
CEO'S Contracted Possession

“I’m not available for love. We will have a contract marriage without any involvement." “Then I have to reject your offer, Mr. Walker.” Lucy answered without beating around the bush. “I will marry for love, not for power and status.” Hearing this, Davis’s brows lifted, “An innocent thought.” “I call this a positive attitude. You will not understand until you fall in love with someone. So please find someone else, Mr. Walker.” ..... He was ruthless, described as a walking danger who would destroy anyone trying to tame him. But his heart couldn't keep calm on seeing his secretary, who was no less than a flower blooming in his haunted life. Davis Walker was the known billionaire, inheriting the position of the heir in the underworld. But he was betrayed when his girlfriend got together with his half-brother, both of whom were lusting for Davis's blood as well as his wealth. To keep his powers and empire, Davis needs to find a match within a month. But is his secretary, Lucy, a perfect candidate who is a hopeless believer in true love while he is...merely looking for a substitute? Lucy Warner was a beauty with brains. She carried her carefree attitude, enjoying a perfect life without any worries to deal with. But then her twisted fate lands her in a world of schemes, wars, and jealousy where she has to share everything with her boss. However, there are secrets between them. Their unknown identities are each other’s enemies, which would enable them to continue their forbidden romance. While one is numb to feelings, the other one is eagerly looking for a soulmate. How can they fight against the world and be a solid one? ..... •18+ MATURE CONTENT- BE ALERTED •The cover's rights are reserved to the original creator. •You can follow me on Instagram- amaira_knight Discord- Amaira_Knight#1314 ***** My Other works- The Kidnapped Bride High School: Way to Forever My Clever wife is Sweet Support Author by adding the book into your library and please do give it a try! Thank you so much :)

Amaira_Knight · Ciudad
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136 Chs


Her question was a direct and simple one.

In Davis's eyes, it was filled with naivety but Lucy was determined to take the next step in accordance with this answer.

She might be a bit tempted but her morals stood as firm on the ground as one could. Her eyes looked for a response and not hearing an immediate answer from Davis did give rise to the beads of hope only for a while.

But to her dismay, the man quickly replied after a few minutes, "No. I'm not available for any relationships or affairs. It will be purely contract marriage where one has to act in front of the families and in public. Behind the doors, there will be no involvement."

"Then I will have to reject you, Mr. Walker."

Lucy spoke fluently without beating around the bush. "I can't agree with your terms and conditions for the marriage contract."

Hearing this, Davis's brows lifted, "If it is about money and position, don't worry no one will be able to harass you. I know your background already that you and your brothers are orphans and no one will question your status either. Moreover, your secui-"

"I don't care about your money and status, Mr. Walker." Lucy firmly replied without hitching from her direction.

"In my life, I have seen people getting married for love. Since I was young, I have always dreamt of getting married only to a man with whom I will fall in love. Maybe I haven't found one but that doesn't mean I have given up. Marriage....is a big thing for me. It is a commitment for a lifetime, forever."

"Your money and status don't excite me. If I get to marry any ordinary man who doesn't have a lot of money but is of clean heart, loyal, and loves me as much as I do, I will be willing to be with them."

Lucy took a deep breath to push the contract at Davis's end without hesitation. Her eyes clearly showed her strong will and she will not step back from her decision.

But it only brought amusement in Davis's eyes. 'She is rejecting me?' That was a rare sight to see.

Yes, his sight didn't fall short. She was a stubborn and well-reserved woman who would not take any man to her bed.

Subconsciously, his lips lifted upwards in a smile despite his work not pulling through. "Lucy...seems like you've seen many people getting married for love but not many divorced and how they end up cheating upon each other. Trusting each other only to be broken at the end."

To this, Lucy smiled, "Or maybe you have seen too many bad marriages in your life where your trust in a true marriage has dried up. I won't blame you, it must be your situation. But if someone ends up cheating, that's called fate and it is already written. We can only follow what is there in our heart."

"An innocent thought."

"A positive attitude, Mr. Walker. Maybe you won't understand until you get the joy of marrying someone whom you love dearly in your life."

Davis didn't reply but Lucy knew it was time to take the leave. She stood up on her legs to take his leave but then turned around to say again.

"Your secret's safe with me, I'm a good keeper, sir. I hope you find someone suitable for this position because it is a huge responsibility. Unfortunately, I'm not the one for this role." Lucy answered softly with her strong voice.

Davis didn't say much except, "My doors will always be open. If in future you want to accept, you know where to find me, Ms. Warner. Give it a thought for you and your brother."

Luy scoffed in her mind but she walked out of his cabin without thinking twice.

Was she insane? Did she reject him just now?

Unknown to her, Davis was getting more impatient. Her rejection only made him understand that she was the best candidate for this role.

Maybe she's a fool to believe in words of love, but sooner or later, if God gives her a bit of knowledge, he hopes she turns her back around.

Without a second thought, Davis slipped the contract back into the drawer until a giant smile never left his lips.

'She is interesting. But too bad, believing in things which don't exist in this cruel world anymore. May God bless her with brains and theories!'


Lucy's mood turned grave since the time she exited her boss's office.

In between her work, her mind went on to replay his words and her fury began to occupy her mind.

'Did he think I would agree to marry him for the sake of his money? In his eyes, am I so cheap?'

Her mind hissed and she couldn't help but feel anger bubbling inside her chest. She wanted to snap his neck for asking such a dumb question when she clearly had no interest in his money, for God's sake, she was a hardworking lady!

But her turmoil of emotion was seen by Liam who came by her desk and gained her attention.

" I see that a beautiful lady is getting stressed over things." Lucy heard Liam's voice and she lowered her head from her forehead. "Liam...it's just that.."

"I know everything about the contract marriage that he offered you, so don't shy away from me," Liam assured her, and she was relieved.

At any cost, she could share her feelings without fear of opening Davis's secret. "If you know about this, don't you think he is crazy?"

"Is he?" Liam raised brows in amusement. "I don't think so. With what has happened in his life till now, I think his outlook towards marriage is right."

"He doesn't feel that he deserves to be tied in a commitment and that is for a man like him fearing love, Lucy."

"But he is asking me to be in an emotionless marriage! I always wanted to fall in love and get married, Liam. Not for money." Lucy pressed her matters and Liam nodded his head.

"I know girls like you have a dream of getting married to the love of your life. But Davis has been through a lot and his position is different. Maybe from my point of view, I can see that he is wrong but from his point of view, I can't blame him." Liam answered softly and Lucy hardly defies his words.

Maybe he had been through enough but she wasn't the right person he found for the task either.

As if Liam had read her mind when he asked her, "You want to fall in love and get married only for once, right?" he suddenly asked and she ended up nodding her head, without a frown leaving her forehead.

"Then...why don't you try falling in love with Davis Walker too?"


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