
The devils on my shoulder 1/2

Author note:

<> Is when the Heart Devil speaks

[] Is when Parallel Devil speaks

{} Is when Obsession Devil speaks





I woke up screaming, clenching my chest as tightly as I could.

<See?> asked someone, yet my mind was in too much pain and confusion to recognize the voice. <I told you I would wake him up, besides like this he won't forget why he loves me so it's all good.>

[Well he won't be happy I'll tell you that,] said someone else.

The pressure on my chest was finally released and I panted, breathing heavily and desperately as sweat trailed down my forehead.

{Hmph, I would have done a better job that you bitch did,} said someone else. {He would have been both scared and excited, and that is what love is, not that you cheap copy would understand}

<Who are you calling cheap copy huh?! You little Control devil wannabe!>

{Don't you dare mention that bitch!}

While the discussion went on, I took a deep breath to calm down. Slowly, I began trying to analyze what just happened.

There was a contract… no, there were two contracts. I remembered that the Obsession devil forced me into a contract and somehow my memories weren't there, and then appeared the Heart devil, the two started fighting and I ran away. I came home… home.

Standing up, I looked around. Rubble and blood. It looked like a scene out of a gory movie. Everything was destroyed, buildings were collapsed and people were broken apart.

I was broken apart, wasn't I?

My hand moved to my chest, where I remembered seeing a hole, only to find it intact. My clothes were filled with cuts, holes and dried-up blood, but my skin was as smooth as always. Except for the scars in my arms, there was absolutely nothing on my flawless skin. Nothing were yesterday's wounds should be.

<Your welcome,> said a voice, which I now recognized as the one belonging to the Heart devil. <After I became your heart we kinda fused together. Normally you would have turned into a regular fiend, which is a devil in a human body, but you already were kind of a hybrid.>

"You stopped my heart, didn't you?" I asked, my tone calm. "That's how you woke me up."

<Well yes of course,> she replied, amusement evident in her voice. <Why, did it scare you?>

I see… I agreed to the deal because I wanted control, and all I did was hand it over to someone that relishes on showing me that I have no control.

"Haha hahaha,"

A small chuckle left my lips, which quickly turned into a full-blown laughter.

I was standing in the middle of the ruins of my house and the corpses of my parents after handing over pieces of me to make deals from which I gained virtually nothing in comparison with what I lost.


It was fucking hilarious.

{Ahhh, I like seeing you so happy darling!} came in the voice of obsession, but I didn't particularly care for it.

I began walking, moving through the rubble and splattered organs as I climbed into a small mountain of what used to be a building.

Once in the top, I gazed down and-

[Don't,] said the Parallel devil. The asshole who reincarnated me and then left me. The bastard that lied to me. The idiot that decided to show up just as soon as I was at my lowest as usual. [These two are a part of you. If you jump now, they will come with you to the next life as well.]

And that made me stop.

So… not even death will give me the tiniest escape?

[Because of the contract you made with them, they are now literally merged with you. I think maybe killing them before you die would be enough to break both contracts with them, but I am not entirely sure.] he explained, but my mind stopped following after the words 'you made'.

"I made?" I asked aloud, my voice coming out as a whisper. "The contracts I made?"

<Hm? What were you two talking about?> asked the Heart devil.

{Wait they were talking? Urgh you bitch! Because of you I couldn't hear them!} complained the Obsession devil.

<What do you mean because of me?! It was your fault you random-> continued the Heart devil, but I stopped paying attention to them and decided to tackle my problems one at a time.

My eyes wandered through the ground and I realized that my vision was limited, as if I was only seeing from one eye… one eye. That's right. My left eye isn't mine anymore.

ndeed, and speaking of your left eye, meaning my eye... you're gonna need to get an eyepatch,] said the Parallel devil. [I'll be able to see through it without much problem, and it would be troublesome if someone saw you with one green eye and one rainbow-coloured eye.]

Something clicked in place with the realization that the Parallel devil was now my left eye.

I crouched down and picked a pen from the floor. It's tip was broken, but that didn't matter now, if anything it made it better.

[Wait you idiot!] said Parallel as the pen approached my left eye. [You will feel it too! Besides, I will still be able to see even if you destroy my eye, and I will just regenerate it in a few seconds anyway so you will accomplish nothing!]

"It will annoy you." I said.

[Well yeah but-]

Before he could finish his sentence, the pen was already in my eye.

[Fuck! Get it out already you idiot!] he screamed, and I felt a smile form on my lips.

"You feel it to, don't you…" I said, my tone coming out almost as a song.

<Holy shit did you see that?!> said Heart devil.

Now that I think about it… we're are the others? I keep hearing all their voices, but there is no one around.

{Ah well, I am in your ribs and the other bitch is your heart-} explained Obsession devil, though she couldn't say anything else before she was interrupted by Parallel.

[You dumbass…] he muttered.

A smile grew on my face.

<Wait, now that I think about it… who the fuck are you?> asked Heart, and I realized she was referring to Parallel. It was interesting that she didn't know of him.

{Wait you are right!} screamed Obsession, agreeing with Heart for the first time since I began hearing them talk in my head. {Why are you in my darling?!}

I'm sure this discussion was going to be insightful and interesting, but right now there was something I would rather try. I hurt Parallel by stabbing my eye, did that mean that if I broke my ribs or hurt my heart, the other two would be in pain.

And so I jumped.

Air rushed in my ears as the ground quickly approached. The broken building from which I jumped wasn't particularly high, but it would hurt me enough, and hopefully it oiled hurt them enough. If not? Well… I still had eternity to figure out a way to make them pay, right?

Mumbled screams echoed in my ears, but I didn't pay them any mind. Instead, I decided to prepare for the crash, which meant falling on my side to make as much damage to my torso as possible.

And boy did I do damage.