

Its amazing with lot of wonders so without delay let's get into it

Fabulous_Beauty · Acción
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12 Chs

chapter 8


Anika said "Aoran! What are you doing at this hour? that too in my room, which you never stepped in since we were kids." Her eyes were wide open.

I was shocked that will be understandable, How could a brother not enter her own sisters room. I nudged her with my elbow so that she can be quit, but what he said was unbelievable. "Erina! you are coming with me." leaving no place for argument, and his face expression was like he was damn worried but was trying to mask it and he failed miserably.

First how does he know my name? Second he can not command me anything, and third how can I even go with a guy who is no where related to me. I instantly said "no!" that too loudly. He narrowed his face and was about to take a step, Anika said " she is not going any where with you get the hell out of this room."

He shouted back " you stay out of this mess, your friend over here is not as good as she seems, if she was good he would not be wanting her so damn badly that he fuck n threaten my family."

"Oh wow since when you care you have family, last time I checked you never even gave a damn you had a sister, flip leave me aside, just a week ago mom and dad were complaining you never even called for past three months." His face held pain " what ever I do, I have my reason, so just shut up Anika."

I found myself asking " who wants me?" the voice was low that I could hardly hear my self but surprisingly he heard it.

I knew the answer to who wants me but I was hoping is some one else, It was really hard not to know because of his intense gaze and dominating aura, his eyes said so many unspoken words and were ready to expose all the lie that me and Anika created. It can not be any one but Danish, as I hoped it could be any one but him. But did ever my hope come reality, no!

He uttered it so calmly "Danish" and there come a storm in my life without it being invited.

"Why?" I asked.

He nodded his head indicating he does not know, "where are you going to take me if I agree to go with you" I knew it I was jumping in a dungeon but I could not be so selfish and let the harm come on Anika's family. Since I have known them they were always good to me.

Anika jumped in before he could even answer "you are not going anywhere?" she glared at her brother and told him "what could a selfless soul like her do harm to anyone. If you can not recognize good and bad in people that is not my problem, all I know Erina is not going with you any where and if you force her I am calling mom and dad."

She had such a disgusted look on her face for her brothers deed. Anika in her place was right she wanted to help me but Aoran in his place was also right he could not put his entire family in danger for a stranger and that too I was a criminal for him.

He ignored his sister and said " he has booked you a room in his hotel" when he said room he had such a nauseate look which sicken me to my core just hearing him say room. He carried on saying "the room is luxurious and ravishingly amazing, you will have lot of fun, he was uttering those words as if he was forced to say it and his eyes focused on every movement trying to figure out something which my mind is not comprehending.

Why are you describing as if I am a gold-digger or a whore ?

"I thought you are one."


Now he is sitting on the couch in Anikas room, his eyes agreeing with what his mouth just uttered. "I am not any of those which your eyes and words are accusing me of, I am a women of dignity and honor, I have respect Aoran, I will not stoop myself so low for petty things of the world and your eyes will not get satisfaction of what its searching for because I am no way near it."

"If we are done with this mess can we go?"

I really never knew what to do, if I will go it will be easier for all of them and they is nothing I will loose and if I stay every one might get killed "okay, lets go." automatically this words flew from my mouth and Aoran face went in shock then a small smile appeared.

"I am also coming" they was finality in her voice leaving no argument for me. "no you are not going anywhereAnika" Aoran stood up abruptly and said it.

"You are no one to decide, I am not leaving her alone."

Aoran said "fine, lets go" and he was about to say something else and his phone interrupted us, he said "don't make me wait a for long I am in the garage."

Anika took bag pack and shoved little staff as I did mine, I was really not fond of Anika giving me a company but was happy that I will not be alone. We went to the garage and he was in the car, we both sat at the back.

They was silent in the car we all were in our thought until Aoran said " why did you lie to him about your name?" "I don't know, just thought it was the right thing to do."

"Do you even know who is he" "Danish Guarand some guy from Vencia who is bad" Aoran started laughing "it clearly seems like you don't know him, he is not bad but very very bad, no one crosses his path without paying any price. and here you are dear you lied to him."

Anika said "shut up! I am thirsty pass me the water." He gave her the water I also drank. After a while my head started to spin and I fainted but before that I heard Anika saying "what did you put in the water"

I heard very low voice saying " I am sorry Erina" and all went blank.

Thanks my lovely reader for giving this book a try and being patience, please vote and leave comments till then love you all....