chilly breeze blew through the streets. The sky was dull and filled with clouds. What bits of the sky could be seen through them was not blue but white in colour. It looked like the winter had finally come in.

Suddenly something began bugging me, like I was forgetting something important. It always happened whenever my subconscious knew I was forgetting something important yet the part of my brain that I used couldn't decipher what. It was frustrating to no end.

I was so distracted by my annoyance that I only picked up on 'Thread' sending out a warning to me when it was too late, and I collided with someone that had just emerged from the alley I was passing.

Clearly female from the gasp they gave, I ignored whatever fell out of her hands and grabbed them, unfortunately by the waist and pulled them close to me. My brain was telling me to do this so they would not soil their clothes if they fell on the ground.

From both this life and my past one, I'd learnt that when females in general got their clothes dirty because of you, the fuss they would kick up was a nightmare and a pain to deal with. Hence why I instinctively pulled them by the waist to make sure that there was absolutely no chance of them falling on the muddy ground.

We stayed there for a couple of seconds before I registered a blushing face close to mine and locks of deep silver-grey hair falling down between us. Eyes of the same colour stared back at me shyly as I realised I bumped into a familiar face while also knocking a laundry basket from their arms.

"H-h-hey Lyze. It's been a while." Syr stammered a little as she gazed at me, flustered with how I was holding her.



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