
Change the face of the villain of the world of fiction.

Li Tian has stepped into the world of novels, the protagonist slaps the legendary villain in the face! However, he did not become the protagonist, but instead became a villain with a tragic fate at the end of the story.

DaoistNBaa3s · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 14 Nobody Knows You!

Chapter 14

Chen Feng was originally about to step out to help Zhu Yanting, but he suddenly saw Zhou Hongchen walking in. Not enough, there was Li Tian in front of him.

"How did he come to be here?"

It wouldn't be a problem if he saved Zhu Yanting from her boyfriend. Even if Zhou Hongchen was included, Chen Feng thought that with his current connections and strength, he could handle it. But it would be different if that Li Tian intervened.

His connections would be useless in front of this First Young Master. Let alone the provincial governors, even if they were central governments, they wouldn't even dare to do anything to the Li family. Their influence covered both executive power and political economy.

And if fighting with hands, feet, just Li Tian, he can slap one hand, but this Li Tian has many protagonists in the shadows All of them were retired soldiers with extensive killing experience.

"No... No matter what, I have to try it once!"


Li Tian didn't just pay attention to his face, he also looked at his own expression that was startled.

' You could slap a low-grade villain. But when meeting a super-villain who hasn't leveled up yet, what else can you do?'

The protagonist is usually a role that gradually grows. And the writer will not intervene the villain that is beyond the scope of the protagonist. After this, Chen Feng may have both money and the power of fighting that is more than Uncle Fu, but it is a matter of the future.

"They're lying!"

Li Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth. The bait finally ate the hook!

"Who are you?"

Zhou Hongchen had met Chen Feng once. But he couldn't remember at the party. At that time, he was interested in Li Tian for those who almost didn't have a role in the light of the small event like Chen Feng Zhou, Chen Chen.

Chen Feng felt like he was being insulted all over his face!

According to the main storyline, Zhou Hongchen and Chen Feng would be enemies now. And there was no way that Zhou Hongchen would not recognize Chen Feng.

"Is this Bai Ming your acquaintance?"

"Pa..no, I've never met him before."

Zhou Hongchen turned his gaze with Bai Ming on Zhu Yanting's body.

"I don't know him."

This shock was quite strong, Li Tian looked at the outer circle, still laughing. The protagonist must rely on the slap scene, but this slap in the face does not set the story for the protagonist, who will he slap in the face?

For a moment, the chaotic surrounding immediately calmed down because of Chen Feng. Even the employees of Zhu Yanting's department looked at Chen Feng.

"Is this person drunk?"

"It's crazy, even if you're drunk, you should have some sanity left. Didn't he see that in front of him was the owner of this bar, he was the young master of the Zhou family!"

"The Zhou Clan? One of the big families of this city, even our president is considered to be less wealthy than them."


"Call the guards outside to throw him away."

"You dare?!"

Chen Feng immediately shouted at Zhou Hongchen.

"I don't know you, all of us here don't know you. But she stood up and pointed at me and said that I was lying. For you to dare to approach me and end up being invited out without hurting yourself is indeed fortunate."

"No...he's really lying, he'll take you... "

Li Tian saw that Chen Feng was about to mention Zhu Yanting and stepped up to intervene.

"I am an outsider, not directly involved in this matter, just being friends with this Hongchen. Listen, from the beginning you said he was lying, then Zhou Hongchen, should you show this Bai Ming investment plan and his company now? Like this, everyone will understand if you're lying or not."

"Yes, I will send someone to prepare documents to clarify here."

Bai Ming's trembling hand immediately hugged Zhou Hongchen's arm. He didn't know what evidence Young Master Zhou had, but he actually had a lot of losses in business and there were quite a few illegal tactics in the company. project money scam Many others, just pick one up and make Ming shiver in the spine.

"Yes… Young Master Zhou, we can talk privately."

"Nah..this is it"

Zhu Yanting saw her boyfriend's condition like this and immediately understood. His company had a lot of projects already done and perhaps it was a scam of a lot of money.

"How could you not see that friend pointing at me? Actually, I'm not much, but in this place, there is also Young Master Li, he dares to stand up and curse like this, I have to clean up Young Master Li's reputation."

"Ah… uh… Young Master Li?"

Bai Ming broke out in cold sweat and stomped with all his heart. Young Master Li may have other people in this country, but Young Master Li, the only person who made Zhou Hongchen so submissive, is afraid that there is only one Li. He got up and turned to look at this strange Chen Feng who intervened.

"Damn it...Who the hell are you to interfere in other people's affairs!"

Bai Ming immediately got up and rushed out, throwing a punch at Chen Feng. But how could a protagonist with strength and experience from the past lose?


The punch hit Bai Ming's face until his nose bled.

"None of us knew you but you came back and attacked us. And dare to cause trouble in my bar?!"

Zhou Hongchen clapped his hands and ten burly suited guards rushed over.

"Don't fight... Your bar and your reputation will be ruined in vain. Everyone here had seen it, this man suddenly came in, accusing Zhou Hongchen, including me. And next to him, he physically attacked Bai Ming. When it is a wrongdoer, it should be wronged, Zhou Hongchen, go call the police."

"Wha...what is it?"

"I told you to call the police."

Zhou Hongchen even had to wash his ears again. The Zhou family dominates underground gangs running night bars, so much illegal stuff that the police have even targeted them as enemies.


The police station suddenly received a call.

"What...where did you say?"

"The Zhou family's bar has someone messing around. They called us to catch people."

"Catch people? Which gang is it? How many of them are there?"

"Ah... well, I'm the only one. And they haven't fought yet. Heard that the man charged forward, cursed Zhou Hongchen, and punched a customer in the shop."

"What about after that?"

"It's over... "

The police at the whole station even had to listen to it again and even call back to inquire!

Is there a drunken gangster in the Zhou family bar? But they don't have a guard? They don't have a gangster who can throw out that man's wings? When was the Zhou family such a pitiful family that they had to report it to the police?


Chen Feng's simultaneous fighting stance against ten people was exhausted!

' They actually called the police... Zhou Hongchen and Li Tian called the police oh my god!'


"What, do you still dare to point your face at someone? Be careful, children come in to manage... "

Zhou Hongchen was once pulled by the clothes on the shoulder, only to tell the guards to take a stand.

"Ahem...you're going to be dealt with by the police!"


"Chief, should we call the President for help? If you help out in front of me then."

Zhu Yanting shook her head, she didn't know the president so intimately.

"I'll handle this myself, this is my problem. I owe it to you to make the festivities a bit less fun."

"Nah...not at all, boss, if you need help call us. Zhou Hongchen and that young master Li, the two of them really seemed to respect the rules."

" Yes, but who is that street gangster? No one knew him, but he appeared?"

" Maybe because he fell in love with our leader, he wanted to act as a hero, but he didn't know the story at all."


Doing good is like the shame of a villain. Zhou Hongchen, although this thought was not clear in his heart, he still couldn't help but feel embarrassed. But let's face it, this was Master Li's order. On the other hand, Li Tian didn't care about appearances at all. Is his image very good in the eyes of people?

No, it was a thousand times worse than Zhou Hongchen. If there was a -999 level of Appearance, even if it was raised to -1000, it wouldn't make people look at him any worse since it was already very bad.

" The police will come just as we might as well continue talking there, so how is it?"

Bai Ming was startled.

"M... No... Young Master Zhou, please have mercy."

"Okay, let me tell you, it's all because I don't want to make Young Master Li lose his temper. He came to my bar and came back to your mess. Then let's go and talk."

" I'll go too... I have shares in his company as well."

Chen Feng also heard this, and a moment ago, he seemed to see the corners of Li Tian's mouth curve up.

"No...don't go with them!"

"Stop making stories already... None of us know you, moreover, how good is it that you punched Bai Ming in the face, that I didn't bother you!"

The protagonist who was insulted and blamed by the heroine... not bad

Chen Feng sat down. He could punch through these guards, but that would definitely increase his penalty.


Zhou Hongchen brought Bai Ming and Zhu Yanting into the closed room to discuss. As for this Bai Ming's guilt document, of course he didn't have any. He had never been interested in this guy from the beginning, only that the other party said there was an interesting investment proposal to discuss.

But it was because Young Master Li had planned the role for himself.

' Huh... This Bai Ming seems to know that he's not a person with any talent. But his girlfriend can use it, maybe Master Li will… '

Zhou Hongchen thought of this and saw Li Tian's hand signal.

"Go dig out this Bai Ming company's fault. I just moved to this city not long ago, if I had to do it myself I thought it would take a long time, but if it were you, it would be possible, right?"

"No problem. From this Bai Ming's expression, it shows that he has a lot of faults."

"No... just bringing up the two is not enough. People, when there are many mistakes in themselves, some of them may be forgotten. Even if you add three or four more things, he won't know."

Zhou Hongchen's eyes flashed, he felt that he had really learned a lot from Young Master Li.
