
Prologue: Battle of the felines

The wind blows over the hills of the waste land. The dirt grey and lifeless, trees that crumble with the slightest touch. This place that hasn't been touched in hundreds of year's had visitors.

" Mortals for what reason have you called me? "( C.S)


" We have names you know~ or are you dumb enough to think we are called one another mortal--sigh supreme's are always the same"( Eis)

" A supreme such as myself does not need to know tbe names of the spawn of evil such as you"(C.S)

" I don't think im that evil just wanting a good fight for once" (Eis)

" The world does not nedd battle thirsty cats either "(C.S)

Futher away on a distant mountain far enough away that only people with eyes and ear trained for year could hear the conversation between the supreme and demi's.

" So who do you think will win? "( Flame)

" Doesn't matter who wins we are the real winners because once they are done we go in take the gear and get out"(TouTao)

" How about we make a bet on who wins if the supreme wins ill give you 500 gold" ( Flame )

" Fine i take that bet " (TouTao)

I still get the 500 gold if they tie hehehe.

A blast of energy sweeps across the land disintegrating the fragile trees and singnaling the start of the fight.

Flower, Eis, and C.S all flare their mana at the same time.

Eis dashes at C.S and C. S draws her sword stopping Eis's claws.

"Not bad mortal... but you will have to do much better LIGHTNING SLASH" C.S slashes at Eis with the speed of lightning Eis backs off and covers his claws in ice and makes an X pattern with his arms. *CRACK* the ice break and Eis goes back in and clashes with C.S again. C.S does a leg sweep and Eis dodges by jumping and twisting his body to accelerate the spedd of his kick sending C.S sliding back and as this was talking place Flower was chanting.

[ Space here space is now bend to my will strike my foes and pass through my allies SPACE PIERCING LANCE ]

A line of distorted space passed through Eis and at C.S.

"Oh Shi-" (C.S)


A crater was formed and a C.S comes out with a bloodie arm and a chant of her own [ Lighting dash ] She disappeared and reappeared behind Flower with her sword ready to decapitate her.

[ Freeze ]

As she was about to finish Flower she got frozen by Eis who appeared not even a second later giving her a puch to the face sending C.S flying.

" I thought i would get a real fight well you weren't to shabby i guess" Eis said as he stood over C.S and brought down his claw.... but it went through C.S easily like she wasn't there.

" I guess you weren't to shabby either" C.S spoke as she decapitated Eis.

" Soo just you now let's emget this over with "(C.S)

" You think because you killed Eis that you can be Me MEEE fool i show you my power.

[ Space Barrier ]

[ Teleport Foe ]

[ Space Speed Distortion ]

Flower teleported C.S away set up a barrier and made a distortion that if she used any speed enchantment she would hit a invisible wall.

So C. S started chanting at the same time as Flower.

[ Space of energy, Space of matter, Space of mana heed my call smite my foe hard enough that they will be erased from this realms] (Flower)

[ Ohh illusion of the mind breach this realm and become reality bring the sword a extermination to my hands to slay my foe ] ( C.S)

When both spells hit everything went silent for a moment before space started to crack and the air started to boild before getting suckdd in to a single point then exploding with enough power to shatter the Space and time encompassing even the mountains in the distance.

( Ahh we're fucked ) TouTao spoke as he got consumed.


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