
Don't Laugh At Me

Wang Lei sensed the delicate figure in his arms was shivering with cold. He called Niha's name, but she didn't respond because she was already passed out. Wang Lei found her body was burning. Niha got a High fever.

He frowned after looking at her pale face and sighed helplessly because she couldn't even know how to protect herself.

Later he muffled Her up with his coat and carried Niha Bharadwaj to the car in his arms. He turned up the heating in the car and stepped on the gas.

He called Kai Heng in his way to house. Within fifteen minutes, the car stopped at the entrance of ' The Rainbow Community '.

Wang Lei carried Niha Bharadwaj to her bedroom. While changing her clothes, his inky eyes fortuitously fixed on her Nevus which was exactly at the centre just three centimetres below her neck. It was looking swarthy on her snow white skin.

Wang Lei stopped his move and his eyes narrowed on her beauty spot. He felt uncomfortable. Yeah, he want to kiss her. But it was not the correct time to kiss her.

He constrained himself and changed her clothes. Later he bent over and kissed Niha Bharadwaj on her forehead.

When he stood up from the bed, Kai Heng rang the doorbell. Wang Lei opened the door , Kai Heng brought a Lady doctor with him.

The doctor examined Niha Bharadwaj and said to Wang Lei that Niha Bharadwaj got a High fever because she was extremely scared about something.

The doctor gave an antibiotic to Niha Bharadwaj. Later she gave some measures to Wang Lei and left the place.

Wang Lei said to Kai Heng to have some rest. So after sending off the doctor, Kai Heng went to his home.

Later Wang Lei took a wet towel and wiped the Sweat on Niha's forehead. He had been checking her body temperature and changing the Wet cloth on her forehead from time to time. Niha Bharadwaj body temperature had cooled down gradually.

Niha Bharadwaj felt that someone was taking care of her by the bed. After confirming that Niha's body temperature came to normal, Wang Lei slept on the chair beside the Bed by tightly holding Niha's left hand in his hands.

When Niha Bharadwaj woke up at the next day morning, it was almost eight. She felt a little dizzy, she looked around her room for a while.

Later she found her clothes were changed and her soft hand was tightly clasped with Wang Lei's large and tender hands. She didn't dare to move, because it might disturb his sleep.

And Now, the biggest question in her heart was ' Who changed her clothes ? If it was Wang Lei, How could she face him from tomorrow ? '

Thinking about that for a while, she tried to remember what had happened at last night. She remembered, When she was about to lost her hope, Wang Lei opened the door from outside.

She felt elated after watching Wang Lei at that place. Later she tightly hugged him and then everything was blurred. She felt awkward after thinking about that.

She looked at Wang Lei who was sleeping on the chair by holding her hand. The rays coming from the sun directly fell on his striking face through the glass window. Niha Bharadwaj was enchanted by his charm.

Niha Bharadwaj tried to touch his face with her right hand, that slight move awakened Wang Lei. Niha Bharadwaj's hand stopped at the mid-way and she fastly retracted her hand.

Wang Lei woke up suddenly and looked at Niha Bharadwaj who was staring at him.

" Are you awake ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" Yeah, just now " Niha Bharadwaj Replied with a sweet voice.

Later he released her hand and checked her temperature with his hand. It became normal.

" How you feeling now ? " He asked her.

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Mmm, much Better ".

She was looking puzzled. Wang Lei understood her complexity and explained " I called a lady doctor last night ".

The single sentence removed all the doubts in her heart. She thought 'That means the lady doctor Changed her clothes, it was not Wang Lei '. She felt alleviated after hearing Wang Lei's explanation.

Later she smiled and said " Ryan, I'm grateful to you for your help ".

Wang Lei smiled and replied " It's nothing ".

Later he asked " By the way, Do you have fear of caterpillars ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj burst out laughing. Wang Lei gave a puzzle look to her.

" What you mean ? I, Niha Bharadwaj scared of Caterpillars !! Huh !! Then you're wrong " She said while laughing.

She suddenly stopped talking, then she lowered her head. She raised her hand and showed her little finger.

Wang Lei laughed at her. Niha Bharadwaj raised her head and said " Don't laugh at me. I have a huge phobia of Caterpillars ".

" Haha, poor girl. Okay, Go and wash your face. I'll prepare a breakfast for you " Wang Lei smiled and said

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head and got up from the bed. Wang Lei went to his room to freshen up.


Wang Lei prepared boiled eggs, some fruits and orange juice for Breakfast. While having breakfast, Wang Lei asked " Have you offended anyone in your company ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj looked at him and said " Mm, I'm a Newbie. I do not even know the names of my colleagues ".

Later she said " But, I heard a girl's voice ".

She lowered her head and said in a low voice " She berated me , wrongly ".

Wang Lei asked " Can you recognise her voice ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head and said " Yeah. But, I don't wanted to make it a big issue ".

While Wang Lei was thinking, Niha Bharadwaj exclaimed " Oh my god, I forgot to apply for a Leave ".

Wang Lei looked at her and said " Don't worry, I have already applied two Days Leave for you ".

" Really ? " Niha Bharadwaj glanced at him and asked.

Wang Lei nodded his head.

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Thanks again ".

< End Of The Chapter 41 >