

"Ling Feng?", Yu Yan was shocked at his presence here.

Upon instinct Ling Feng went to Wang Yu Yan's side.

"Prince Li Guang, what is the meaning of this", she continued.

They all stood at one side with the Princess standing opposite the three of them.

"Ganging up on me already. Silly me I thought the princess would have some sense to thank me by now. How naive of me", the prince held a grin that was laced with frustration.

"Your Highness, why did you bring here? To the middle of nowhere", Ling Feng said something.

He still couldn't figure out the Prince's intention. His mind was alert and on guard for anything that might happen.

"I was waiting for you to talk. You see me Li Guang. I have a hard time understanding why the princess deems you in any sense any better than me. Plus I'm seeking compensation for the disrespect I've endured all this while. Thus I request for us to have a duel. Let the better man win",