
Chapter 8: Brunch with the Betrothed and Graclynn


It's been a week since my birthday and my wedding is fast approaching. I haven't seen nor spoken to Julien since, although I do believe he's coming at some point today. I'd like to get to know who I'm marrying. Then again, I believe I've got a pretty good idea as to who he really is.

"I'm still bewildered about what Viviane did," Gracylnn mutters, sipping her tea.

I shrug. "You know how she is. She strives to ruin lives." This makes her laugh. A smile makes its way onto my face as I say, "Am I wrong?"

She shakes her head. "No, you're not." She's quiet for a moment. "Isn't Julien coming over today?"

I sigh, setting down my teacup. "Yeah. I'm trying to be excited. I mean, if I'm being completely honest, my birthday went much better than I expected."

Graclynn claps her hands together. "Oh, I know! I just love how he tipped you backwards and kissed you! It was so romantic. Gio would never—" she cuts herself off.

My shy smile turns to a frown quickly. "I-I don't think Julien did it because he wanted it to be romantic," I state, attempting to make her feel better.

She shrugs with a wry smile. "I don't know, Rosa. He seemed to be pretty protective of you."

It takes everything in me not to snort. "Right… how's the baby?"

Graclynn's hands suddenly move to her stomach. "Really good! No movement— though I suppose it is a bit too early isn't it? Anyhow, I'm starting to get a slight bump. Not big, but slight."

I can't help but grin as hard as she is. Her joy is contagious.

"I know I brought this up once before, but… what gender are you hoping for?"

Graclynn shrugs bashfully. "And I'll say what I said the last time you ask. I don't care. I think it's just wonderful we're having children." She pauses. "But… a girl would be nice. Although I know Giovanni wants a boy… I'd like a girl too."

That's when I get an idea. "That reminds me!"


"There's this trick Lilith told me about when her sister was pregnant—"

"Janey had a baby?!"

I blink rapidly. "Graclynn, you were there."

Her eyebrows furrow. "No, I had no idea!"

I nod my head vigorously. "Yes, you were! I remember because you were dabbing at her head with a towel while I was preparing a blanket for the baby. And you were talking about how nice it would be to have a baby," I tell her. "This was five years ago, long before you were married."

"I'm pretty sure I would remember if I helped deliver Janey Dawson's child."

Silence floods the room.

"You really had no idea?" I finally say.

Graclynn laughs. "Yes, Rosalina. I had no earthly idea that she was ever even pregnant!"

"Wow…" I mutter. "But I could have sworn—"

"I wasn't there!"


"Anyway, what was your idea?"

I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh, right! Well, when Janey was pregnant. Lilith taught me this little trick where you hold the charm on a necklace over your stomach and it will tell you the sex!"

Graclynn's eyes grow wide with curiosity. "Should we try it?"

I grin. "Of course!"

My hand raises to my neck and I remove my necklace I'm currently wearing. Graci lays back and I ask her if she's ready. With her confirmation, I release the necklace over her stomach. It moves in circles.

Graclynn grins and I smile softly. "What does that mean?" she asks.

"Well," I start, pulling the necklace back and clasping it around my neck once more. "When it moves in lines, back and forth, it means it's a boy. And circles mean it's a girl."

Graclynn doesn't seem phased by this at all. She smiles hard and her slides over her belly slowly. "I can't stop smiling," she tells me.

I laugh, glad that she's happy.

At that moment, Lilith walks in the room and I look up. "Lord Grey has arrived, milady."

I sigh, standing and brushing myself off. "Time to be a lady."

Graclynn giggles but suddenly stops herself. "Hey, Rosalina?"

"Hm?" I reply, looking at myself in my vanity mirror.

"How come the whole town seems to think that you and Julien aren't arranged?"

I freeze up and hesitate for a fraction of a second before I finally say, "That's because it's not."

"But- but you said…? I thought…"

I release a long breath, trying to come up with a story off the top of my head. "That's because I was nervous and scared. I don't truly know him, Graclynn. But my mother is pushy. I don't mind. He might be a bit strange but I…" I trail off. Am I really about to say this? "I love him for it."

Graclynn's eyebrows shoot up before a wide grin takes over her face. "I knew you loved him! I knew it!"

I chuckle, relieved that I cleared that up. I hate lying to her. But it's for the best.

"Now, come on," I say. "Let's go have brunch with my fiance."


"Rosalina, my dear," Julien says as we sit at a table out in the garden. The food has just been served. "Tell me how you've been."

I smile politely. "I've been quite alright. I…" I pause for a fraction of a second. "I missed you."

He smirks at this. "And I you."

"So, Lord Grey," Graclynn says, dabbing her napkin at the corners of her mouth. "Gio speaks fondly of you. What kind of business do you two do together? I only ask because he doesn't talk about work much, but I was wondering as to how you met."

"Giovanni Howard and I have made quite a few… business transactions," Julien replies smoothly. "Giovanni's father and my own have known each other for as long as I can remember."

"Oh, really?" Graclynn asks, interested. "How curious."

"If you don't mind me cutting in…?" I start, glancing at the two. "Would now be a bad time to wedding plan?"

"Absolutely not!" Graclynn says excitedly, clapping her hands together. "Let's do it!"

Julien nods with a mock encouraging smile.

"Okay, Lilith, can you bring me a quill and some parchment?"

"Of course, milady."

"So, do you have any ideas yet?" Graclynn asks.

"Well," I start. "Julien did say something about it being on his family's field, didn't you, my love?"

"Yes. That is correct. There's also a gazebo on it."

"That's right!" I say. "So, we could get some chairs and line them up and get some shears to hang around the gazebo."

Graclynn listens to me, seemingly on edge. "Yes, that sounds like a fantastic idea!" She suddenly springs forward. "Ooo! Ooo! We could get the children to paint some lines of parchment and we can paste the ends together and create a chain-like garland."

I grin. "That sounds cute!" My brows furrow. "But who's kids?"

"I have a couple of younger cousins," Julien suggests, seeming to be rather interested in the conversation.

Graclynn claps her hands together. "Perfect! And I'm sure my little sisters would love to help as well."

Lilith reenters the room and gives me what I asked for and I write down everything we just came up with.

"What about your dress?" Graclynn asks.

"What about it?"

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Have you picked one out yet, silly!" I avert my gaze before shaking my head softly. She gasps dramatically. "Rosalina! Sometime next week we must get you a dress!"

I laugh. "Okay." I write that down.

"What about cake? And food? The after-party?"

Julien chuckles. "Let's take one at a time. The after-party will be provided by my family. We'll host it at my estate so we can just all leave the field and go there." I nod, dipping my quill in ink. "We'll provide food as well."

I lift my head. "And I think Lilith said Julien and I are going to try some cake flavors next week at some point…?" I look to Lilith for confirmation.

"Yes, milady."

"Excellent!" Graclynn says. "And will there be a rehearsal dinner? What about the guest list?"

Julien nods. "There will be a rehearsal dinner the night before. The guest list is… yet to be made."

"That's alright," Graci responds. "We have time. But you two better get to work on it."

Julien and I both laugh at her seriousness. "We will, Graclynn."

"You two laugh, but I'm being honest!"

This just causes more giggles to pour from me.

I have to admit, I'm surprised by how much fun I'm having. Julien is being so compliant and this is just… well, wonderful. Maybe this won't be as bad as I expected.

"So, I guess that just leaves… the honeymoon."

"Already taken care of," Julien says with a sly smirk.

I look at him curiously. He did tell me where we're going but it's a bit strange he's not saying anything about it.

Graclynn wiggles her eyebrows. "Secretive, I see… I like it."

And we're laughing again. This was by far the most enjoyable brunch I've ever had. And to think it included Julien!


When it was time for Julien to go, I followed him to the door and stopped him. "I had a lot of fun today, you know." I don't dare meet his gaze, rather embarrassed that I'm saying anything at all.

He gives me award-winning smile. "As did I, my dear. I like Lady Howard. She's very… perky."

I chuckle softly, shaking my head. "Thank you." I tell him.

"Of course, dear." He kisses my cheek, taking me by surprise. "I'll see you next week for the cake testing?'

"Uh… y-yeah."

"Well, then until then, Rosalina."

"Of course," I reply, still a bit dazed.

He leaves and the door closes behind him. It's not until I'm back in the garden do I finally break from my thoughts.

"I need to go inside; these mosquitoes are eating me up!" Graclynn exclaims as she slaps her harm violently. She stands, hitching her dress up and heading towards me but then freezes. "What happened to you?"


She snaps her fingers in front of my face and I shake out of my trance.

"What? I'm sorry, Graci, what did you say?"

She giggles. "I see. Well, I better be going too. It's getting rather late."

"I suppose it is…" I respond dreamily.

���You've got it bad."

"Huh? Got what bad?"

She only shakes her head. "Nothing, Rosalina. I'll see you next week, alright?"

"Okay," I say, still a bit suspicious.

She embraces me and we say our goodbyes.

I wave at her one final time before I turn my back, walking towards my room. On my way there I see Lilith and I'm reminded of something.

"Hey, Lilith?"

"Yes, milady?"

"Wasn't Graclynn there when Janey had her baby?"

Lilith's head cocks to the side. "No, milady, she wasn't."

I frown, suddenly confused. "But then… who was there? Who helped you and me?"

"Why, it was Lady Viviane Renoir, milady."

My eyes widen with shock. It was Viviane who helped me deliver Janey's baby? How come I don't…?

"Is that all, Lady Rosalina?"

"Hm? Oh, uh, yes. Thank you, Lilith."

"Of course, milady."

Viviane… you and I? Working together? How come I don't remember this?

Well, I suppose I'll never know. After all, I have other things to worry about. Like how my wedding is right around the corner. Today was nice, though. If things keep proceeding like this, I might just be surprised.