
Changing Bodies And Gaining Powers

Mordecai Sadniss, a poverty-stricken twenty-something-year-old, is killed by accident in a game world called Valhalla, even after living his entire life in misery as an E-Ranked Hunter. The weakest class of hunters. But luckily for him, death is not the end when he is given another chance at life. And to boot, he is given a new power, that defies and transcends the possibilities of being a hunter. He is given the ability to change his body, and then gain the powers of said body. With this new power, he will live out his new life to the fullest, and make his way to being the top hunter in Valhalla. But things don't go quite as planned when Mordecai discovers secrets that keep Valhalla in place, and when he uncovers these secrets he will also attract the attention of one who seeks to destroy Valhalla. With Valhalla and his life at risk, will Mordecai ever get to live out the life of luxury he always dreamt of?

Ecoist_Stories · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Chapter 10: The Beautiful A-Rank

After the rumble settles down, and the roof is no longer in existence, the Sheriff and the rest of the hunters scout the debris.

"Yo Sheriff, guess who I found?" A hunter yells, when his eyes fall onto a Mordecai, whom is under a pile of debris.

"Haha, bastard's still alive eh?" Another hunter says.

"Bring him over here!" The Sheriff yells and makes for the statue.

They do as told and reconvene near the statue, where they shove Mordecai against.

Mordecai covered in blood, starts to wheeze and pant.

"You piece of sh*t still alive huh?" The Sheriff says, bending to Mordecai's eye level.

"What do we do Sheriff?"

"What do we do?" He strokes his chin, then his eyes meets that of the statue. "We do what we wanted to do from the beginning." He produces a knife from his inventory.

Which makes his men excited.

"Let's finish this."

"Let's do this."

"By the throat."

The Sheriff stretches the knife towards Mordecai.

Whom just now stares the Sheriff straight in the eyes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Mordecai says, rage fueling his gaze, which somehow intimidates the Sheriff.

The Sheriff remembers he is in control, and then smiles.

"Oh yeah, why not?"

"Because, I have a trump up my sleeves that will insta kill all three of you at once, so if you know what's good for you, you'll let me go."

His words further instills fear into them.

Especially as he has surprised them more than once already, they start to contemplate what else could be up his sleeve truly.

"Um, Sheriff, you think..."

"He's bluffing." The Sheriff says.

"Do you really want to find out? You've already seen everything I've done so far, do you think that is the extent of all my abilities?" He doesn't once break eye contact with the Sheriff.

Which leaves them uneasy.

"Hey Sheriff, maybe we should..."

"Stop being such a wuss, he's bluffing."

"Do you really want to find out?" Mordecai asks, pushing his head forward till the knife cuts into him slightly.

The three hunters behind the Sheriff start to back off.

"Try me." The Sheriff says, determined.

Mordecai stares into his eyes, with intent and anger.

"Fine then, don't say I didn't warn you."

He smiles, then he kicks the Sheriff in the nuts.

"Ohhhh!" The Sheriff screams, Mordecai jumps and hops away, using this opportunity to escape.

And the three hunters behind the Sheriff just watch, wondering when Mordecai will use the trump card up his sleeve.

"You idiots, get him!" The Sheriff yells, while holding onto his balls.

"Oh, right."

They race towards Mordecai, and overtake him in an instant.

"No please, let me go. Help, someone help me!" Mordecai cries out.

"Wow, this guy is pathetic."

"Can't believe I fell for his tricks."

"Please someone, HELP ME!"

"Will you shut it, there ain't no one for miles, no one's gonna..."


Before their very eyes, lightning and electricity explodes and implodes in front of them.

And what forms when the electricity dies down is a woman.

Her long hair catches the wind as the sun shines off her brown skin.

Her body is a perfect sculpture carved by the hands of Gods himself, and her face, which she raises to meet their gaze, is nothing if not absolutely beautiful.

Mordecai in an instant knows who this woman is, and he forgets what his situation is, and begins to drool for her.

"What the..."

"Is that?"

"Maldrid Mericue, yup that's me." She smiles, then in the blink of an eye, she knocks the three hunters holding Mordecai down, then she turns her sights to the Sheriff, who dashes towards her, energy exuding off of him.

He rams his fist towards her, but *BOOM* a shockwave explodes in all direction when she catches his punch in her hands with no effort whatsoever.

Maldrid Mericue, one of the most powerful and famous hunters in the world.

She is an A-Rank, with two Clodics at once.

The first being Teleportation to any location in the world, and the second being mass mind manipulation.

Each Clodic locked at S-Rank.

Mordecai has had a crush on this woman throughout his past life, and now, somehow, she is in front of him.

She squeezes the Sheriff's hand, which makes him scream and crumble to his knees.

Then, she sends him hurling backwards with a single light flick of her leg.

After which she cleans out her hands, and turns to Mordecai with a smile.

"I'm sure you already know who I am." She says, but Mordecai is unable to say anything.

"You must be Wondering why and or how I am here right?" She asks, but Mordecai still is at a loss for words.

"Well, funny enough I lost a bet with a friend, so I ended up taking her duty as scout. And as I was flying over on my winged beast, when I heard some poor lady crying for help, so I came in right away." She scans the area from right to left. "You don't happen to know where this lady is do you?" She asks Mordecai, whom is still frozen.

It then strikes Maldrid that something about this man is off, she had thought he was just mesmerized by her presence, but it would something else is going on.

"Are you okay?" She finally enquires.

"I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you." Mordecai blurts out at once.

She is beyond flustered at this point, but she smiles.

"Well, thank you actually but..."

"I have a proposition for you." Mordecai says, then he walks up to her, and whispers into her ears. "No joke, my Clodic is called Bigballs, I'm sure it's self explanatory, so, if you would like, both of us can..."

*WAM* Mordecai is sent crashing through a wall by Maldrid's punch.

[Damage Received - 50]

[HP: 0/10]

[Heart Rate Failing]

[20s Until Imminent Death]