
chains, scars, and stars

the king's greatest treasure, the king's greatest light.the palace hidden in the shadows, the girl in plain sight. his evil father, a loving face, will save him. he, who knows not his place. an army will rise, a price falls. and she will have her throne, the mightiest of all. Ashley never wanted a normal life. but when an army shows up to her door, she might have to leave her old life, and make a new one.

Woufgirl · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The army bolted back to the palace, going so quickly that what had taken a day's journey, it only took half. They arrived at the palace with exhausted horses and men. The men was concerned if everyone was okay, including themself.

Meanwhile the leader was scared that his father would kill him. He nervously paced back and forth as his horse was cleaned and fed. 'I am so dead, he told me to capture the girl in the prophecy, and what did I do? I ran away from a big voice!' Alex thought, panicked. '...I can't wait here forever, but I don't want to go face him either.'

He took a deep breath, and walked to the throne room. The big doors in front of him did not help him be calm. 'I am the prince of the golden wasteland. If I can lead an army, I can talk to my Father... I hope...'

He pushed open the doors, and tried to hide his shaking hands. The long walk to the foot of the throne didn't help any. 'Be calm. It was designed this way, to make people scared. Don't be scared. Don't show him your afraid.'

He reached the foot of the throne, and bowed. "Father."

When he looked up, he saw his father was already angry. "Alex. My throne is on a thin line, all because of a prophecy. Correct?" His Father got up and walked down the steps... he was either very calm, or suppressing his anger.


"And, might I ask, do you know what happened to the prophet after he gave me it?"


The king grabbed the hair on Alex's head. Alex looked up in fear. "Well then, dear son, let me tell you." The king thrust Alex across the room with incredible strength. He hit the wall. "Augh!"

"He spent the rest of his short life being TORTURED. Just like EVERY MAN WHO HAS DISOBEYED ME!" Alex looked at him with a horrified look, trying to scramble up. The king looked at him like he was a rotten apple. "Your mother included."

The king walked up to Alex as he had just barley gotten to his hands and knees. He grabbed Alex's chin and pointed it to look at him. "So, I assume that when you lead the army to where you were, you will come back with the chosen one."


"And when you come back, we shouldn't have anymore problems after that. Correct?"


The king chuckled. "Are you agreeing with me because you're afraid?"


The king threw him to the side. Alex got up as quickly as possible and ran out as the king said "Good. I see you CAN learn."

* * * * *

"I am NOT going back there." The first of many soldiers said.

"It's cursed, it is!"

"Rather take my chances with the king."

"Why? It's a death trap!"


"(Can someone please take that alcohol away from him?)"

"BUT WE HAVE TO!" Alex yelled at the army. "THE KING WILL KILL US IF WE DON'T!"

"Your the prince! Why don't you just do the royal challenge already, and we can be free from him!" A voice called out. Lots of cheers, Whoops and murmurs followed.

"I-...I can't yet. I'm not ready." He answered, dread filling him as he hear that. The royal challenge was where an heir to the throne would kill the current ruler and become the king or queen. Alex wasn't sure he was ready to become king, and he didn't want to take anyone's life. Even if it was his father, who deserved to die after his mother.

A solider stepped up. "Well then find a new army. I'm leaving for the hidden forest. WHO WANTS TO COME?!" A loud cheer and shout rang out from the army.

"Wait!" Noah thought quickly. "How about... I go? Only me."

"And what does this have to do with us?" The leading soldier asked.

"You keep your job, and I'll go to try and neutralize the threat." He said.

"...That could work, but if you die, it's your fault."

"Heh. Deal." Alex said.

"More like good luck." The guy walked away, the soldiers either following or going someplace else. Noah saddled up his horse, and started to ride. If he succeeded, he'd come home safe. But if Alex was honest, he wanted other options than coming home to his dad.