
Is my family normal ?

Mid autumn when the leafs just touched the ground we all usually leave for the Lake District dad, sister, mum and I so much for the old times of my childhood.

"So for the hell to begin". I was oblivious to what was about to accrue in the next couple of hours I'm still surprise to this moment how time can mess with people so much. Anyway back to the main point , insisting for use to get on the mini bus my father had recently purchased to make long journeys in like he used to. He was rather insistent to start up our old traditions of going to the cabin in the Lake District again like we did once every year but the question still stands in my head at least why now when we haven't been there since mom die 3 years ago?

Even so every time I try to talk to father or confront him with these questions my older sister gets needy for his attention at that exact moment. To be honest shouldn't I be the needy one I am the youngest out of this family but act the oldest , I swear the roles in this family are messed up. My sister Emily intervenes in a lot of conversations that don't involve her or even consist of her in any way as she likes to be the centre of attention at all times. But most of all getting home was the worst part we all had to head up stairs to begin the packing for the last minute arrangement. My things weren't to difficult to pack but my sister on the other hand was a completely different problem I had to move int to a complete different room entirely as she was having many tantrums on what to take with us. She's the elder sister she should know better than to act so childish it's also wishful thinking in this family for her to change her ways. "God I wish mum was still alive" I mentally and physically need her right now but all I have left of her is this silver wolf medallion, that my sister keeps trying to steal from me obviously fails each time and not just that it was left to me in mothers last written will so either way she can't have it.

Finally finished the tedious packing dad loaded up the mini bus while me and my sister ensured all of the house was locked up from the inside be before getting ourselves onto the bus. Just to avoid arguments I sat at the very back near all the luggage , head phones in phone on and YouTube open my natural long journey routine. While my sister claimed the front seat next to dad talking his ear off majority of the time. And to be honest I couldn't be bothered to be arguing with her about such petty things about who sits where in the mini bus , it's big enough for eight people when there's only three in this family. Two hours in to the journey we were passing large country sides with large forest over grown and wild. My father was exhausting him self driving and talking to my sister so he decided to fill over for the rest of the evening as it was getting pretty late as well but little did we know it was dangerous to stop in this forest we had just stopped in.