

The prelude to Draconic Inclination

Zeesuhs · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Veil of Shadows

As dawn painted the city's spires, a summons echoed through the sanctum's corridors. Magister Eranthius, his countenance etched with gravity, beckoned Aelarion to the central chamber. In the heart of the sanctum, the leaders gathered, their faces a mosaic of concern and determination. Magister Eranthius, his robes billowing with an air of authority, addressed the assembled leaders in the central chamber. "The Astral Blight's encroachment is undeniable, and our next actions must be deliberate. Aelarion, share the insights gained from your 'scrying'." Aelarion began, ignoring his remark. "The threads of fate unravel in ways unprecedented. I've glimpsed possible futures, each shadowed by the looming threat of the Blight. It manifests not only in the physical realm but threads its insidious influence through the very fabric of destiny." Archmage Thalara, her demeanor veiled in skepticism, challenged Aelarion's words, "Your scrying, has proven erratic at best, trainee. How can we trust these visions? The Astral Sanctum has been a bastion of knowledge for centuries, and now you propose to guide us based on dreams and illusions?"

A low murmur of agreement rippled through the gathering, some leaders nodding in accord with Thalara's skepticism. Hierophant Elowen, however, offered a measured perspective, "The cosmic tapestry has shown us signs before. Aelarion's insights may be the key to understanding the infection's nature and devising a countermeasure. We cannot dismiss the revelations outright." Sage Alaric, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, added, "The uncertainties that shroud these visions cast doubt on their validity. We cannot stake the sanctum's fate on untested prophecies."

Seraphina, standing beside Aelarion, interjected with unwavering conviction, "I've witnessed the truth in his visions. We need unity, not division, to face this threat." Magister Eranthius, sensing the rising discord, raised his hand, "Enough. Our focus should be on solutions, not strife. Trainee, continue. What course of action do your visions suggest?" Aelarion, nodding to Seraphina's support, outlined a tentative plan. "To combat the Astral Blight, we must first understand its essence. I propose sending a team to gather a sample directly from the affected areas. With this sample, I can work on devising a spell to both purify the Blight and mend the damage it has wrought." Hierophant Elowen, finding merit in Aelarion's plan, spoke in measured tones, "Such a task is not without risk. The Blighted areas teem with otherworldly entities. Sending a team to collect a sample will require both skill and courage."

Archmage Thalara, still skeptical, questioned, "And how can we be certain that your spell will be effective? We cannot afford to rely on unproven magic in these dire times." Aelarion, undeterred, replied, "I understand the skepticism, but everyone here will help. The Sanctum's resources will be crucial in refining the spell. We can conduct trials within protective wards to ensure its efficacy before implementing it on a larger scale." Magister Eranthius, assessing the risks and potential benefits, finally nodded, "Very well, assemble a team and proceed with caution. But remember, our trust hinges on results, not promises." With the tentative plan in motion, Aelarion began preparations for the daring expedition into the heart of the Blighted areas. 

As the leaders dispersed, Seraphina approached Aelarion with a determined gleam in her eyes. "I've been at your side through thick and thin. I won't let you face this peril alone. I'll join the expedition to gather the Blight sample." He hesitated, concern etched across his features. "It's too dangerous. I can't risk—" She cut him off, her voice firm and unwavering. "Al, we've faced dangers together before. I won't back down now. Besides, I can handle myself, and you'll need someone you can trust on this mission." He sighed, knowing the futility of arguing with Seraphina when she had made up her mind. "It's not just about trust. My dream..." She met his gaze with stoic resolve. "Al, a dream is not destiny. I won't let that dictate my fate. We'll face this together." Aelarion, though still concerned, nodded in acknowledgment. "Alright, but promise me you'll be cautious."

A hint of a nod was Seraphina's only response. "I always am, Al. We'll gather the sample, and then we'll work on purifying Eldrithorne." Aelarion quipped back with a playful smile. "Are you always careful? Remember the time when you slipped going up stairs?" Her eyes narrowed playfully, and she nudged him. "That was when we were kids. I've grown since then." Aelarion chuckled, "Sure, sure. Just don't slip on any cosmic stairs out there, okay?" Seraphina rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small, embarrassed smile. His teasing earned him a playful swat from Seraphina's tail. "Watch it, Al. One of these days, that playful banter might turn into a prank on you." Aelarion laughed, "I'll take my chances. Just come back in one piece, all right?" Seraphina's eyes softened with a hint of gratitude. "Always, now go prepare the team."

Aelarion moved through the halls of the Astral Sanctum, overseeing the preparations for the impending expedition. Mages hurriedly gathered supplies, enchanted artifacts, and protective wards. The air buzzed with a mix of anticipation and unease, each member of the expedition aware of the risks that lay ahead. As the team assembled, Aelarion's gaze lingered on the array of magical tools and artifacts they would carry into the Blighted areas. Each item bore the weight of necessity. Aelarion couldn't shake the underlying tension that permeated the atmosphere. He knew the success of their mission rested on the delicate balance of cosmic forces, the resilience of the team, and the efficacy of the spell he would craft upon their return.

As the expedition team gathered, Seraphina stood among them, her presence a symbol of strength and determination. Aelarion approached her, a mixture of concern and confidence in his expression. "Remember, the Blighted areas hold unpredictable dangers, and we must not underestimate them." Seraphina nodded, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the task ahead. "I know the risks. We'll gather the sample and return swiftly." With a final glance around the prepared chamber, Aelarion felt the weight of responsibility settle upon him. The expedition team, charged with this pivotal mission, stood ready to face the unknown and confront the thing that threatened Eldrithorne's very existence.

As Seraphina led the expedition team, the air grew tense with the weight of their purpose. Most of the members were skilled mages in their own right, the others were the adventurers that volunteered to be a part of the expedition group. The Blighted areas loomed before them, a realm tainted by forces that defied conventional understanding. The team moved with cautious steps, guided by Aelarion's instruction and the hope that they could gather a sample of the infection without succumbing to its insidious influence. As they ventured deeper, the air became charged with an otherworldly aura. Distorted visions flickered at the edges of their perception. Seraphina's senses heightened, attuned to the subtle shifts in the area.

As the expedition team delved deeper, the first signs of corruption manifested in twisted monsters and spectral entities. The skilled mages dispatched these tainted creatures with calculated precision, their spells cutting through the enemies. However, a group of adventurers, emboldened by their initial success, began to underestimate the gravity of the situation. Their cocky demeanor clashed with Seraphina's cautious approach. She attempted to rein in their overconfidence, warning them of the unpredictable nature of the Blight, but the adventurers dismissed her words. Eager to prove themselves, the adventurers forged ahead without her guidance, their footsteps echoing through the eerie corridors of the city. Seraphina felt a growing unease as the adventurers ventured further, oblivious to the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

As they continued, the expedition team encountered tainted manifestations of both monsters and people. The adventurers, momentarily blinded by their arrogance, engaged in battle without fully comprehending the subtleties of these manifestations. The skirmishes that followed were more challenging than anticipated, and the adventurers found themselves struggling against the unpredictable and volatile nature of the creatures. Seraphina, with a mix of frustration and determination, moved to support the adventurers, attempting to guide them through the intricacies of combating the entities. The Blighted areas, unforgiving and capricious, tested the resilience of the expedition team, reminding them that the cosmic forces at play were not to be underestimated. In the midst of the skirmish, the overconfident adventurers clashed with a particularly resilient Blighted creature. The air crackled with otherworldly energy, and Seraphina's voice cut through the chaos. "Hold your ground! This is no ordinary foe." Seraphina calls out. 

Cole smirks while he deflects the monster's attack, "We've handled worse." Seraphina shakes her head, "This is different. The Blight twists reality. Watch your surroundings!" She urged. As the adventurers continued their assault, the Blighted creature's form shifted unpredictably, creating illusions that disoriented the attackers.

Slip laughed as he slashed down a monster, "Boss, you worry too much! We've got this." Tucker followed them up confidently, "We've faced worse things than a few illusions. This is nothing!" Despite her warnings, the adventurers and mages pressed on, the Blighted environment distorting their perceptions. As the adventurers battle, the twisted illusions intensified, confounding their every move. The once-confident team found themselves ensnared in a surreal nightmare. Slip, who had laughed off Seraphina's warnings, stumbled backward, his movements now sluggish and erratic. His eyes, once filled with mirth, now betrayed confusion and fear. "What's happening to me?" he muttered, swatting at unseen shadows that danced around him. Malia's frustrated magical assault proved futile, the aura of the Blight rendered her spells unpredictable. "What's happening? It's like the world's gone mad!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the battleground. Cole, once effortlessly dispatching monsters, now grappled with unseen adversaries. "It's like it's everywhere at once! How do we fight this?" he questioned, his confidence waning. Tucker, too, felt the disorienting effects of the Blight, his confident demeanor replaced by uncertainty. "This isn't right. It's like the ground is shifting beneath my feet," he exclaimed, struggling to maintain his balance. 

In the midst of the escalating chaos, Seraphina stepped forward. Her eyes glowed with determination as she unleashed a primal howl, a surge of power emanating from her being. The Blighted creature recoiled, momentarily halted by the force of her innate strength. "Enough!" Seraphina's voice cut through the disarray. With a swift and calculated movement, she surged into the heart of the battlefield. Her claws and fangs, augmented by her aura, tore through illusions and the corrupted entity alike. The adventurers watched in awe as Seraphina, unyielding in her resolve, became a beacon of order within the chaos. Seraphina's primal display brought a momentary lull to the chaotic scene, the Blighted creatures hesitating in the face of her formidable power. The adventurers, initially awestruck, soon found themselves caught in the stern gaze of their lycanthropic leader. "Did my warnings mean nothing to you?" she scolded, her voice a blend of frustration and concern. "The Blight twists reality, and you charge in blindly, thinking brute strength alone would prevail."

As Seraphina surveyed the group, her sharp eyes detected something amiss. Blight, an insidious cosmic corruption, was slowly spreading across the armor of one of the adventurers. The affected individual seemed unaware of the encroaching darkness, the subtle tendrils of corruption weaving through the once-pristine metal. Her eyes narrowed, and Seraphina's tone turned urgent. "Hold!" she commanded; her claws pointed at the adventurer. "You're tainted by the Blight. Take off your armor before it takes root." Cole, initially puzzled, complied with her directive, removing his armor with haste. As the metal pieces clattered to the ground, Seraphina's sharp eyes widened in realization. The telltale signs of Blight corruption were already etched across Cole's exposed skin. A gasp rippled through the onlooking adventurers. "By the cosmos," Seraphina muttered, her instincts kicking into overdrive. With a swift and calculated movement, she unsheathed her claws and struck at the corrupted flesh, attempting to purge the Blight before it could take root. However, the cosmic corruption proved more insidious than anticipated. Within seconds, Cole's eyes, once filled with determination, now reflected a ghastly emptiness. Seraphina, in a desperate attempt to contain the spread, dealt a swift, lethal blow, ending Cole's life. Yet, the Blight, unfazed by the intervention, seized the opportunity to transform the fallen adventurer into a monstrous entity. The air grew tense as the once-ally now stood as a twisted manifestation of corruption. The adventurers, caught between horror and disbelief, faced a grim reality – the Blight's relentless advance, turning comrades into aberrations of their former selves.