
Celestials journey

A normal human finds himself reborn as the universe's child. This novel is based in the the pocket hunting dimension universe.

Etiger789 · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

" Then let's get this journey started." Celestial said with a smirk. He took his first step to a life He would always remember weather not be thorough the tough, happy or sad times.

What he didn't know that as the child of the universe his emotions can affect the universe and the beings reply connected to it. So right now hundreds of races were confused when they felt the universe happiness.






Me and big bear have been walking for around half a day but all there's been is snow and mountains.

That was until I heard the sound of creatures a few kilometres away from my position.

I make sure a big bear is secure around my neck before sprinting in that direction. My take-off was so powerful it destroyed 2 kilometres of the icy ground beneath my feet.

I had 4 months to train and get used to having powers so I was pretty good with my control. I said pretty and not mastered as you could see my surroundings were still destroyed. But I know I'll improve in time.

It took around 30 minutes to get to where I heard the sound. It was over a mountain that if I had to guess was twice the size of Everest.

When I finally made it to the peak I looked down to see what was on the other side and was surprised to see hundreds of green-furred oxs. They seemed to be migrating somewhere. There wasn't just oxs as there were also walking tree trunks as well.

Yes, you heard me. Walking tree trunks.

' I knew there were many different races from my memory but seeing them for the first time is really strange but in a cool way.'

Since I had no destination, I decided to follow the heard of oxs and tree folk from a distance. I did this to one gain knowledge and two see how they lived and what characteristics they had.

2 weeks have passed as we've travelled with the heard of oxs and trees. I've discovered a lot of things as I've journeyed with them.

When the few bulls discovered my existence they were very wary. But as I stuck nearby and did nothing they ignored my existence in no time. As for the trees, they took no interest. They probably didn't even see me as a threat.

But that was understandable as they are pretty powerful. As I've followed them I discovered even more species living in the wasteland. I was surprised at how many more there actually were. As I didn't have any paper nor ink all I could do was use stone rocks and use my nails like a knife to record my discoveries.

Winter wasteland Animals -

Big bear - 80 centimetres tall. Can change the colour of his fur to match the environment. Space and lightning god art. Devine arts- storage space and realm.

Winter wolves - 2 metres tall, has white fur. God art is ice manipulation. Moves are ice shards, snow tornado, and frostbite.

Horned bears - 4 to 8 metres tall. Has white fur. No god art but is physically really strong.

Green furred ox - 3 metres tall. Has a thick fur coat. No god art but has a good sense of smell and instinct to danger.

Willow bark tree - 20 to 80 meters tall. White in colour. They have human-like faces and have a power type god art. They can strengthen their branches. When it is strengthened they take on a metallic black colour.

Silverback Beatle - 5 cm in height and 7 in length. Has the ability to fly. Camouflage type god art. Can turn invisible or blend in with the snowy surroundings.

Black-tipped crane - 15 metres tall with a wingspan of 28 metres in length. Has white feathers with a black beak. The tip of its wings are also black. Wind type god art.

Thumper hare - Two metres tall. Speed type god art. Has Razer sharp teeth and claws. Eats meat as well as frozen plants.

Snow owl - 50 metres tall with a 110-metre wingspan. One of the kings of the sky. Favourite meal are thumper rabbits. They hunt during the day and night. Metal type god art. Its feathers are stronger than steel and can be projected like throwing knives with a flap of its wings.

Silverback monkeys - 1 metre tall. And live near the tops of mountains. Have white fur and back fingers. Eye god art. They can see minute differences underneath and on top of the snow. Favourite food is silverback Beatles.

These were all of the spices of animals that I had encountered during my journey so far.

2 days later as we're travelling with the heard something changes. It looks like something up ahead that was not only exiting the trees but also the oxs.

He was surprised and excited to find out what it was.

" Big bear, come on, we're moving forward." Celestial said as he saw his little friend playing with a baby ox. Big bear hearing celestials call, says goodbye to its new ox friend and jumps on celestials shoulder. It's second favourite spot to perch on.

Celestial quickly weaved through the heard and found out what all the commotion was about. It was a lake. But the weird part was it wasn't frozen. But instead steaming.

' Is this a natural hot spring. I've seen somewhere there a good 20 metres wide but this is an entire lake.'

A hot spring or hydrothermal spring, or geothermal spring is a spring produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater that rises from the worlds crust.

While some of these springs contain water that is a safe temperature for bathing, others are so hot that immersion can result in injury or death. But looking at the all the animals that walked right in he was curious to see how hot it actually was.

Not being embarrassed in the slightest he took off his clothes and dipped his fingers into the water. It was surprisingly not boiling hot as he expected but a nice warm temperature.

He didn't hesitate further and submerged his body. It also felt nice and warm. Big bear who also entered squeaked in pleasure as it swam around.

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

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