
Celestial emperor reborn

Incredibly talented ruler of the universe decides to reincarnated as a mortal and cultivate all over again. Follow as Ze Dong reaches the peak he was once at in a new more talented and immortal body containing the bloodline of all beasts and creatures in existence. (I did not create the art cover I took it from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/33214115991190676/?mt=login and the creator it says here is Christina. If you are the creator of this art and want it removed please come in contact with me)

AuthorGuy · Oriental
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Entrance Exam

The old man seemed to be a high ranking elder of the profound sword sect and was a peak master spirit realm cultivator, like Ze Dong, and seemed to have a decent understanding with the sword. He seemed to be just a couple steps away from learning sword intent and stepping on the true path of the sword.

He had long, wiry white hair and a clean shaven face. Although his age and the fact that he was hunched over made him seem weak, he exuded an aura of tremendous power and grace.

"HAHAHAHA, I welcome you all to the profound sword sect's entrance exam and I hope that some of you will be able to pass!"

"I suppose it's time to explain the purpose of this exam for those that don't understand, you will be given just 2 hours to learn the martial technique in front of you completely and if you don't then that means you failed and you can go back home"

A series of surprised murmurs appeared around the room and even a shocked expression appeared on fatty for a moment, after all learning a basic martial technique usually requires days if not weeks to learn.

"Hahaha, alright let's begin the exam!" He flipped over an hourglass before quickly leaving the room.

'Huh, for a weak planet like this, this exam is pretty difficult, I suppose it's called an elite sect for a reason'

Ze Dong had already learned the martial technique before he even sat down thus he decided to use his divine sense and learn all the other techniques in the room.

Divine sense only required mental strength and a small amount of Qi thus Ze Dong's new body didn't affect the range of his divine sense.

After learning all the techniques he merely sat there silently waiting for the old man to walk back in.

Some of the other participants noticed him and although shocked by his looks for a moment, showed a confused look 'has he already given up?' They didn't have time to wonder as they quickly went back to learning their own techniques.

In the blink of an eye 2 hours passed and the elder walked back into the room with a slight smile on his face.

"Hahaha, I hope that was enough time to learn the techniques, form a single file line in front of me"

After a couple minutes an orderly line was formed.

"Alright display the technique given to you" he said to the first person in the line.

A small glow flickered around the boy's hand before suddenly disappearing.


The next person went up and got the same result.





Next it was fatty's turn. Fatty nervously stepped up in front of the instructor before executing the technique given to him. A small glow appeared around his hand before a golden sword elongated from the light.

A smile appeared on the old man's face, "Pass, go and wait through the doors" he pointed to the side of the room to where there were double doors.

Fatty quickly exited the room before breathing a sigh of relief, he did not think the exam would be this difficult this time around.

A look of surprise dawned on fatty's face when he entered the room as there were already a group of 90 or so people waiting there.

Quickly, the queue shortened with only a few others passing before it was Ze Dong's turn to take the test.

"Wow he's handsome, do you think he will pass?"

"I hope so after all someone that handsome surely can't be a nobody, I've never seen anyone look like that." A group of girls chatted with an enticed expression on their faces

"Grrr, I hope he fails" it seemed like there were some jealous people also taking the exam, "Yeah but he definitely is the most handsome man I've ever seen, surely the best looking in the entire world, right?"

"Show me the technique" the old man seemed to be getting bored of examining the disciples.

A red glow appeared around Ze Dong's hand before it formed into a perfect claw.

Most of the techniques that were given out were not sword techniques as that would give those that practiced the sword in advance an unfair advantage. Everyone, after joining the sect would have to learn the sword with very few exceptions, but for the entrance exam the sect wanted the most talented people they could get, explaining the mix of techniques.

"Wow, very well done, you pass." The old man said before sending him through the doors.

Ze Dong wasn't surprised when he saw the amount of people in the room as he knew they were there the moment he appeared near the sect. He merely went to a wall and sat down against it with his eyes shut, seemingly meditating.

"Hey brother, I didn't think you would pass as well, especially since this exam is so much harder than the rest!" Fatty approached Ze Dong before sitting on the floor with him.

Soon fatty noticed a lot of stares directed towards him, or more precisely Ze Dong.

All of the girls in the room seemed to be staring at the duo which seemed to make fatty mildly uncomfortable. Ze Dong was perfectly fine as this was a common occurrence wherever he went and after hundreds of millions of years mere stares from mortals didn't affect him in the slightest.

"I just got lucky, anyway it's impressive you managed to pass as well I didn't think the exam would be this harsh"

"Yeah it seems they changed it and made it a lot harder, I only passed as I had already learnt the technique given to me to a certain degree in my previous attempts at passing." He continued "When I was last here you only had to learn the technique to a somewhat proficient degree not learn the technique completely"

"Enough about that though, I wonder how they will change the next test?"

Suddenly the doors opened again before the examiner walked inside the room, quickly silencing any chatter.

"It seems all of you are here, this group of 100 is the only ones who managed to pass the first exam throughout the entire sect" a look of surprise appeared on the disciples faces, after all only 100 people passing throughout the entire entrance exam was incredibly low and that was only for the first exam, there was still another exam to go.

"I think we need to half the number of people here, thus for the second exam, you will fight each other, FOLLOW ME!" He turned around and began walking.