
Celestial: The Highest Being

"I was born a celestial being, I was made from power of heaven and earth. I was heaven and earth, no one can stop me from being more then a god." A young man named Ara Starts off his journey in the mortal world not knowing who or what he is, finding his own path to becoming the greatest, yet bringing his friends along with him fighting side by side with his friends until he reaches the very top of the god scales. His sister Fayre knows everything about where Ara is from she knows everything about alchemy and martial arts but isn't strong enough herself so teach Ara yet. Ara and his friends are at the centre of life itself, destined to become higher then anyone, with the bloodline, luck and aptitude of Ara only he will grow to becoming the very best and who knows, he may become someone even the creator of life and death is scared of. All awaits little Ara as he grows older finding secrets, killing evil, defeating Demons making friends along the way only he can become the one chosen by life.

PeachyyPoo · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Chapter 9: Stardust Phoenix's Memories

"Ara, while you've been asleep I heard all about the wooden box that you wanted and so you've come here for a Blood Moon Crystal, luckily while I've been in the forest I've picked up a few, oh... and Leena has also explained your foolish act of being a hero... 7 months... you decided to have 7 months of time until you challenge Elie in your school's tournament... Ara, I don't know if you're stupid or determined but either way, don't force yourself into situations that may not be favourable towards you." Fayre said in a slightly angry tone towards Ara.

"Thank you for the Blood Moon Crystal and I know I was wrong it was the heat of the moment, but I don't regret it, he was bullying Leena, and he looks at Isabella with those god awful dirty eyes of his, I want to be strong enough so I can just poke his eyes out and teach him a lesson for bullying others, I promise I'll train and not stop Fayre!" Ara spoke with determination and confidence in his abilities.

As the evening moved on so did Ara and the others they travelled back to Alimo Village before dark.

Owls hooting in the background, with the soft evening wind swiping across their backs, trees flustering calmly in the breeze.

As they got closer they could smell the cooked meat from the stalls, they could smell the paprika and the cinnamon sizzling on the chicken.

*mouth watering* "hmmmmm... that smells amazing skewer chicken cooked on an open flame with many flavourings drizzled ontop" Ara's mouth opened and watered dribbling his saliva down to his feet making a trail as he walked.

"Ara take me to the stall and we shall get you that box and then we can go cash in for some food!" Fayre Patted Ara on the shoulder while speaking calmly.

*Nod* "Alright Sis this way and maybe you can let me know with your big brain what the symbol is on the golden plated buckle on the box, and how I can get it open so I'm able to see the contents inside." Ara nodded.

Both of them said their goodbyes to Leena and Isabella for the day then they set off to the stall that had the box.

"Good to see you again young master, did everything go to plan? oh.. by the looks of it everything went well.. young master is astonishing you arrived here this morning at the Physical Aroma and then in just a day you've progressed into the Bone Morph stage" the merchant was astounded and was interested in Ara.

"You applaud me for no reason merchant, I don't know what happened..." Ara concerningly spoke.

"Well, enough of that we're after this box" Fayre pointed at the box that Ara wanted.

"Ahh you got the Blood Moon Crystal in that case here you go this storage box is now yours young master" The merchant spoke while tightly grasping at the Crystal.

Ara and Fayre got home, after doing everything they needed to, they both sat at the table and Ara gave the wooden box to Fayre to see if she knows anything about it, but Fayre didn't say anything apart from "Put your Qi into it" with that Ara placed his hand over the box, Ara's mind disappeared into the box, "Where am I? Why Am I seeing Beasts moreover why is it the legendary god's creature Stardust Pheonix?" Ara questioned what was going on without realising he was witnessing the memories of a real Stardust Pheonix from the remaining essence that was on the feather symbol.

Fayre had seen this symbol before and the only way it could open up is from a gods bloodline, and she knew that Ara had the bloodline because of his own symbol that appeared in between his eyebrows.