


She walked under the rain with her boots padding softly on the ground. Shivering, she made her way to a luxurious house and without knocking she entered the house. Nobody saw her because all the servants were busy. She continued to walk to a certain room but stopped when she heard voices. "No I promise to be easy on you" whispered the male voice. "I know and I won't stop you" the female voice replied back.

The girl knowing what was going to happen got hold of the door knob and pushed it open with trembling hands. The scene there made her face turn pale. Mindy saw her boyfriend standing half naked with a girl in his arms. The girl was none other than Rose her best friend. Jordan who was surprised asked "Wh-what are you doing here babe?"

With trembling lips Mindy replied "I came here because it was raining and your house was near so I came here hoping to surprise you but I didn't know that I'll be the one to receive a surprise". Jordan walked towards Mindy whiles saying "It's not what you thi-" He was cut off by Mindy's angry voice "Shut up Jordan you and I both know what's happening here".

Her voice broke as she continued "I didn't know that you'll ever do this to me Jordan and even you Rose all I did was to love you both but what did I get in return? Betrayal I got betrayed by my boyfriend and best friend." Tears stung in her house but she refused to cry in front of them. I guess I was a fool back then.

Rose panicked and said "No wait we can explain I just got here by accident we weren't really planning to do anything". Mindy scoffed"Ha! accident. And you you want me to believe you? No and I guess our friendship is over now". She looked over at Jordan and said "And you also it's over between us I wish that I don't cross paths with you in my entire life again goodbye". And with that Mindy ran out of the room.

Jordan was calling out to her but she didn't even bother to turn. She reached home looking disheveled and heartbroken. That night she bawled her eyes out till she couldn't anymore. Determined to not let someone unworthy of her crash her life, she transformed into a whole new person.