
Cathedral of Disorder

A blinding light befall upon Alec bringing tremenous heat with it. His real parents dissapeared after the mysterious and inexplicable explosion, as well as most of his memories. He is adopted by a priest , but things go south and he finds himself fighting of an evil cult that worshiped the first human Adam. The more mysteries Alec uncovered, the deeper he went into the rabbit hole. As he entered this rabbid world filled with magic and horrors, They continued to watch him. Follow him on his tumultous journey full of bizzare secrets and mystical powers. ******************** *The first few chapters are for world bulding and character introduction. Action will begin a bit later on, but trust me, it will be worth it.*Author's note

MrSlypy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs


'What?' The question rang in my head like the loud bell of a church in the morning. The pronuncation of the very word 'God' felt like a guillotine hanging above my head. In the end I chose to tell the truth.


"A very honest answer, but do you mind explaining why is that?"

Father Jozef said the question with a very even tone, but his eyes seemed to gained several centuries of winsdom. I let out a deep breath preparing to answer. Why was this so hard, I only had to be honest...But was that really me speaking?

'I don't remember myself being such a honest man.'

"Do we have any evidence that God really existed?"

"How do you explain the Holy Bible or the other biblical books. How can so many parts of the worlds worship the same god, just with different name?"

"I am only twelve, how could I have thought about such things?"

"Son, you are indeed twelve, but deep inside you are quite mature. I will take it upon myself to teach you the true beauty of our God."

It seemed that being honest really was the best choicel, I thought breathing out at ease. The doctor cleared his voice and interupted us.

"Alec Kusher, do you wish to vivit your house before you go with Father Jozef? Your parent's burial will be held in about a week. Your new home will be quite far away."

'That's right.'A wave of saddnes swept across my mind. It looked like my premature mind developed a defending mechanism against the trauma I suffered, making me forget about such matters.

"Yes, I do wish to see my house one last time."

"Can I accompany you ? It's quite a short road from here, son."

I looked at Father Jozef in surprise.'They meant right now?'

"Of course, Father."

As such we left the hospital and I took the lead for my house. I looked around and noticed a few subtle changes. The street seemed larger than it shoud have been and the clock tower in the middle of the town was slightly taller. What? I was only asleep for a few days, how can there be such drastic changes.

"Are we in Hainess? My memory was affected a bit by the explosion."

"Of course we are, I had to come from the capital to get you."

'What, the capital is more than five hundred kilometers away. How can it be?' My confused face amused the priest and made him let out a laugh.

"Why do you look so confused. It was only a four hour long trip with the carriage."

"What do you mean by carriage? The train would be much faster!"

"Are you okay son?There is no train in such a poor kingdom."

I almost tripped, when Father responded. Carriage? Kingdom? In the twenty first century?

'No, it can't be...I traveled back in time?'

"What year is it Father?"

He looked strangely at me as we passed a black church build in the Gothic style. Even it's design looked old, backing up my theory. Trough the open doors I coud see a statue in the middle, brushed gently by the sunlight. Father saw it and stopped to say a short prayer.

The black statue depictated a lean man with unkempt hair that was tangled in vines. The man was extending a hand to a young maiden sitting on the floor in a prayer position. I thought the woman was alive but then I realized that was made from a material similar to the man.

"That's Adam, the son of The Primogenitor."he said dodging my question.

"Isn't Adam the first human created by God?"


Father said the last sentence with a spiteful tone. He looked at me and his expresion softened.

"How can a god create another god?"

'But Adam is not a god' In the end I remained silent, afraid that I would make my new foster parent angry.

We continued the road silently until we reached my house. Or what was left from it. The skeletal infrastructure was the only thing that remained, covered in a pitch black ash . The rest was turned into debris and dust. I walked in and I threw up after I saw what was there.

My parents bodies were still there.'Why, why are they still here?!' I emptied my stomach as I looked at the grotesque sight. I wanted to look away but my red eyes were guided by a macabre curiosity. I cried as my gaze landed on the desfigured figure that I figured it was my father. He was missing a hand and had a hole gaping in the middle of his stomach. Thankfully, everything was burned so I didn't see his insides, because that would have brought me at the limit of a mental breakdown.

A gentle palm was placed on my shoulder.

"It's okay son... It's okay to cry. The emotions you fell now will thoughen you up as a man, as a human."

"Why are they here, in the middle of this mess?"my dry throat barely let out an inaudible wisper.

"It's the tradition son, the dead should be let inside the house for at least a week to prevent the misfortune to befall on the family."

I nodded slowly and started looking around the house to clear my mind, but ther horrible sight of my parents made it a torture. Fortunately, a pink figure caught my attention and I walked hurriedly in that dirrection. I took out Mr Chipmunks from my pocket, where I always keep it and compared it to the torn plushie on the floor. My heart skipped a beat. They were exactly the same.

"When did I have two Mr Chipmunks"