
Chapter 4

okay so CEOs/players name is Drake

Drake's POV

I followed the girl that yelled player at me and it turns out she's in my first period, I closed then locked the door and pinned her up against the desk, I do this a lot so it's normal to me but what's not normal is GETTING KICKED IN THE NUTS WHILE TRYING TO GET IT ON.

This has never happened to me before I could usually do this and start getting down to business but nooooo I just have to get kicked in da balls.

"WHAT THE HELLS YOUR PROBLEM" I yelled, "OH YEAH YOU TOTALLY DIDN'T JUST COME UP TO ME AND TRY TO F**K ME" Raven yelled "ITS CALLED SELF-DEFENSE B**CH", this b**ch is actually yelling at me I can't believe she has the guts to do that. BOOM "WHO DA HELL TRYNA RAPE RAVEN IMA KICK YO A$$" may yelled
