
CEO Love and Chaos

Jane Pearson, beautiful young CEO, finds herself in a fight for both love and her company. She falls in love with the new head of security at her company Michael Cooper, after he saves her from a kidnapping. But he doesn't love her, instead he loves her assistant, Alice Gerrard. Jane is being sabotaged at every turn as someone or someones are trying to steal her company from her. Will she be able to balance her love life and save her company at the same time?

Leo_Grey · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Michael was shocked at the answer, stepping back, he sat on a nearby crate, trying to figure out what has been going on.

"Hey." He said looking at Arnold. "Don't tell the other employees that Jane was involved in this okay?"

"Alright." Arnold replied, weak and confused. "But didn't that guy just confess that she ordered him to do these things to me?"

"Something isn't quite adding up." Michael answered. "So, just do as I say, okay?"


The police arrived shortly. They apprehended the criminals then took Arnold and Michael's statements; after they were done, they drove off with Arnold and the kidnappers.

Michael walked out of the station slowly, as the crickets sang in the background, he was tired and confused, everything he had done the past two days was catching up on him.

The night was late, with the cold gentle breeze was blowing. He went to his car, which was carelessly parked besides the blue van.

Michael stopped between the van and his car, looking straight at the van, he considered checking it for clues, but shook his head and continued to his car. He was too exhausted for that.

Entering the car, he saw his phone on the dash board; he was so much in a rush earlier he forgot to take his phone with him.

"I doubt I have missed any calls." He said, with a gentle sad smile on his face.

Picking up the phone, Michael's eyes widened twenty missed calls was flashing boldly from his screen. He checked who they were from, but it was an unknown number and he didn't have the energy to find out that night, so he drove home.

The next day, Alice walked into Janes office, and was instantly put to surprise again: Jane was pacing across her office frantically, murmuring as she did so.

"Twenty, twenty, twenty." She whispered to herself, not knowing that Alice was there.

"Any problem, Miss Pearson?" Alice asked politely.

Jane stopped in her tracks, turned to face Alice with a grim expression on her face. Alice was scared at the sight of her boss, who then went to her desk.

She sat down, then rested her head on the table, using her hands as pillows. Alice approached her slowly and cautiously.

"Alice, Alice." Jane cried out hopelessly, her voice muffled by the table.

"Yes Miss Pearson." She answered, taking a seat across from Jane. "Anything wrong?"

"Alice." Jane continued to cry out. "I messed up again."

"What happened this time?" Alice asked.

"Twenty times." Jane responded.

"What happened twenty times, Miss Pearson?" Alice askes again, exasperatedly.

"I called him twenty times last night.".

Alices eyes widened. "Who did you call twenty time" she asked in shock.

Jane looked up, her face full of embarrassment. "Michael."

"What, why?" Alice asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"I don't know. I was worried."

"So, you call a person you barely even know twenty times."

"Embarrassing, right? I don't think I can ever face him again." Jane said shaking her head with her palms slapped against her cheeks.

Knock-Knock. Someone was at the door. It was Michael peaking his head through the door again. He looked rather tired.

Jane stopped shaking her head then quickly dropped her hands on the desk. Alice turned around and gave him a little wave.

"Good morning, Miss Pearson." He said as he pushed the door aside and walked in, holding a folder in his hand. "I just came to give you a report of what happened yesterday."

Jane just nodded. He walked over to her desk and dropped the folder there, the color in Jane's face grew redder as he stood right in front of her, with only the table between them.

"And also, regarding your question from yesterday, it's a yes." He said, smiling.

Jane looked confused for a bit. "What question?" she asked.

"You know, the one where you asked me out to dinner?" he replied.

"Ohh." Jane replied with a shy smile, she was getting her confidence back. "I can't believe you remembered."

"Of course, I remembered, you're the boss, so I can't forget, killing two birds with one stone right?"

"Right" Jane replied, chuckling.

Alice looked at the exchange between the two of them with interest. 'When did this happen?' she thought.

Michael smiled, then began to leave. "Anyways, see you guys later."

"Wait, you're leaving already?" Jane asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, I'm going to go find out the crazy person that called me twenty times last night."

Jane's mood changed instantly. She looked to Alice as though asking her for help

Alice looked back at Jane. "What am I supposed to do?" she whispered as Michael was leaving.

"Anything, just do anything, please." Jane whispered back. Michael was already by the door.

"Wait." Alice yelled out, jumping up from her seat, Jane looked at her with curiosity, as Michael stopped and turned.

"Theres no need for you to go." Alice continued as Michael looked at her with intrigue.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"Because… the crazy person… who called you… is… me" Alice answered, turning on the spot, struggling to find words.

Michael stared at her in complete surprise, he was loss for word, as he couldn't comprehend why she would do that.

"I was worried about you, since you were gone for a long time, and it could have been dangerous where you went to." She continued, blushing as she spoke.

Michael's heart skipped a beat. He left the door and went towards Alice. She stood there, unsure of what to do or say next as Jane sat as an onlooker.

Michael stooped a foots distance away from Alice, his cheeks flushed red and his eyes sparkling.

"Why would you call someone you barely know twenty times in one night. He asked, looking straight into her eyes.

Alice looked away from him, she looked at Jane behind her hoping she could help, but Jane was lost. She looked left, then looked right searching for what to say, before finally looking back at him.

"Because… I love you."