
Change the face of the villain of the world of fiction.

Li Tian has stepped into the world of novels, the protagonist slaps the legendary villain in the face! However, he did not become the protagonist, but instead became a villain with a tragic fate at the end of the story.

DaoistNBaa3s · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 13 The Third Heroine

Chapter 13

Lessons with Bao Ling lead Li Tian to need some villain points to unlock the Shop and win a lottery draw. Even if there were yang-enhancing pills that could be purchased, these fine pills would still take too long. And the word that returning to normal like a normal person was not what Li Tian wanted.

Since he is a villain, he needs to conquer the heroine. Or even so many beautiful women, it would be too embarrassing if he didn't have enough power!

"Xiao Ning'er. You shouldn't interfere with her at this time, let her rest her mind first."

"Liu Mengyuan is quite difficult to deal with. She was a heroine with a strong personality and a weak foundation like Xiao Ning'er. I should find a third heroine."

Bao Ling's school teacher was too risky. It might cause the protagonist Chen Feng to catch some attention.


Since the novel's storyline is based on Chen Feng having to run a company in order to defeat the Li family. Many of his heroines are more or less involved in business. And the heroine who was Li Tian's target now was the same.

Zhu Yanting

For the story of this heroine She was also the closest person to Liu Mengyuan and Chen Feng from the start. Speaking of, before Chen Feng had gone back in time, this Zhu Yanting had worked in Liu Mengyuan's company as a high-ranking employee.

The protagonist who has just joined the company has helped this heroine in two things. It was until Chen Feng's heart that a slight inclination appeared from that moment. For now, even though Chen Feng had turned back in time because of Liu Mengyuan, in his heart he still wanted to help this Zhu Yanting as well.

She is a woman in her thirties and has a boyfriend although she is not yet married. And of course, when the story is set like this and the protagonist is still interested in her, it's impossible for her boyfriend to be a good person!

Chen Feng will help her not to meet the fate of the future, and both of them suddenly come to love between each other. It's a simple story.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should have been around this time."


In the evening, Zhu Yanting's department held a new employee celebration. Chen Feng happened to see this scene from afar. He remembered that in the past, that new employee would be him, and Zhu Yanting would be the dealer and his caretaker for the next three years.

look at the leader's posture And like a sister, for close people, it's not strange that she easily approaches people.

"Her boyfriend will appear today and humiliate her in front of so many people. Moreover, this bar will still belong to the Zhou family!"

he decided Even if he had gone back in time for Liu Mengyuan, he would also help other people who had treated him in the past as well, and this former boss girl, Zhu Yanting, she should not be humiliated.


" celebrate ! "

Beer glasses, liquor were toasted, more than ten employees drank and sang. Dancing the most fun when working, the boss is usually strict, but when it's time to release like this, she doesn't control them at all.

"Boss…if it weren't for your frowning all the time, perhaps you would be able to compete with our president!"

" Nonsense... That's her charm and whoever said that the leader was second. Those people are only respectful of the president, in the hearts of many people, the chief is already number one!"

Zhu Yanting looked at the two employees in her department who were getting drunk.


She managed to smash their skulls one by one.

"You guys should watch your mouth if it's a gathering time like this. I don't mind, but you guys should be careful if someone tells the president... "

"That's true... Actually, many new employees came to this company first because of the president, but later that time, when the boss recruited new students, other companies immediately became lonely."

She shook her head, these people were already too drunk. But that's okay, they didn't do any harm or bother other people.

"Huh...do you have a girlfriend yet?"

"Oh... our rookie is really this powerful?"

"But it's a pity that our leader has a girlfriend. I've heard that in university they are a match that everyone around the university would be envious of!"

The new employee bowed his head in regret. But on the other hand, Zhu Yanting's face forcibly suppressed a smile.

She touched her vibrating phone and opened the message, causing her displeasure. It's that fan that everyone understands that they are the perfect match. It's like heaven in university. He really is a complete person. But after graduating, he didn't start working as a source and still clinging to her for money.

'Yan Ting, where are you... I happened to meet a young man, if we were to get to know him, many connections and a wealthy future would be waiting for us.'

'You go alone'

' Where could this young man be so young, if he had seen her beauty, many negotiations would have been easier.'

'Get off your head!'

After replying to the message, Zhu Yanting immediately turned the phone off.


In the bar, when Li Tian appeared, he was immediately invited to the second floor VIP private room. Zhou Hongchen felt so lucky that Master Li came to the bar and happened to be here at this time as well.

"Young Master Li, are you here to visit? I'll have the boy come and serve the young master."

"Just come to see something fun and I might need your help with something."

"It's not helping at all. Serving Young Master Li is my merit."

Girls gradually appeared, each of them were young women of school age. The face fills the dye appropriately until it is charming to reflect the dark.

Both of them showed delighted expressions and bowed their bodies without forgetting to show the young man a little charm on the outside of the hill. This was someone who even the owner of this place, Zhou Hongchen, had to maintain a courteous manner. There was no doubt that he was a real rich man.

Unfortunately, this level of charm was hard to shake Li Tian's heart. But he wasn't averse to embracing them for temporary enjoyment.

"I heard that you opened this bar and also managed underground gangsters… Those who harass my dog Ma Weichao."

"Ah... uh yes."

" Rest assured, just say it, I don't mind the past. Just by chance heard that there is now a secret fight in this city of underground gangsters."

Zhou Hongchen really accepted the news of the Li family. This Li Tian had just arrived, but he seemed to have already covered the city.

"It's really like that. In fact, each group of groups tend to divide the area to take care of each other, but if someone is weak, it will be a target easily. Our Zhou family is holding a gang and is thinking of a way to assimilate a nearby gang."

"Sounds interesting... If you help me this time, then how can I help you deal with your hostile underground gang?"

"Young master will help?"

Zhou Hongchen was puzzled. Even if it was the Li family, looking for news and fighting were two different things. But as for Li Tian, he really didn't want to help Zhou Hongchen. The identity behind Zhou Clan's enemy gang was a weak gang that was under attack, but that Chen Feng happened to meet and help him.

making him the big boss of that gang With the money in Chen Feng's hands plus his fighting skills, the Zhou Family's underground gang would soon be destroyed.

"You think I can't do it?"

"Nah... it's empty. But does the young man want me to help with something like that?"

"Just a little show"

Finished speaking, Li Tian's gaze towards the entrance of the bar appeared a good-looking young man, but walked in, and when he noticed a woman, he immediately became upset.


"Yan Ting, you dare not reply to my message but come back to the bar at night like this!"

The young man's roar immediately caught the attention of the surrounding people. Zhu Yanting looked at the other party, it turned out to be her boyfriend, her face whitened with fear and anger.

"Baiming...what are you doing here!?"

"What am I doing here?...I was here to talk about some important business matter, but then I accidentally caught you playing with these white-faced bastards."

" Nonsense, they are employees of the same company as me "

Her boyfriend didn't care about the explanation at all, instead choosing to move forward and hold onto Zhu Yanting's wrist tightly.

"Release the leader!"


How can a low-grade extra worker fight against a low-level villain whose name appears? Li Tian looked at the top with a smile in the corner of the high scenery, making him see the situation comprehensive and agreed that the protagonist Chen Feng is now fisting and preparing to stand up.

"Nah...why did you punch him?!"

"Well, why dare to interfere with the affairs of spouses and wives? I didn't report it to him, how good he dared to interfere with her."


Zhu Yanting was so angry that a trembling hand pointed at her boyfriend, wanting to slap him several times.

"Why..are you brave?!"

She didn't dare, but this Bai Ming definitely dared.

"Stop it...who dares to cause chaos in my bar?"

Zhou Hongchen appeared, but his appearance scene was rather strange because he wasn't walking in front of him but another young man was ahead of him.

"Yes...Sir Zhou...I am Bai Ming who will come to negotiate investment business with you."

" Mr ? "

"Yes...this is my girlfriend."

Zhou Hongchen's eyes flashed, looking at Zhu Yanting's figure and slightly disorganized clothes after she danced and ate and drank. There were also breasts and buttocks that protruded so prominently that he could hardly help but think of a steamy scene with such a woman in bed.

Unfortunately, this beautiful girl seemed to have fallen under Young Master Li's gaze!

"I have seen your plan investment documents. But I still found something more interesting, Bai Ming, you want me to say here, or are we talking in private? Of course, your girlfriend seems to have a common name in the company. relevant "

Shaking, Zhu Yanting turned to look at her boyfriend. When he graduated, he said that he would set up a company and share half of the shares to her. At that time, she thought that he had missed her, but this company didn't make even one baht, but instead pumped the silver flesh. tell

"Nah...what else did you do?"

"I… I, I don't, Young Master Zhou, there might be some misunderstanding."

"Will you misunderstand? You'll know. The important thing is whether you want to talk here or talk about it somewhere else."