
Champagne Girl

Louisa is a sexy adventurous lady who is bent on living her life to the fullest with her three best friends who seems to have everything a girl their age could ever wish for. But then something was missing in their lives; Love. So they set out on an adventure to find love. Other stories by the author: PULL ME CLOSER! Married To Sophistication When Love Happens

Gina_rites · Ciudad
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148 Chs

Worst Date Ever

I stood there for a moment staring at this guy my mom had set me up with. What in heavens name have I done to deserve this?

First of all, his teeth are very brown looking, and he has bits of what I suppose is the last meal he had stuck in-between them.

What about his clothes? Oh let's not even go there. His shirt had a hole around the pocket area, yeah someone else wouldn't have noticed it, but not me, I pick up every detail, especially one as such as a hole in your shirt.

I looked down to his feet, I couldn't see his trousers properly, because he was seated, but from what I can see, they looked faded, they have clearly seen better days.

He had on a weird looking tennis shoes, that looked like they haven't seen or been in water since he bought them.

"Ahemmm." Emekus cleared his throat, to draw my attention back to his face.

"I'm sorry, are you Emekus?" I asked, trying my best not to let my disapproval show on my face.