
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Survival I

"You still haven't answered my question, Lydia" Elisabeth said.

"Who's the kid?" Jake asked.

"Don't call her that or she'll get..." Lydia said.

Suddenly, an ice spear flew past Lydia at great speed towards Jake, interrupting Lydia's speech, almost piercing him, but it was stopped by Akira.

"What do you think you're doing?" Akira said in a low voice, with anger on his face.

~This is bad~ Lydia thought.

Then suddenly, they both started releasing huge amounts of mana and the people around them started to shift away, giving them space.

"You dare defy me?" Elisabeth asked

"How dare a lowly human"

"Who are you to look down on me? You brat" Akira said.

"What did you just call me?" Elisabeth said it with anger on her face.

"You heard me, I won't repeat myself to a brat like you" Akira said.

Another ice spear formed beside Elisabeth and it flew towards Akira.

"DEATH STANCE: CUTTING EDGE" Akira said as he was in a quick draw stance. A black aura covered his sword, and he swung his blade at Elisabeth. A black sword energy flew towards her.

As the two attacks were about to hit, two wooden structures came out from the ground, blocking the attacks and absorbing them.

"What? Who is that?" Akira asked.

"Now now, children, you have to rest for the final test tomorrow, not drain yourself even more" A familiar voice said.

"Isn't that?" Someone said.

"The commander!!"

Akira and Elisabeth turned their attention towards Jack.

"Why do you like to cause trouble?" Jack asked.

"She started it" Akira said as he pointed at Elisabeth.

"And you, Ms. Elisabeth, I thought we agreed on no trouble" Jack said.

"Hmmm" Elisabeth exclaimed as she looked the other way.

"Now, you guys should go and rest for tomorrow, alright?" Jack said.

"Okay" Akira said.

"And no more causing troubles you two" Jack said.

"Fine, as long as she doesn't start it" Akira said.

The Next Day,

Everyone was gathered at a forest.

"Now this is where the final test will be held" Jason said.

"I am your instructor for this test. My name is Jason"

"So, is it a survival test?" A black-haired boy with glasses asked.

"Yes it is. You can notice the tags on your uniform that contains your candidate number, you have to have 3 tags to pass the test" Jason said.

"So only 83 people can pass the test" A white-haired boy said.

"That is correct, and also wrong, the test will last for 5 hours. And your ranking on this test will be based on how many tags you have at the end of the test" Jason said

"Your overall ranking will be a combination of how well you did on all three of the tests" Jason was walking away.

Jason turned back and looked at all the candidates participating.

"And one more thing I forgot to mention, there is a Sun Grade beast lurking somewhere in the forest, it will be released 2 hours into the test, killing it will be equivalent to having 9 tags" Jason explained.

The candidates murmured amongst themselves.

"Good luck" Jason said, and he suddenly disappeared.

[The test will begin in 5 minutes. All candidates should prepare themselves] A woman over the P.A. system said.

The candidates started to group themselves, forming teams in order to help them survive.

"Hey Akira, wanna team up?" Jake said.

"Sure. Lemme ask Lydia if she wants to team up too" Akira said

 Akira searched for Lydia and finally saw her surrounded by people, He went to her.

"Excuse me" Akira said as he forcefully went through the crowd, finally reaching Lydia.

"Hey Lydia, why don't you team up with us?" Akira said.

"Who is that?" Someone said.

"Isn't that the guy who was ranked 2nd on the leaderboard?"

"Sorry, I can't. I already formed a team with someone else" Lydia replied.

"With who?" Akira asked.

"With me" A voice said from behind Lydia.

"She already teamed up with me, you lowly human" Elisabeth said.

"The brat" Akira said.

"What? Me a brat?" Elisabeth said as she released huge amounts of mana.

The people around them started to shift, clearing the area

"You wanna pick a fight?" Akira said as he did the same.

"No fighting before the test" Lydia said as she stopped them.

"Stop releasing such mana, you have already scarred away the rest"

"Ok, good luck" Akira said and he walked away.

A black-haired boy with glasses walked up to Akira.

"Hey can I Join your team" The black-haired boy said.

"Uhmm..." Akira said.

"I won't slow you down" The black-haired boy said.

"I'm ranked 7th on the leaderboard. My name is Mitsuya, nice to meet you" Mitsuya stretched out his hand.

"My name is Akira, I'm ranked 2nd on the leaderboard" Akira said as stretched out his hand and shook Mitsuya.

"Akira... that name, are you..." Mitsuya mumbled to himself.

 [The test will now begin.] A woman over the P.A. system said.

Jake and Naomi meet up with Akira and Mitsuya.

"Who is this?" Naomi asked.

"He is our ally. His name is Mitsuya" Akira said.

All the candidates suddenly started glowing.

"Take this" Akira said as he gave each of them an aura dagger.

"What's this for?" Mitsuya asked.

"Since I have weapon property, I can track where all the weapons I made out of aura are" Akira replied.

"Once we have collected enough tags, he will re-group. Just break the dagger, and follow the mana. It will lead you to me"

"Okay" All of them answered in unison.

All the candidates disappeared.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In a room where six people can be seen, there is a screen in which all the contestants are being watched.

"So, who do you think will be the top freshman?" Jack asked.

"I think it will be Elisabeth" A blue-eyed elf with long golden hair said.

"Well, considering her background and talent, not to mention her sister, I understand why you would say that, but you shouldn't forget about Lydia" A black-haired woman with a pair of wings said.

"Don't forget about the kids the commander brought. They are also really talented, most especially Akira" A red-haired man said.

"It seems our final year's freshman selection is going to be interesting" Jack said with a smile.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Akira and his friends arrived in the forest, but they were split up.

[All contestants have a teleportation mark on them, and the uniform you're wearing is specially designed to keep track of your bodies condition, and the watch your wearing shows you your HP level. Once it goes below 10% the teleportation mark will activate and you will be teleported to a safe zone with all the tags you have. But you will be graded based on your performance in the test] A woman over the P.A. system said.

Akira started running through the forest looking for candidates. He suddenly spotted a group of 5 people walking together.

~It's a group of 5, I just need 3 tags~ Akira thought.

He used his frequency ability to interfere with the brains of all 5 of them and they were powerless to resist, so they were knocked out. He walked towards them and took 2 tags.

~What are you doing, collet all their tags~ A voice said

"What? Who is there?" Akira turned back and saw no one there.