
Chain of Times: The Villainess Deaths

Giselle has always been a simple girl who loves life. Growing up sick and ill, she longed for a life in which she could experience it. But death was a soulmate she didn't want to have. In a life in which she wanted to enjoy more she found herself in the hands of death. The darkness and pain enveloping her as she died in the hands of the man she fell in love with. " Im s-" Before she left the world under the moonlight, she heard someone cried for her. In her blurry vision, a young man died alongside with her. Who was he? Why did he cried? What did he say? Waking up in the same estate she grew up with, she notice she turned back back before her death. Realizing she was given a second chance, she lived her life while avoiding death. But that man, who was he? Giselle wanted to meet him and know who he was, yet in another life she searched for nothing. In her searching, she found herself surrounded by mysteries and deaths, betrayals from people she wasn't expecting, the pain of life. In the chain of times, how will she ever break free? Will Giselle find a way to live this life, or will she has to face her death again?

SchtxzaLore · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 -Episode 2- Into The Garden (2)

[ Goldenshield Estate, Knight's Castle ]

The room seemed to quite down although there was no noise in the first place. All I could here is my heart sinking down and my anxiety crippling me with the realization of what is about to come. Suddenly his face comes flashing in my memories like bad dream I have been trying to forget, but his eyes never left. In my memories, I feel him looking straight at mine while the reflection of those fires still haunted me down.

" Giselle, it would be wise for you to personally receive the visitor from Luminis. Considering the importance of their delegation, your presence carries great significance."

--Great significance, I could laugh.-

Alexander Lumina Astralton, the second prince of Celestria and the young Duke of Luminis.

The young Archduke rose to power when the Emperor granted him the royal estate of Luminis. For years, the massive duchy was under the direct care and control of the royal family of Astrion. The territory served the royal family for many purposes. Its forest is filled with many hunting animals, fit to host the annual hunting season. The agriculture is the most vast and fundamental economy of the territory, with the massive production of crops, as well as the expensive honey from its bee farm. However the most significant contribution of this duchy is its Lunar mining. The land is blessed with huge gems that can transfer energy that is mostly used for advance weapons, all of these are because of the land's rich history.

The once, ancient kingdom of Lumina.

This rich land was finally bestowed upon the second prince two years ago as a reward for conquering the nomad lands in the far north. Known as the dark knight, he made a name for himself despite being an unpopular prince. The fact that he had a foreign princess as a mother made him appear as the black sheep of the family. Despite his royal bloodline from Celestria, he was merely seen as a tool by his own father. However, ever since he conquered the north, the Emperor's treatment towards him has changed.

There are countless rumors about the Archduke Astralton. Besides the gossips of many noblewomen of his undefine beauty, fit for the Celestria's royalty. One of these rumors is that he is a ruthless a murderer who swings his mighty sword to anyone that annoys him. I don't know anything deep about him that can justify what I know, although I did came across him few times in my other lives.

All I could say is what I have seen.

" Afterall, it's the archduke."

Lost in my own thoughts, I absentmindedly nodded, even though my mind was racing. Caesar was right; as the eldest daughter of the house, my absence would be seen as disrespectful, regardless of the guest's identity. However, I couldn't muster any interest in meeting that man.

"I'm exhausted. I haven't slept since last night," I yawned, before brazenly inviting myself in his bed, and I am certain he disliked the idea of me with my soiled garments in his sheets. " I will be borrowing your bed."

"If someone were to find you here, they might assume something scandalous, Giselle," 

Caesar's expression clearly conveyed his reluctance. He wanted no part in any potential scandal that could arise. His displeasure at the sight of me in his own bed, if he had the opportunity, he probably would have forcefully removed me already.

"Enough. Just let me sleep here. I don't have the energy to walk back to the main castle. If anyone asks, tell them I went off to relax," I firmly asserted, shutting down any further discussion. 

I knew Caesar wouldn't want anyone to discover that I was here with him in the early morning. The idea of us being together could be seen as amusing or strange to others, and I completely understood that. When I heard the door close, I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of fatigue and exhaustion. My body and eyes felt heavy as I completely shut down. The lack of sleep rendered me almost lifeless.

Come to think of it, hadn't Caesar also been deprived of sleep?


[ Goldenshield Estate, Main Castle ]

"Where is she?" 

The anxious voice of the Baron caused the butler to worry even more.

They stood at the entrance of the Castle, surrounded by many maids ready to welcome and assist the arriving guest. The afternoon sun shone brightly, its beautiful rays illuminating the flowers along the pathway leading to the grand main gates of the Goldenshield estate. The weather seemed happier than ever, with a cooler breeze than usual. Yet, the Baron stood and waited with distastefully , watching as the gates slowly opened.

"I haven't received any updates from the maids, my lord. However, it is clear that she is not within the territory. It appears she has taken another unauthorized escapade."

The old butler tried to ease the tension for his lord, speaking in a calm and reassuring manner to appear more reliable.

"Didn't you inform her? Today is an important day." The Baron exclaimed, his frustration evident.

Baron Goldenshield couldn't look more intimidating than he already did. With his black hair neatly swept back, his furrowed eyes and brows, he failed to maintain his facade of worry and frustration. Although everyone might have said that this Baron is a kindhearted man who loved his family, he looked quite the contrary.

"My lord, please refrain from looking so vexed. Your grace might misinterpret,"

Pleaded the stressed butler, moving around to help the Baron fix himself, appearing as presentable as ever. Despite his own worries about the lady's whereabouts, he remained calm for the sake of his lord.

"I will get Caesar and look for her. She has done this so many times since two months ago, I am certain she did not stray that far," 

He whispered, reassuring the worried Baron, a father named Gildas, who could not stop thinking about his daughter. The young lady has been having her little escapades from time to time, so this was nothing new now. He forced himself to stop and regain composure, Gildas nodded and seemed to have calm himself.

Soon enough the carriage that bears the emblem of the House of Astralton stopped in front of them. The young duke, with grace bestowed them his presence. The silver hair that is he is known for that matches his eyes almost strucked the people who witness such beauty.

Indeed, the rumors could not be further from the truth. The notion that he was called the dark knight, not just for his skills, but because he did not possess the beauty of the royal family, appeared to be nothing but a farce. In reality, he looked remarkably handsome, exuding a charm and allure that captured the attention of all who laid eyes upon him.

" Greetings, father. Good day to you, Butler Dez." The young master, Julius came out of his carriage and greeted everyone with his poignant warm smile. His ginger hair that he took upon his late mother shine with the bright light of the sun, his mesmerizing green eyes mimicked his father.

" Young Master, welcome home." The old butler bowed in acknowledgement.

" Father, may I introduced the Archduke of Luminis, Archduke Astralton." His smile did not falter, and although Julius gesture is quite friendly the touch of dignity is still present.

" Your grace, this is my father. Baron Goldenshield."

"Your grace, I am honored to have you in our estate," Gildas spoke, bowing his head and carefully choosing his words.

"The gratitude is mine, Lord Goldenshield," Alexander accepted the hand that Gildas had extended.

Julius looked around, displaying the confused look in his face when he could not find the person he is looking for. He gave his father a look that is asking for information but his father only fake a smile on their directions, trying to erase the fact that someone in the family is missing in this important welcoming.

"Shall we get inside? We have prepared lunch to ease your fatigue from the long journey," Baron Gildas offered, leading the way to his castle. However, he failed to notice the concern evident on his face.

Alexander scanned the area, almost counting the maids who had come out to greet him, including the butler. Yet, his eyes seemed to be searching for something else, as if he had certain expectations before arriving. To his surprise, he found nothing that could appease his thoughts.

"Is there something wrong, your highness?" Alexander's aide asked when he noticed that the young duke had not moved from where he stood.

The baron stared at him, clearly worried, hoping he had not further offended the man. Despite the obvious indication of his peculiar reaction since his arrival, he brushed it off and pretended that nothing was bothering him. However, in reality, something was indeed troubling him.

However, he decided not to discuss it.

They moved to the dining hall, where a long table was filled with delicious dishes that the baron proudly presented to his esteemed guest. It was evident that such cuisine might not fascinate the duke, as he likely had similar meals every day of his life. What was surprising was the privilege of a mere baron to prepare such a feast.

Truly, the Goldenshield family was the wealthiest in the empire.

The fortress-like castle of the barony was adorned with expensive paintings and artifacts. The ceilings and walls, which one would expect to be plain and cold for a baron, were almost on par with the mansions of any of the four dukes in the empire. It was this wealth that had driven the royal family to recognize the business family and grant them nobility. They were intoxicated by the desire to acquire such riches.

Alexander scoffed at the pettiness of his own family. He almost felt sympathetic towards the baron, who seemed unaware that he had fallen into the clutches of the emperor. Sooner or later, the emperor would tighten that leash and use him for his own benefit. As he listened to the various topics the baron was ready to discuss over their meal, and his son's countless stories he brought home his mind wandered far. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in what the baron was saying - matters of business that he was not particularly fond of but would like to hear about. It was just that his mind was preoccupied with something else, something he couldn't shake off - especially since it was the very reason he had come.

"Pray tell, didn't you have a daughter? I haven't seen her once," Alexander inquired abruptly.

Gildas's eyes widened at the unexpected question, and he glanced at his butler, hoping for further information about his daughter's whereabouts while Julius is looking eager to know. He did his best to entertain the young duke while forcing himself to forget about his daughter, but now the very question he wished the duke wouldn't ask had been posed.

"My daughter has been quite unwell since yesterday. I apologize for not informing you," Gildas responded humbly, resorting to white lies.

"As I have heard," Alexander replied, not even bothering to look at the baron. Instead, his gaze drifted towards the expansive garden visible through the large glass window, as if he were disinterested.

"May I ask what your intention is for this visit, your grace?" Gildas asked tentatively, his eyes softly gazing at the distinguished man.

"Just business matters," He shrugged.

"Your letter did mention that your visit would be regarding the business that His Majesty has been inquiring about for quite some time. Although, I must apologize in advance for any incompetence on our part. The procedures—"

"Mind over matter," Alexander interrupted Gildas, his immediate response causing him and his butler to exchange a knowing look, trying to decipher the situation.

"I came not for that kind of business, but rather something else," Alexander stated firmly.

"Your grace?" Gildas questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Two weeks ago, I sent a letter prior to the formal one I sent informing you about my visit here, am I correct?" Alexander paused, setting down his utensils and signaling for the baron to do the same.

"Yes, I handed the issue to the commander and ordered him to take care of it, as it involved military matters of utmost importance. If you don't mind me asking, why were you looking for that man?" Gildas inquired, feeling a sense of unease.

"As you might have read from the letter he is wanted man from the capital, and his majesty is trying to solve this as quick as we can." Alexander revealed.

The answer sent a wave of horror through the two men. Gildas felt humiliated that he had unknowingly allowed a criminal into his domain. He was aware that he was not equipped to be a vassal lord or lead in military defenses, considering his forte was business and finances. However, the thought of a wanted man seeking refuge in his barony terrified him. What if he came across his precious daughter, Giselle?

That was his primary concern.

"I will summon Commander Kief regarding this matter, your grace. I believe he can provide you with more information about that." 

" About that father, I should escort his grace to the knight's office and have a meeting. After all that is the reason I was sent here."

Gildas assured, to which Alexander nodded in acknowledgement. He motioned for his aide to come closer, whispering his command to him. The young man, with his graceful appearance and long, blonde hair styled in a ponytail, listened attentively to his master. The two remaining individuals beside the guest exchanged anxious looks. There was something about the young duke that seemed beyond his age, something that conveyed a sense of wisdom and experience.

Alexander, despite being only twenty years old, exuded a maturity in his demeanor. The way he acted, spoke, and perceived the world and life itself hinted at someone who had seen much. The title of the dark knight attributed to him seemed to resonate with this aura.

"Your grace, please forgive me for the late introduction. I am the house butler, Dez Baler. I will be taking care of you during your stay," the butler introduced himself.

After the lengthy lunch and conversation with the baron, Alexander felt the need to rest. Although it was a clear fabrication, the baron found himself breathing a sigh of relief as the young duke retreated from the dining area.

"Allow me to guide you to your chambers," The butler offered.

Alexander and his aide quietly followed the old butler, noting his almost grey hair and slow stride, indicating that he must have been working for the family for a very long time.

"If you need anything, please let me know. I hope you will be comfortable during your stay here,"

Des, the butler, said before being dismissed by Alexander. The young duke wanted to be alone with his aide. As the butler left, the aide immediately regarded the man with suspicion, his blue eyes clouded with judgment and disappointment.

"Your highness, why didn't you tell the Baron your real business here?" The aide questioned, his concern evident.

Alexander let out a loud sigh, feeling the weight of the situation once again. His thoughtful and workaholic aide always made him feel older than he actually was.

"Jonathan, we've been through this before. I don't need to explain myself, and there's no need to reveal the true intention behind the emperor's order to me," Alexander responded.

"It has been five months, your highness, and yet you haven't made a decision. I'm afraid that if you continue to avoid it, the emperor might take action," Jonathan expressed his worry, his tone reflecting his concern.

While Jonathan was visibly worried, seeing his master leisurely take a seat on one of the finest couches in the room, Alexander seemed more preoccupied with the other business he had mentioned to the baron.

"He has already made a choice, Jonathan. Presenting five families to have me choose is already him making a choice. Don't you think? " Alexander stated, glaring at nothing in particular.

"But your highness, if you continue to avoid—" Jonathan began, but was interrupted by Alexander dismissing him.

"I'll change out of this fussing outfit, and you take care of arranging my meeting with the commander. Tell Julius that I need the man's portrait for his identifications and his belongings. The sooner, the better," Alexander declared. He didn't wait for Jonathan's response, cutting him off and signaling his desire to end the discussion. For Alexander, he had come here for his personal reasons, and that was all there was to it.