
Change And die verlede

A cute girl who has just turned 23 years old with a sweet black skin her mother who is originally from East NTT, The only woman who chose to move to Bandung with her mother from 4 years ago from Kalimantan and apparently it finally healed her wounds a little

Saptaji_Fahzira · Adolescente
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16 Chs


Zei went into his room, put his bag in its original place Then slammed his body into his favorite bed

It was already 9 pm and Zei had just arrived home because earlier after returning from Gramedia he took the time to go to the cake shop first

After closing the cake shop, he and his two workers decided to have dinner first at Zei's warteg lengganan which was not far from his mother's shop.

Zei who wanted to close his eyes had to stare because of a knock on the door from outside his room

"Zeira!" calling mom from outside

"Yes ma'am come in, I won't lock it"

"Sorry, mom Zei came home a little late because I finished closing the shop, Zei Aza and Ana first ate at the warteg in front of the shop," he explained to his mother who was sitting on the edge. bed.

"Yes, honey, you already told mom"

"oh yes ma'am hehe Sorry zei forgot to tell mom" he replied with a grin

"Oya, surely you haven't prayed Isha, right?" asked the mother and was answered with a grin by Zei

"Yes, I'm already taking a shower and then Isha prayer after that sleep, if you're hungry, there's food on the table, I've cooked it"

"Thank you mom" he said and immediately rushed to hug his mother's body

After bathing in the isha prayer instead of sleeping and resting, he chose to go for a novel marathon,

there is even 1 novel left out of the four novels he bought yesterday with his two best friends

but before the novel marathon he rushed out to get some stock snacks that he had prepared

then open the application of a million people aka Whatsapp which is already filled with notifications which are none other than the group where there are only Aza and Ana but he chooses later to read it later

"Look at this! I can just edit your photo without a single thread and I'll post it on social media!" threatened the guy in front of him while gripping the girl's chin tightly forcing her to see what was on the screen of her cellphone

"Let go! You're crazy to do something as stupid and dirty as that you don't think about_" he replied as he tried to release the grip on his chin

"YOU DON'T THINK OF MY FEELINGS DIB!" he snapped while pointing at the girl in front of him who had been crying for a long time


Zei immediately woke up from his nightmare, more precisely what happened several years ago, with a frightened face full of sweat

"huft Astagfirullahalazim Astagfirullahalazim" he said while reciting istighfar several times while holding his head wrapped in a hijab

After several times of Istighfar to calm him down a bit, Zei turned to take the cellphone beside him and looked at the clock which was already 2:35.

He rushed down from the bed then left the room to take ablution water and perform the tahajjud prayer

After carrying out two harakat tahajjud prayer he then contemplates pouring out all his heart to the owner of the heart

"Ya Allah Ya Robby Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, forgive me, O Allah, for all my mistakes in the past and now,

forgive me who ever proudly flaunt my nakedness, ya rabb,

forgive me who once proudly had a boyfriend"

"Ya Allah, I know that everything that happens is by Your will, but I beg you, Ya Allah help me forget what happened in my past and forgive them in my past."

he said with tears already running down his cheeks

"Aamin Aamin, Robbal Alamin" After finishing with Amin, he then turned to the bookshelf to take the Qur'an and then read it to wait for the dawn call to prayer.

The three friends are now in the campus cafeteria even though the clock is still 11:20, they deliberately came early because they knew the lecturer wasn't late, so they had to come early considering that her sister, aka Ana, couldn't be in a hurry.

"Ha, did the lecturer give you an assignment?" asked Ana while shifting the chair so that she could sit down

"The assignment that time was about Na presentation" answered Zei

"Oh, my soul mate served it, didn't he?"

"You mean Raffy?"

"Well that knows za"

"Hadehh ana ana your hallucinations are too high"

"hey, that's still better than zei who likes fiction" while zei just laughs

"It's better fiction, which we know for sure is not real than in the real world But it's like fiction" replied zei making all three laugh

"Thank you" Zei said at the cafeteria service

Seeing so many different types of food in front of the three made Aza and Ana immediately look at each other


"Are you okay?" ask aza

It's not without reason that aza asked that, but Zei is the type of person whose mood will rise drastically when there's a problem

not only when there is a problem but also when in a bad mood, so the mood to eat will rise and it is no longer surprising by aza and ana

maybe most people will lose their appetite when they are in a bad mood or have a problem but that doesn't apply to Zeira Adiba Humayrah

"Hmm, yeah I'm fine"

"seriously" continued ana to make sure

"Yes, I'm serious, it's just that I'm annoyed with a lot of college assignments," he answered

earing that answer slightly eased their worries

"huft Alhamdulillah"

"Yes, then eat to your heart's content"

"And hopefully you can finish it all before class time," said ana teasing zei