
Change the face of the villain of the world of fiction.

Li Tian has stepped into the world of novels, the protagonist slaps the legendary villain in the face! However, he did not become the protagonist, but instead became a villain with a tragic fate at the end of the story.

DaoistNBaa3s · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: So Many Mistakes

Chapter 15

Bai Ming sat sloppily, beside him there was a beautiful girl like Zhu Yanting, but he didn't care about his girlfriend at all right now. He could hardly count the crimes he had committed, cheating money, deceiving, and there were mountains of other matters outside the company!

"You said it all now and I will help you deal with it."

"Don't mess with me. If it wasn't because she didn't bring me money to invest, would I still have to do this? !"


Zhu Yanting was angry in the past, how could she look at this man so optimistic?

"Sigh… Bai Ming… When I want to invest in something, I need to have a personal verification. What's more, did you know that your investment is also in the interest of Young Master Li, he's willing to invest if everything is clean. But you are really brave!"

"I… I was wrong, Young Master Zhou, Young Master Li, please have mercy."

Zhou Hongchen had arrived here, he had already lost his role. He handed over the stick to Li Tian as the other party said.

"Actually, I haven't been able to find out all of them yet, but just looking at one part of my history, my people found many mistakes that you made... borrowing money Your company owes both formal and informal debts. That amount I can't verify clearly, but it should be no less than twenty million."

" what !? "

Zhu Yanting's brain went blank for a moment, twenty million? Bai Ming's very small company was only worth three or four million, how could he borrow that much money? But seeing Bai Ming not say no to anything, her heart suddenly became cold and chills to the core.

twenty million And this company still has her name!

"Did I say it wrong?"

"Nah... not at all.. "

Good... Really good, Bai Ming. She wanted to crush this man to death, even if she was the head of a major department in the company, but having a salary of about one hundred thousand sounds might be a lot, but compared to the twenty million debt, it was still far away!

What's more, it was that all these years she had almost no savings left because of this Bai Ming. There is no way that this amount can be refunded in a short period of time.

"Can you tell me how much the exact debt is? As far as I know, the debt in the system is about five million, but the rest is part of the outside system, and there are many places too, some of which I haven't checked yet. But their interest must not be low. Fifteen percent is the interest that the Master may face or even more. Do you have their contract?"

Is that a signal? As soon as he got the money, he tore them all away. The exact amount of money, the more he didn't know!

"M...no more."

"Sir Zhou, I found this Bai Ming's financial path through our Zhou family's financial network. Three years ago, he came up with an investment loan of five million and the interest rate was fifteen percent. Up until now, this Bai Ming had not paid a single installment. Perhaps he didn't know that the one he borrowed also belonged to our Zhou family. Just one place is up to five million. I think the amount of debt twenty million may be too low."

Play big. You can use it here. Li Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's calculate for fun. You and your girlfriend are both considered educated people. I've traced their history. Your debt, if not counting the debt in the system that is still available, but the informal debt, you should know their horror. For example, the creditors that you guys owe on the Zhou family's side. But Zhou Hongchen can help?

It was a family under the Zhou family, and they had to work to earn money for you to invest. Hopefully you can use the money you can't borrow from the bank to build future builders well and then come back and pay them back. Zhou Hongchen helping you is like hurting them, do you think it deserves it?"


Is the creditor so pitiful!?

Actually, the real story is like this!?

Even Zhou Hongchen was confused by Li Tian's words!

What kind of family are they, they are just underground gangsters controlled by the Zhou family. Anyone who makes a mistake will be punished even disappearing. Where is the thought that is close like family?

"Five million on the part of the Zhou family, and there might be others. I said I only found twenty million, but all of us here knew that it was more than that. Let's just think about twenty million first. If you met a generous creditor like the Zhou family, at a fifteen percent interest rate… "

Fifteen percent is a generous interest?

Zhou Hongchen really wanted to bring his debt collectors to see Young Master Li. Those savages, when they met Young Master Li's sweet words, they might even be completely enchanted.

"Equal to the initial debt of twenty million, just using the interest alone, you will have to pay up to three million a year. Subsequently, it is two hundred and fifty thousand per month. Of course, this was just a simple idea, Zhou Hongchen had already said that you owed three years and didn't pay a single installment. At this time, the interest has compounded until it becomes a higher amount than before, but let's just say. 250,000 a month, you and two of your girlfriends can work for this salary? "

Two hundred and five? Only half of it is still difficult.

"Zhou Hongchen, how do you normally deal with the person who was wrong to pay the debt?"

"At first, I gave a warning...but if you run away again, it really can't be helped. If you don't take action, these debtors will always evade you. Violence is the best reminder, and if it really doesn't come together then... "

Zhou Hongchen didn't say any more, but Bai Ming trembled as a yellow liquid was almost released between his legs.

"Pa...you two are willing to spend so much time with him, so you already have ideas, right?"

Zhu Yanting had listened to it from the beginning, his head hurt until he was exhausted. But she is really inevitable. This company's debt still has her name.

"Of course there is Bai Ming, go talk to Zhou Hongchen."

"Follow me!"

Bai Ming left with Zhou Hongchen in the room, leaving only Li Tian and Zhu Yanting.

"You are Young Master Li… a future fiancé of the President."

"Why do you think she would rely on Liu Mengyuan's relationship as a company employee to resolve this situation?"

" nothing "

Zhu Yanting, she wasn't stupid, what she said just now was just defensive. In her body that was worth a bargain with this young man was only her body, nothing else.

Li Tian moved to sit next to Zhu Yanting, stretched out his arms and touched the beautiful girl's shoulder.

"Think about it... Those huge debts, you won't be able to pay them off anyway. Even if you seek help, are you sure there is someone who has that much money and is willing to help you?"

"I'll try to get it back."

As expected, when she is the heroine, it's not easy for them to agree.


A painful cry yelled from outside.

"Bai Ming!?"

"What did you guys do to him?"

„ Calm down , Zhou Hongchen just asked him whether he owed or did something else . Do you think that he only has that debt that I happened to encounter? Adultery, rape, fraud, did you know that lately he even started to look for illegal things?

"M...not true."

Just the debt of more than twenty million had already made her despair. She had almost forgotten that this was only part of Bai Ming's fault.

"Don't believe it? ... No, in fact, she already believed that she was close to him, wanted to say that she didn't know about these things or his character at all. already Come on...run, after this I'll have my people go and dig it out afterwards and see what crimes you and Bai Ming will face.

Working to pay back the debt to a talented person like her, even if it's a bit difficult, but there may be hope. But with these mistakes, even if she was better than this, it was inevitable. Don't think about that Bai Ming too much, I believe that at her house there should be a father or mother, relatives?

They would smile proudly of her having a good career. But assuming they suddenly realized that all the money she had sent back came back in some way, how would they feel? their acquaintances How will the neighbors look at your family's face?"

Li Tian's hand that was touching his shoulder continued to descend. He caressed Zhu Yanting's shoulder at first, but now slowly caressed Zhu Yanting's chest.

Shut up!

His palm strength continued to increase until it became a full palm grip. Zhu Yanting wanted to scream, but she had no sound. If she imagined everything Li Tian said, she could almost tell how much suffering her parents would be when they found out.

" Ma... It's not my fault, I didn't do it."

"If you're that confident, you can leave. And then wait and see, after searching and giving it to the police, how will they judge?

Li Tian didn't receive a notification from the system about Zhu Yanting's mind having plummeted. It wasn't that she was hard-hearted, it was Li Tian who had already learned from Xiao Ning'er's lesson. When the villain is too oppressive, the innocent heroine will choose suicide over taint.

But in the case of Zhu Yanting, this person was not. She couldn't die because Li Tian emphasized on her parents. If she died, she would admit her guilt and that would make her parents even more sad.

Allowing this heroine to have time to think as she likes Personally, Li Tian enjoyed her fragrant body, side touching, palm pressing, squeezing massage on the chest with one hand. On the other hand, he raised a glass of wine and sipped it with great taste.