
Chainsaw man: The Gun devil

As the Gun Devil, I was consumed by a singular purpose My transformation into this relentless force of destruction brought with it a newfound power a fusion of human and firearm. I became a living arsenal

Hellopeople1222 · Cómic
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9 Chs


As I woke up in an unfamiliar world, the gentle light brushed against my eyes, momentarily blinding me. As my vision adjusted, I noticed a person standing before me, wearing a warm smile that seemed to radiate kindness.

"Look, he woke up," the person gestured excitedly to the others nearby. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation, and they seemed genuinely happy to see me awake.

I tried to say something, to ask where I was or who they were, but to my surprise, no words escaped my lips. Confusion and frustration washed over me as I realized that I couldn't speak. It was as if my voice had been stolen away, leaving me mute in this strange new world.

The person, sensing my distress, approached me with a compassionate expression. They extended their hand, a silent gesture of welcome and understanding. Though I couldn't communicate verbally, their presence provided a comforting reassurance that I wasn't alone.


Age six

I had gained a better understanding of the world. I could walk and run, albeit with a wobbly gait, allowing me to venture further from home. I would take cautious steps, holding my parents' hands, as we ventured to the nearby park or strolled through the bustling streets. Every sight, sound, and smell was a new experience, filling me with awe and excitement. The world seemed both familiar and foreign, a mosaic of sensations that captivated my young mind.my perception of the world was limited to my immediate surroundings. The medium-sized house I called home became my entire universe. I would crawl and explore every nook and cranny, fascinated by the textures and shapes that surrounded me. I wanted to see if this new world was the same as the one I had known before. However, being small and limited in my abilities, I couldn't confirm it with certainty. As a child, my perspective was limited, and there were aspects of the world that remained beyond my reach.

"KAito, come and eat," a gentle voice called out, and I turned to see my mother standing in the doorway of the dining room. Her warm smile reassured me that it was time to gather for a family meal. I quickly made my way over, eager to join them.

My mother was a picture of warmth and tenderness. Her eyes sparkled with kindness, their deep brown hue reflecting a sense of compassion and understanding. Her smile was gentle and inviting, capable of brightening even the gloomiest of days. Her hair, flowing in soft waves, framed her face with a touch of elegance. It was a chestnut brown color, cascading down her shoulders, and occasionally adorned with colorful ribbons that added a playful charm to her appearance. Her petite stature only accentuated her nurturing nature, as she exuded a comforting presence that made our house truly feel like a home.

Life on Earth was a constant struggle, filled with loneliness and devoid of the comforting embrace of a family. Each day was marked by hardship and despair, leaving little room for happiness to flourish. The weight of the world pressed upon me, and even the slightest glimmer of joy seemed to be eclipsed by the overwhelming negativity that permeated every aspect of my existence. Therefore here, I wanted to enjoy myself to the fullest.

As I approached the dining table, I couldn't help but notice my two sisters engaged in a playful quarrel. Their laughter filled the room, echoing with the familiarity of their sibling bond. It was a sight that always brought a smile to my face, a reminder of the love and camaraderie we shared as a family. Sakura was always full of energy and mischief, bringing laughter and excitement wherever she went. Her eyes sparkled with mischievousness, and her smile was infectious. She had a playful nature and loved to engage in various activities, making every moment with her an adventure.

Hana, on the other hand, exuded a sense of joy and warmth. She had a gentle demeanor and a radiant smile that could brighten anyone's day. Hana had a nurturing nature and always found ways to bring happiness to those around her. She had a deep appreciation for the beauty of life and cherished simple moments of togetherness.

Together, Sakura and Hana made our household a lively and delightful place, filling it with laughter, love, and unforgettable memories.

I took my seat beside my father, who was immersed in reading the newspaper. His presence was comforting, a pillar of strength and wisdom in our household. Though absorbed in the news of the day, he always made time for us, offering guidance and support whenever needed.

My father, despite the traces of time etched upon his face, exuded an undeniable charm and a sharp intellect.

His once youthful features were now adorned with distinguished lines and wrinkles, each telling a story of wisdom and experience. His strong jawline, now adorned with a sprinkling of salt and pepper stubble, added a touch of ruggedness to his appearance. His piercing eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep brown, sparkled with a quiet intensity, hinting at the depth of his knowledge and the sharpness of his mind.

---------------------------------------------- Timeskip


"Class ends, remember to read chapter 3 of the book."

I am 16 years old. and so I attend school, I formed new friendships and gained a growing understanding of the world around me. It was a world that seemed familiar at first glance, there was a haunting twist that set it apart from our own reality. The presence of devils, a race of supernatural entities appearing throughout the World. They are creatures that feed upon humanity's fears.

"Yo, wanna go eat with us?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. Sucking me out of my internal analogue

"Sure, as long as I don't have to pay," I replied with a playful grin, knowing the ongoing joke about Aki losing the bet.

"Nah, don't worry," he chuckled. "Aki's paying this time. He lost a bet."

I joined them, feeling a sense of belonging and friendship. As we walked to our favorite spot, laughter filled the air,

A friend raised his cup up, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Here's to Aki for paying!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with playful sarcasm. Another friend joined in, raising his own cup.

"Thanks for paying, Aki!" he said with a grin.

Aki sat there, his expression clearly showing his dissatisfaction with the situation. He seemed a bit uncomfortable being the center of attention and the subject of playful mockery. Despite the laughter and cheers around the table, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy

Laughter erupted around the table as we toasted to our friend's misfortune, all in good fun. It was a lighthearted moment, a celebration of friendship and the shared experiences that brought us closer together. We clinked our cups together, a chorus of cheers filling the air.

"Ya, let's have a good time!" someone exclaimed, and we all nodded in agreement. With that, the evening unfolded, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth of camaraderie.



As the warm rays of the sun gently caressed my face, a mischievous smile played upon my lips as I gracefully rose from the comfort of my bed. With the radiant sun illuminating my special day, a wide grin adorned my face as I eagerly embraced the joyous occasion of my birthday.On this day, not only did I celebrate my birthday, but also being my 19th year of reincarnation. These past 19 years have brought the most moments of happiness and fulfillment into my life.

As I stepped into the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. a visage that seemed to radiate with an ethereal glow. Every feature appeared to be perfectly aligned, as if touched by the hands of symmetry itself. From the sparkle in my eyes to the curve of my smile, I couldn't help but admire the rare moment of perfection staring back at me. It was as if all the worries and imperfections of the world had momentarily faded away, leaving only a captivating image that filled me with a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance. With a contented smile, I left the bathroom, carrying the memory of that perfect reflection as a reminder of my own unique beauty.

I went downstairs to my family who were talking and having fun. The sound of animated conversations and contagious laughter filled the air as I joined my family in the living room. Their smiling faces greeted me, and I couldn't help but be swept away by the infectious joy that radiated from each one of them. We engaged in lively banter, sharing stories and inside jokes, creating an atmosphere brimming with laughter and merriment. In that moment, the weight of the world melted away, replaced by an exhilarating sense of pure fun and happiness. Together, we revealed in the simple pleasures of being in each other's company, creating memories that would be etched in our hearts forever.

My mom gracefully brought out the birthday cake, its sweet aroma filling the room. With a mischievous grin, sister playfully dimmed the lights, signaling the time-honored tradition of making a wish. I closed my eyes, allowing the warmth of the moment to envelop me, and silently wished for the eternal togetherness of my family.

As I prepared to blow out the candles, my sister's infectious smile brightened the room. With a gentle pat on my back, she encouraged me to extinguish the flickering flames. Gathering a breath, I pursed my lips, ready to blow out the seven candles adorning the cake.

My sister jumped from the couch and smiled, "Wow, you're growing up so fast! Can you believe you're 19 already?"

A smile crept as I agreed "I know, time flies! It feels like just yesterday we were running around the backyard playing games."

She smiled and hugged me "Remember all those silly adventures we used to have? We were unstoppable!"

"Absolutely! Those were some of the best times of my life. I'm grateful to have shared those moments with you."

"Me too. You've always been my partner in crime. No matter what, we've always had each other's backs."

Now let's ea--!"


I was abruptly cut off by a deafening crash that shattered the idyllic ambiance of the celebration. The room fell into chaos as the lights flickered and died, leaving us enveloped in an ominous darkness. Fear gripped our hearts as we realized the severity of the situation.

Amidst the panic, my family and I huddled together, our faces pale with terror. We knew that our lives were hanging by a thread, and the impending doom that awaited us was far more horrifying than we could have ever imagined.

The wall burst open, and a towering dragon devil emerged from the shadows, its grotesque features twisting with sadistic delight. Its blood-red eyes glowed with an insatiable hunger for carnage. With lightning speed, it lunged at us, its razor-sharp claws tearing through flesh and bone.

The room became a macabre scene of horror as the dragon devil unleashed its fury upon my family. Limbs were severed, organs were ripped apart, and blood sprayed in crimson arcs across the walls. Agonized screams filled the air, mingling with the beast's triumphant roars.

"Kaito RUN!" the chilling echoes of my sister's desperate plea pierced the air, my heart sank with a sickening dread. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, each passing moment amplifying the sheer horror of the scene unfolding before me. In an instant, the tranquility of our surroundings was shattered as a powerful force cleaved through the air, rending my sister's body in two with a gruesome display of violence.

A nauseating mixture of shock and revulsion overwhelmed me as I witnessed the gory aftermath of the merciless attack. The sight of blood gushing from her severed torso, the twisted limbs, and the expression of agony frozen on her face sent waves of dread coursing through my veins. The metallic scent of blood tainted the air, assaulting my senses and driving home the brutal reality of our existence.

I watched in terror as my loved ones fell one by one, their bodies mutilated and lifeless. The floor became a carpet of mangled corpses, a testament to the merciless onslaught that had unfolded before my eyes. Their once vibrant faces were now contorted in expressions of unimaginable pain and suffering.

I felt the dragon devil's hot breath on my neck as its monstrous jaws closed in. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the inevitable, a single tear escaping down my cheek. In that final moment, as its teeth sank into my flesh, I welcomed the cold embrace of death, knowing that it would bring an end to the unspeakable horror.

The room fell into silence, the stench of blood and death permeating the air. My family and I lay motionless, our bodies entangled in a grotesque display of carnage. The dragon devil stood amidst the wreckage, its bloodied maw dripping with the remnants of our lives.

I felt something call out to me, a As I reached out, a strange sensation coursed through my fingertips. The small bullet, despite its unassuming appearance, seemed to emanate an otherworldly aura. Its metallic surface was cool to the touch, and I could almost feel a faint vibration as if it held some hidden power within.

A surge of instinctual curiosity compelled me to pick up the bullet. As it nestled in the palm of my hand, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets it held. Could it truly be the key to my survival? The last glimmer of hope in this grim reality?

With a mix of trepidation and determination, I closed my fingers around the bullet, feeling its weight pressing against my skin. It was a moment of reckoning, a choice that could alter my fate forever.

"In return for power, give something of equal value," the voice repeated, its words sinking deep into my consciousness.

"Of equal value… heh, i have nothing left to give you…" l said as a hint of self mockery let out.

"Then you ca-"

"except one thing… My humanity"


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