
Ninja Chapter 19


Chapter 19

Name: FienFuSun (Sun), Level 160, Race: Ancient Human

(x/x hp) (x/x Power) (x/x Endurance)

Class: Divine Goddess

Title: "System Admin (Greater God Level)"

Goddess Sun Dark Black hair of the void kept slowly moving around bright glowing blue eyes. The flame of her eyes would attack the strands of her hair with blue fire. Her thoughts were on a celestial being that was within the tutorial system. One of the Ragnarök Candidates had escaped hell, escaped that from which cannot be escaped. But worst yet, this candidate wasn't even a real Ragnarök. So never went through the trials of Ragnarök.

She had already sent Stryker in her stead; he had promised her he had an ability that would afford him to question the candidate himself.

System Tutorial was a particular AI that was given more administration rights to be the best it can be for all sent there. For some reason this system tutorial had just given a mortal human being an upgrade to its soul.

Standing before her orb of power, it glistened through light spectrums that only a god could see, displaying anything she wanted to view. The orb continued to circle, while she waited for one of the greater gods to accept the connection on the other end. Then a male's head appeared in her view, his blue hair surprised her. She knew who he was before she even seen the picture finish its display.

"Elder God Karkhan, I apologize I was trying to get one of the greaters." She quickly displayed her apology with a deep bow.

"Fienfusun of course it's you and not one of the greaters' handling this issue once again." Fien-sun, bowed deeply once again.

"Please, you credit me too much" she explained obviously loving the fact that he answered.

Karkhan gave her a wave then continued to speak. "Please give me what you got." He said with a smile then waited.

"Yes sir, I sent one of my assistances, apparently System Tutorial has upgraded a human soul, and one that is from Jehovah's hidden realm, but he is a Ragnarök candidate." She stated, again bowing as deep as she could.

"A Ragnarök Candidate is in the tutorial zone?" Karkhan questioned with more focus this time, she was having a hard time resisting his perception.

"Yes, my assistant has confirmed it." She replied slowly this time trying to keep focus, otherwise his perception was about to make her pass out.

"Very good, once again Sun. I want you to give this report to the greaters and add that we the elders are dealing with one of his hidden caches obviously to keep us away from the tutorial zone. I'm tasking all the greaters with this operation, but as always work the problem yourself as well as help the others." This was his way of saying that he trusted her to get the job done, but he couldn't say it.

"Yes, your highness" She responded as she watched him disappear.

Her orb began to slow from its fast spinning from which Goddess Sun just walked away from looking out at what could be described as an open balcony upon a large moon that was orbiting what looked like a massive gas planet.

Goddess Sun focused on her other Avatar's; one was disguised as a celestial being within the tutorial zone itself. But like before she couldn't get past system tutorial's Walls that protected the tutorial zone. It matters not, she smiled to herself; She would become a Greater God, she already had her foot in the door which the system rights afforded to her. If she also completed this task for Karkhan she would be far ahead of the greaters!


Name: Bertram Bullock, Level 22, Race: RaceBody (Human)

(101,400/101,400 hp) (101,111/101,111 Power) (3,000/3,000 Endurance)

Str 123, Con 114, Dex 126, Wis 111, Movement 111

Class: <Battle Monk; Sub Class: Ninja> Lands: Forks (level 1 Village)

Ability points: 115

Stat points: 105

<Divine Aura of God Stryker Foom> You have been in the presence of the Divine God Stryker Foom.

<Active Abilities>

[Jehovah's Celestial Power Pool] *while under the "Jehovah's Witness" title power will equal that of Jehovah's Celestial Power Pool.

[Title Equips] You have titles you can equip: "Ragnarök", "System Lord.", "Jehovah's Witness", "System low level admin", "System Admin (Deity Level)", "The Chosen One!", "High Lord"

[Astral Projection Meditation] Duration: 5min, cooldown: 5min

[Summon Jhinn weapon]

[Summon Jhinn]

[Divine Avatar (1)] You can create a clone, experience gained of clone upon death or release.

[Class Equip] You can switch between classes!

[Skaven Call (0)] Once every 24 hours you can summon The Skaven Army of King Phorin for one hour. This ability can be leveled up! Every level is added to the entire Skaven's army. Level cannot exceed 140.


[System Hack] *Must have "System Lord" Title equipped. Ability to manipulate system matter to your bidding.

[Town Creation] *Activating this skill will open the stats for the towns you currently own. You can assign villagers to create certain buildings and structures for your town.

<Class Abilities>

[Chakra Control] *Release amounts of chakra into your fights and your defenses to increase the scores tremendously.

<Innate Abilities>

[Sinner's Immortality] You are immortal! At least your brain is. You can never lose consciousness.

[Runt Survival] * Activates 10 seconds before death! Time will slow 10sec before your death to give you a stronger chance.

[Pocket-Realm (1)> You have your own realm, that living creatures can be stored in!

[True-Sight] highest form of vision

[Leadership] *You have the ability to collect follower points each day by the people that consider you their leader. With follower points you can purchase many things from the system Store.


Head: Silver Cloth tied around the eyes. <Unique Relic> "Eye of the Ancients": <Innate abilities> <Short Range Teleport: 30 sec cooldown>, <Blindness: You cannot see>

Torso: Silver Cloth Robes. <Legendary> "Robes of the Ancients": <Innate Abilities>: <Enhanced Healing>, <Darkness Bait: Enemy Creatures are upgraded in power against you>

Legs: Yellow Cloth Shorts. <Unique Relic> "Spiritual Shorts": <Innate Abilities>: <Haste: Stackable with other forms of Haste>, <High Attraction>: Intelligent creatures will feel a strong sexual attraction to you>

Feet: Silver cloth shoes. <Legendary> "Shoes of the Ancients": <Innate abilities>: <Enhanced Movement>: Can walk on air for 5 seconds. 5 second cooldown, <Wind Demon: While walking on air, each step causes an enormous gust of wind that shoots down from the bottom of the step.>

Double Wielded: Silver Metal Rod Staff. <legendary> "Staff of the Ancients": Strike from the staff will cause the victim's muscles to lock up for 5 seconds, every swing of the Staff causes a large crack in the air causing deafness to all around the staff.

*Legendary full set bonus: Movement +20, Immune to negative effects for all senses.

Fighting the mini boss in the fifth level of the dungeon should have been my loss during this dive. That was until all my stats increased by a hundred. First my sword wasn't even penetrating the large turtle like monster, until my stats increased then I had finished it in one-blow. I've been receiving a lot of great loot, too much to even look at anymore.

I thought about perhaps releasing myself so I could find out what exactly was going on. I'm a Celestial Human, with no explanation. I even tried to sweet talk Tutt's into telling me what my other clones were up too.

The sixth level went way too fast, the orcs I was fighting were all killed with one shot. It felt like time had stopped, and I just walked around slicing heads off or stabbing them through the eyes. Before I knew it, I was at level six's boss in a matter of seconds. I then like the big mini-boss killed it in one blow. Ability points and stat points kept climbing because of me clearing the levels.

Me and my clones had decided not to spend our points, so we could hurry and put it in a stat if something bad was to happen. Unfortunately, even with all my points I'm still overpowered. From my understanding the max cap level was one hundred. And gaining a level gives you one ability point, and every ten levels you get ten stat points. If I was to reach level one hundred and only put my points in one stat I would only have one hundred in that one stat for the rest of my life. I had all stats over one hundred.

Entering the seventh level I ended up doing a double take at my surroundings, it was a dimly lit corridors filled with cobwebs and dusty tombs. It consisted of basic undead enemies like skeletons and zombies. When I touched them with my blade, they just simply exploded... but slowly because I was too fast. I was pretty sure I reached the end of the level before any of the exploded enemies behind me hit the ground.

What have my clones done to make me so powerful. It was pointless being in the dungeon, it felt as if nothing could challenge me. But I was going to get sent to hell as soon as my ten years here was up, so I wouldn't release. I would keep going and concentrate only on going as fast as I could.

The eighth and ninth level consisted of many traps, and overpowered creatures that one was supposed to figure out how to stealth past them. Unfortunately for them I had no problem blowing them up with one hit as well. I decided to not straightly kill this tenth level boss because the dungeon had declared it the first Apex Guardian. I entered the last corridor through the shadow guards that didn't even see me come up to them. I punched with my left fist immediately causing a sucking sound of the air, then I quickly moved my fist back to avoid most of the blood all around. Moving so fast the blood didn't have time to connect to my skin. Or it just fell off when I pulled back, I wasn't exactly sure. But I was very thankful for it.

I stopped in front of the Apex Guardian and waited for the time to catch up… The Apex Guardian quickly looked at me in startled surprise, then looked past me as the guardians fell to the ground… dead. It then looked back at me with dead eyes that just stared in the distance accepting its death.

"Not going to try?" I asked myself more if I wasn't sure this weird ninja looking turtle could talk.

"This is the first time I've seen you… That means the past levels you've killed me to fast for me to even see what you look like. My ultimate form here and now is no match for you even with the first fight. As of such, after your successful completion of this level I'm tasked with setting the stage for your next ten levels that would help your group succeed." The humanoid turtle took a step back and looked at me up and down, then a few times passed me as if looking for others around.

"My most difficult level isn't enough to challenge you at your stats. I don't know how you was able to enter this dungeon as a celestial being… None the less you are very impressive. The only true way to do my job is to offer you a rebirth. I've never offered one to any… If you agree your character shall be reset to level zero, and all your stats as they are now will be reset to the base levels again. You get to keep all your abilities and skills, but your experience will be halved until you reach the max level of one hundred." The turtle dude bent his knee and the impact of it on the slushy ground sounded nasty.

I gave it some thought, The only advantage this would have been if I would end up with higher stats in the long run by resetting my level back to one. Once I reached level one hundred, I would get all my stats back again added on top of the stats I had gained again. But I was already more overpowered with all my stat points where they were, and I haven't even added the stat points I've earned yet.

"No thanks" I simply answered, I needed to master the power I already had.

The turtle humanoid dropped his large hammer, and it too began to sink a little in the murky mud. "You are covered in legendary armor; you have multiple Innate abilities which puts you on hero or anti-hero level. I have the highest clearance within the system, and I can't even see all your stats. The only true way I can help you grow stronger is to offer you a rebirth, a mythical legendary skill that's been given to me by one of the <Greater Gods of the pantheon>. Anyone knowing what it was would accept this highest of skills that I'm offering. Except you…" The creature voiced to himself in contemplation."

Mythical Legendary skill he says, this gave me pause to give it more time to think. But I still didn't like the idea of losing my overpowered stats, almost as if I was agreeing to get them taken away permanently, a sneaky lawyer technique perhaps. Then again, it's supposed to decide what my next ten levels were, and it admitted that it didn't matter how tough he made them they would still be no match. But my stats were already over any other creatures even if they were all level one hundred.

The humanoid turtle then reached down and grabbed its hammer and came flying towards me swinging the hammer. But like the one before the attack was way too slow, and I easily dodged it and got behind the creature. I then placed my sword by his neck, and he stopped his swing, then dropped his hammer in defeat.

Instead of killing him I swept his feet from under him making him land flat on his back. He allowed it to happen and just stayed still on the ground watching me with boredom. "You said you have to decide, and you can manipulate this dungeon?" I asked, from which he just nodded.

"I'll take the skill from you though…" I simply added as I flicked my wrist making my blade disappear.

"So, you can use it any time you like? You would become way to powerful." He replied, doubling up his boredom.

"I'm a Ragnarök, I'm supposed to be way to powerful!" I stated hoping to talk him into it.

"Hah, then prove it and equip your title." The turtle boss called me out.

I knew I couldn't equip it, otherwise I'd lose my deal with Tuts. Perhaps I could get Tuts to show him, I wonder if he can even see system tutorial.

"Tuts, you able to confirm to your boss here that I'm Ragnarök?" I asked looking around to see where she would appear at. She appeared right above the creature, and the creature looked up at her answering my question.

"This human is a Ragnarök Candidate, he is also Jehovah's Celestial." Tuts explained.

The Turtle creature then looked at me with an expression that was no longer bored. "One of Jehovah's! Did they find him?" he asked, getting a shake of the head from Tuts. Then he looked at me. "It was Jehovah who gave me this ability and told me I'd know when it was needed." The Turtle explained then started to pace back and forth in thought.

"According to the rules set by the elder gods, Ragnarök is not bound by the rules of the system." Tuts explained, I was a little surprised by this. Why hadn't I been told.

"What's the rules?" I asked them both. They gave me a glance then the turtle began to pace talking to himself again. It looked like he had some kind of autism with the actions he was doing.

"So, you won't take the rebirth, most likely because your stats where they are would make you weaker. Besides that, you're a celestial being, and I don't even know if the rebirth would work on you."

"Yes, I didn't even think about that… It might have an undesired reaction… I can find no information on this whatsoever." Tuts explained.

"That's because this skill is unique, Jehovah gave me specific instructions and I know that I was intended to use it on him. I have only to wait for him to agree, then I can finally increase the level of this dungeon." The turtle boss explained to Tuts.

"It matters not, Gray has copied the stats of this human and is no longer beatable. Not even by this hero level celestial being." Tuts explained to the turtle man. Yes, I had seen that with my true sight, he had copied my hacked speed, so his speed was higher than any level one hundred, at least that was my guess.

"Gray still allows one to pass, and this human is solo any ways so it wouldn't matter." The turtle boss explained.

"With his new speed, Gray is no longer allowing any to pass." Tuts explained.

"Can't you just redo his stats?" I asked why the actual system here was acting like they had no power.

"No, this dungeon was created by the elder gods they are the only ones that could edit anything within this dungeon." The turtle boss explained.

"Gray is a fool, the only that might have a chance at defeating him would be this human, but there is no way to go back, once you leave, you'll no longer be allowed to enter." Tuts explained.

"So, how about giving me that rebirth skill?" I asked again.

"That'd be unlimited rebirths, besides that I'm not exactly sure how it'd work as you have more then one avatar." Tuts explained.

"This human has Avatar's. Only gods have avatars." The turtle boss nearly yelled.

"Okay, whatever make the dungeon harder so I can continue." I said realizing I was losing the battle to take the skill.

"What if, instead of removing your stats permanently, instead all the stats that are taken away upon rebirth you can receive back once your done with this tutorial." The turtle boss explained obviously proud of his idea.

Well, it's only the hell place I'm worried about, and technically this would give me a lot more ability points and stat points, I couldn't say no.

"Will this make my other Avatar's weaker?" I asked, wondering if it still might not be a good idea.

"I'm unsure, but I can tell you if it did or not once you do it." Tuts explained obviously pushing me to do the rebirth as well.

"No way to give me this legendary skill?" I asked, making sure I tried everything to get this legendary skill.

"If your able to complete the Legendary Celestial dungeon then I will forfeit this skill to you." The turtle boss explained getting a nod from Tuts.

"On top of the other rewards?" Tutorial asked towards the boss.

This was very confusing, wasn't Tuts (System Tutorial) more powerful than this boss creature? Should I have tried talking to the other bosses?

"Sure, why not… He will not be able to complete it anyways. That is however only if he accepts a rebirth now." The turtle boss explained.

"Fine, whatever" I finally caved.

*Congratulations! You have received the effects of a [Rebirth]. Your Level has been reset to level 1. You now receive *2 experience, Your level cap has increased to +110! Your stats have been saved in a Stat pool that will unlock upon completion of the Tutorial zone.

Oh, apparently instead of receiving – half my experience it appears that I instead got it multiplied… I would level faster!

"Looks like it hasn't effected the other Avatar's, not until you release or die." Tuts explained.

"Stats" I said out loud, not bothering doing it quietly so they knew I was concentrating on my stats.

Name: Bertram Bullock, Level 1, Race: RaceBody (Human)

(400/400 hp) (10/0 Power) (80/80 Endurance)

Str 3, Con 4, Dex 16, Wis 0 (1=100), Movement 21

Class: <Battle Monk; Sub Class: Ninja> Lands: Forks (level 1 Village)

Ability points: 115

Stat points: 90

Yep, there goes all my great stats, but the ability points and the stat points could fix that! I placed ten in each stat, then in my head I said 'stats' again.

Name: Bertram Bullock, Level 1, Race: RaceBody (Human)

(1400/1400 hp) (990/1000 Power) (130/130 Endurance)

Str 13, Con 14, Dex 26, Wis 10 (1=100), Movement 31

Class: <Battle Monk; Sub Class: Ninja> Lands: Forks (level 1 Village)

Ability points: 115

Stat points: 40

Boom, I'm level one with plenty of stat points… Once again, I'm at the combat I was. I also noticed with my full stats on display that I had a new Innate Skill called [Rebirthed] (Experience received is multiplied by two, and Level cap is plus ten.

"Your other Avatar's are not affected by this rebirth; I believe they will be once you die or release yourself." Tuts explained getting a nod from the turtle boss.

Tuts and the boss then magically disappeared, and I walked towards the orb to enter the next level while I was checking the notifications I was receiving.

*Congratulations, you are the first to increase the difficulty of the tutorial dungeon! The Apex Guardian has decided to increase your difficulty to the highest setting <Insane Difficulty>.

Now this was a little weird, I've played a lot of video games and insane difficulty is a difficulty in human games. Nevertheless, The only thing this really changed was the rewards just got better.

With a smile I accepted the prompt to go to the next level which was called the Elemental Caverns.