
CEO Wei and His Contract Wife

“Do you have a minute?” Wei requested, his eyes avoiding hers. “Well, you have my attention,” Yulan responded as her eyes trailed over the man who just spoke. “I want you to pretend to be my fiancée.” Wei, The thirty-three-year-old CEO of Crest Aluminum Company, blurted out bluntly, his voice cold and distant. “Excuse me!” Yulan almost yelled, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. He continued, undeterred. “You need a job and I need someone…” “Well keep searching, you dimwit. Can my day be any worse than this?” She interrupted sharply, pushing her hair behind her ear. “How dare you call me that?” Wei snapped, his temper flaring. “And how dare you ask that of me?” Yulan scoffed, her voice rising in irritation. “How the hell did you know I needed a job? You pervert, were you spying on us?” She accused, her anger boiling over. Their friends quickly rushed to their sides, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. “Can you believe this, Yaya? This crazy man was eavesdropping on our conversation!” Yulan fumed, turning to her friend. “You were yelling your problems in the spa!” Wei retorted defensively. “And must you listen?” Yulan fired back. “Calm down, everyone is watching us.” Yao intervened, attempting to soothe her friend's rage. “He started it!” Yulan wouldn’t relent. “Pardon her, she’s going through some serious issues. She’s usually not like this.” Yao pleaded on her behalf, but Yulan continued to vent her frustration while Fu Yao ushered her toward a waiting taxi. ************** Guo Yulan, a twenty-five-year-old who resigned from her job, and Wei Wang, the thirty-three-year-old CEO of Crest Aluminium, decided to enter into a contract. While the contract stated that Miss. Guo was obligated to portray the role of Mr. Wang's fiancée in various public and social settings, including but not limited to events, gatherings, and meetings with business associates, Mr. Wang agreed to compensate Miss. Guo for her services by paying her the sum agreed upon, in the execution of the Agreement. In addition, Mr. Wang agreed to either hire Miss. Guo or assist her in finding a permanent employment opportunity after their engagement ended. Initially, Ms. Guo recoiled at the thought of signing the contract, finding it appalling. However, confronted with the looming threat of a lawsuit, she reluctantly signed her signature in a desperate bid to escape being sued by her former employer, even as it meant casting caution and her better judgment aside. A series of events leads him to blackmail her into marrying him and making her hate him more than she thinks she does. As they start to open up about their feelings for one another, the lingering shadow of his past starts to intrude on their blossoming romance, haunting what could be a beautiful love story.

Chrissie_Swift · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter One

Yulan lay in bed, the moonlight streaming through the curtains, creating spooky shadows that danced over the walls. Exhaustion weighed over her like a heavy blanket, mingling with the nagging concerns swarming in her head.

The digital clock on her bedside table flashed at 2:00 a.m., its bright numbers teasing her as the night wore on. Morning seemed like a menacing presence, poised to throw her back into the monotony of endless labor and worry.

Despite the warmth of her duvet, a part of her desired to break away from the never-ending cycle of obligation at work.

Was it worth it, she pondered, to pursue success in a world that appeared focused on draining all of her energy? The thought gnawed at her, like a constant aching in her bones, demanding to be ignored.

Yulan sighed heavily and closed her eyes, hoping to find peace in sleep.

Just as she was ready to fall asleep, her phone vibrated to indicate an incoming call. Rubbing her weary eyelids, she reached for it, hardly reading the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" Her voice was husky with tiredness.

"Hey, Yulan, it's Chengde from the HR department. I couldn't wait to tell you this news," said the hushed voice on the other end of the phone. "I've got some news for you."

Despite her tiredness, her heart was racing. HR rarely delivered uninteresting news. "What's up, Chengde?" This must be wonderful news if she woke her up at 2 a.m.

"It looks like there's a promotion letter being handed out today," she said. "I have a strong feeling that is meant for you. Congratulations, Ms. Guo."

Yulan's breath caught in her throat as her colleague's words sank in. For a minute, she was caught in amazement, her mind straining to fathom the depth of what she had just heard.

Then, unexpectedly, joyous laughter erupted from deep within her, flowing out into the peaceful darkness of her room. Her fatigue was temporarily replaced with a surge of energy. Finally, her hard work was recognized. Perhaps those long hours and sleepless nights were beneficial after all.

Tears of relief and joy welled up in her eyes as she grabbed the phone closer, unable to contain the flood of emotions flowing through her. This was it!

She brushed away the tears with shaky hands, revealing a bright smile on her face. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Thank you, Chengde," Yulan choked out, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Thank you so much."

As she hung up the phone, she leaned back against the pillows, her heart full as sleep finally took over her.

Today, confidence flowed through her veins as she anticipated the coveted promotion. For the past three years, Yulan had first been rejected and dismissed as a newcomer. She had had hope of thriving when she started working. However, that was her first disappointment and it was not until the next year she healed.

Then her colleague's requirements won over hers. The woman had been working for almost six years and still was the last to leave the workplace and the first to arrive. She was smart and kind. Yulan understood she didn't stand a chance against her. She was rather happy for her.

Then, last year, she was told she was too young for the role, which she almost challenged until the possibility of losing her job stopped her.

However, this year seemed unique; it was hers. She had more seniority than two of the seven applicants and had already asked the HR manager for a raise due to her workload. So she knew they would give her the promotion. She was currently the best candidate in the workplace. Chengde had also called to confirm it.

As if on cue, the office phone interrupted her thoughts, and she happily picked it up.

"Guo Yulan, may I see you in my office?" The HR's voice crackled through the speaker before silence enveloped the line.

As she stood up from her desk, she brushed down the wrinkles in her blouse and exchanged friendly smiles with her coworkers, concealing the intense anticipation simmering beneath her calm demeanor.

Yulan's pulse sped up as she neared the man's door. She waited for Mr. Huang to invite her inside his office after the knock. When it came, she stepped inside, her posture poised but her heart still racing with excitement.

"Have a seat, Ms. Guo," The man gestured warmly. She had entered this office more than she did with any office in the workplace yet today, she felt more nervous than she had ever been.

"Thank you, Mr. Huang."

"I understand you've been anticipating this promotion, and rest assured, I've been eagerly awaiting the green light from our superiors to issue that promotion letter. It's always gratifying to see our employees excel and the company implementing such incentives," he remarked with a smile, met by Yulan's own.

"I won't let you down, sir. You know I excel at my work, and I'm confident I'll continue to thrive," she assured, her smile unwavering.

The man retrieved a letter from his desk, igniting a flutter of anticipation in Yulan's stomach. She reached out with bated breath, her fingers quivering slightly, eager to hold the concrete proof of her hard work.

"Unfortunately, this letter does not belong to you. We're sorry, but we can't promote you right now. The company psychologist recommended that it may be ideal for your health to keep your stress levels low, and being promoted has the opposite impact." He announced while still maintaining his smile, a facade barely concealing the disappointing news.

Confusion knitted Guo Yulan's brow. "I'm sorry, I'm not following," she interjected, seeking clarity, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Believe me, young Yulan, I wish I had more control over this," he responded, attempting to convey sympathy through his forced expression. Her heart sank as the words cut the air, each syllable a dagger in her hopes.

"You call me young Yulan," she retorted, her tone tinged with frustration, "but yet tell me you can't promote me because you don't want to stress me? How does that even make any sense?" she again countered, her composure slipping as indignation bubbled to the surface.

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