
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Yes, Yes, Yes

Keena and Aldric had many more dates Aldric was falling head over heels. His people still unsure of Keena were happy that Aldric was taking care of all of them that they decided to give Keena and Aldric the benefit of the doubt, but not knowing Keena's background really bothered plenty of people and only a select few actually got to meet her since she never came to the house, but now it would be different because Aldric Pierce was going to ask her a very important question.

It was time for another date and Aldric put on a black leather jacket with a dark blue shirt underneath and black jeans. He went by himself to pick her up and decided to drive the car he drove on their first date the McLaren. He was driving to the bar when Keena called him.

"Hello my love I'm almost at the bar where are you at baby?"

"Aldric do you think you could pick me up from my house my car isn't working for some reason."

Aldric had never been to her house he promised her back on her twenty-fifth birthday that he would only go to her house when she told him where she lived. He had no reason to have her followed just like how none of the cloths he had bought her had wires. He was sorry her car was broken but he was happy that he finally got to see how she lived.

"Yeah I just need your address."

Keena gave him the address and he found out that it was only about fifteen miles away from the bar. She was always so close. He arrived to her place and saw that there was nothing special about it he lived in a mansion with three floors while she lived in a home that looked as if nobody had lived there. To be honest if he did not see her broken down car in the driveway he wouldn't have believed she lived here. He was about to get out and knock on the door when he saw a curtain move slightly just enough for the person inside to see out and Aldric could only see darkness. When he saw Keena standing outside on the front porch he drew his gun. Who else was here?

"Hi honey!" Keena ran and jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"Hey baby sorry but sweetheart I saw someone in the window well they saw me I couldn't see them." Aldric looked concerned for Keena's safety.

"Oh that, that was just my uncle he is kind of scared of the world and doesn't want anyone knowing where he lives that's all."

"Well he is not totally crazy there are plenty of bad people out there. The good thing for you and your uncle is that you have someone to protect you."

"Oh yeah and who is that?" Keena said grinning since she knew who it was.

Aldric stopped as he was about to open the door for Keena he turned towards Keena and swung her around and lifted her against his car. "Do you really have to ask me that?" Aldric gave Keena a devilish grin before kissing her passionately he then whispered in her ear, "Keena darling today is really special I have a question for you." He then lightly bit her ear.

Keena had been very careful to keep their relationship out of the bedroom she kissed him and called him cute pet names but the thought of having sex with him disgusted her. She hoped it would never come to that but she knew what lovers do and what they would eventually do would this be the night?

"Oh yeah well we should get going so my uncle doesn't freak out that we are in his yard for such a long time. We wouldn't want him to come out and see us like this would we?" Keena kissed her sweet naïve Mafia boyfriend and he put her down acting like a sad puppy.

"No I'm sowwy."

"Don't be sowwy your so cute."

Aldric helped his princess, his queen in the car and he drove away he drove for what felt like ever they usually didn't go for long drives and if they did he had her pack for it yet she wasn't packed.

"Honey where are we going?" Keena didn't like to be surprised and she knew today would be a surprise. How did she know because it had been a complete year since they had first met on her twenty-fifth birthday meaning today was her twenty-sixth.

"Somewhere special." Aldric didn't give her anymore details instead he kept driving and finally they were there. She looked up to see a three story mansion it was huge with a nice clean cut garden with many cars out front and all of them were Mercedes Benz there was no way this was his house.

"Aldric do you live here?" Keena looked back at Aldric before looking back at the house.

"Keena I could take you to many different places in the city, I could take you to the empire state building, We could go swimming, We could fly in a plane but honestly for this type of question I wanted it to be more personal. We have been dating for about a year now doing many things together. Many phone call dates when I had to travel, you and I went many places like the opera, we went biking, and swimming. Something that I realized in that year is how much I need you in my life you know who I am you know what I do. No I don't do them in front of you but I have never lied to you so I want to ask you a question since I believe we know each other well. Would you move in with me? I understand that you....."

Keena cut Aldric off by kissing him "Yes, yes, yes I would love to move in with you.

"What?" Aldric couldn't think he expected to have to rant about how much he loved her but she just said yes just like that.

"Aldric Pierce I will move in with you." Keena Raven laughed as Aldric tried to come to terms with it. "Honey do you want to show me my new home?" Aldric was staring out the window in shock when he quickly flew open the door and he kept chanting the same word yes, yes, yes, yes. He opened Keena's door and pulled her out so fast that she almost fell but he caught her and spun her around before kissing her more.

"I would love to show you your new place Miss. Raven." Aldric and Keena held hands as they walked up to the door and when they did it automatedly opened by the inside by Aldric's cleaning lady.

"welcome home Mr. Pierce."

"Hello Bella this is Keena Raven she has decided to move in so this is now her home." Aldric was back being Mafia boss the extra sweet cute boyfriend went away so he could talk to his employee's

Keena thought that Aldric had been to quick to explain what was going on and it would surprise Bella but she was completely unfazed.

"Of course Sir. Welcome Miss Raven I hope you enjoy your new home and if you are unhappy with anything please let me know."

"Oh thank you Bella." Keena hurried to Aldric's side. "Aldric she seemed unfazed why was that have you done this many times?"

"No Keena I have never done this not for anyone. All of this is for you now how about that tour that you wanted." Aldric squeezed Keena's hand and was about to give her the tour when a man dressed in an all back suit came down the stairs he carried his gun out in the open not even bothering to hide it. He walked right up to Aldric and whispered something to him and Aldric said that he would be up in a minute. The man left and Aldric looked at Keena.

"Honey I would love to show you the place but I actually have some business to take care of you are free to walk around okay."

Aldric kissed Keena's cheek and was about to say something when his phone rang he smiled sadly and took the phone call. He was about to walk upstairs when he turned back around which caught Keena's attention he did not talk instead he mouthed a sentence which was I love you. Keena smiled and mouthed back me to. Aldric walked upstairs and left Keena alone. He had started telling her he loved her about four months into their relationship and she knew she couldn't say it back or else it would come true she knew she just couldn't say it so she started saying me to and so far it worked he never questioned it. Finally Keena was here she wanted to be here for so long. It is always such and uneasy feeling when you don't know where your enemy lays their head, and now she did all she had to do was get a full layout of the place, and then destroy the Pierce family Mafia from the inside out. Keena was about to go upstairs when Bella stopped her.

"Miss Raven since you have never been here would you like to know of some great attractions this house has?" Bella seemed nice but she seemed like she was trying to get Keena from going upstairs.

"Sure." Keena would play nice since it had been her first day here. She didn't need anyone being suspicious of her already.

"Well in the west wing we have a swimming pool and a gym, and in the east wing you have your library, then there is a knitting room if you enjoy that, oh and the kitchen has plenty of food if you get hungry." Bella waited to hear what Keena wanted but Keena didn't want to see a specific thing she just wanted to explore and that is exactly what she told Bella, Bella understood and told Keena to ask her if she had any questions. Keena kept walking upstairs while she looked at all of the painting on the wall the house was so pretty to bad Aldric owned it. Keena reached the top of the second floor and she could hear Aldric? Was he scream it sounded like someone yelling really angrily? If it was Aldric why was he so angry and if it wasn't him who all was in the house? Keena kept walking around when she saw a cracked door. Curiosity getting the better of her Keena decided to look inside and inside she saw a library out of all the things that Bella had listed off the library seemed the nicest and she was right it wasn't huge it was actually on the smaller end but the books looked like they were from all over the world and old. She was very impressed Keena was digging through the books when one caught her eye Mafia ten commandments she was about to pull the book that had way to much in it to only be ten commandments when she heard the door open behind her. She looked that way and saw Aldric walking in.

Keena forgetting about the book got off of the ladder walked over to Aldric. "How was your phone call?"

Aldric sat in a chair and pulled Keena on his lap. "It was alright but nothing to concern yourself with. Tell me kitten why are you in here?"

Keena thought that nickname that Aldric gave her was stupid she wasn't a kitten she was a tiger patiently waiting for her attack. "Bella had mentioned the library so I decided to check it out." Keena said batting her eyelids looking and acting Innocent.

"I don't think Bella would have suggested this one this one is my private study most people aren't allowed in here. Maybe you want to tell me how you really found your way in here?" Aldric loved the way Keena was he loved her stubbornness the way she ignored people and their rules and did whatever she wanted so he knew she wouldn't have listened to Bella.

"Wellllll actually she gave me a list of things I could do and not go upstairs but I sort of..."

"You sort of did whatever you wanted."

"Yeah something like that then I saw the door cracked open I got curious and opened the door and we are not here. I am sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed in here."

"Keena I said most people you aren't most people. Now finally I am all yours ready for that tour?" Keena nodded her head which made Aldric stand up he did not have Keena get off of him though he lifted her in his arms and kissed her before setting her down. "I love you Keena Raven."

"Me to Aldric Pierce." Keena grabbed Aldric's hand and they left the room Aldric brought her back down stairs and started from the begging. First he showed her the living room and the bathroom on the first floor then he walked her to the back kitchen where they met with his cooks. They were happy to see a women in the house so much so that they had made many different treats. Everyone knew Keena was moving in.

Aldric walked over to the pie table yes he had a table just full of pie and he waved his hand over it basically asking Keena to pick without any words. Keena pointed at the pumpkin.

"Good choice my love." Aldric asked for whipped cream and a server walked over and sprayed some whipped cream on top of the pie but Aldric was not satisfied so he kept the can when the server left he kept spraying it until Keena laughed telling him to stop. Then Aldric took a fork and took a bite sized piece of pie from the table and put it into Keena's mouth but there was to much whipped cream that some had gotten on her bottom lip. Aldric set the fork down got closer to Keena and used his finger to wipe away the whipped cream. Eventually They left the kitchen and Keena and Aldric when back to the second floor. "This floor is the meeting room slash office room, basically this whole floor is dedicated for the mafia. Keena that is why you were suggested into a different direction."

"Why would it be on the second floor when people have to get to the third floor." Aldric smiled that was the best part.

"Well Miss Raven I'm glad you asked." Aldric kept walking her down the hall and they saw another set of stairs once those were climbed there was another living room a small Coffee bar? It was nice and looked over the balcony to see the second and first floor. Next to the living room was a guest bathroom, and then there were a few bedrooms. Aldric brought her to a smaller one first it was the guest bedroom but it was not a normal guest bedroom it had a chandelier and furniture that looked like they came from the nineteen hundreds. It was way to fancy for Keena. Then Keena saw another room and this room was less fancy it had a desk in it and was designed of a guy, was this Aldric's bedroom? Finally Keena got brought to the master bedroom that had a King Sized bed with a purple canopy over it the walls were a darkish blue but not quite navy and there were lights and vines all over the wall. Another desk sat in the window with a bookshelf on the side. If she had a dream bedroom this would be it. She walked into the master bathroom and saw a shower a jacuzzi hot tub all marble and fancy French designs on the wall. "What do you think?"

"I think it is perfect who's room is this?"

"Keena it is our room I had it redecorated for when you got here." Aldric walked her over to his desk where she saw the little Raven that she had given him on their first date.

"Our room?" Keena finally came to the realization that she would be sharing a room and a bed with Aldric.

"Of course honey unless you don't want to share a room with me?" Aldric almost looked sad and defeated.

"Of course I want to share a bedroom with you why wouldn't we?" Keena tried to push away the nervousness coming to life inside her. Aldric so happy pick Keena up and walked over to the bed and layed her down. He was hovering above her with a hunger look in his eyes. Keena bit her lip and it made Aldric sweat he wanted her so bad but not yet. He sat up and took Keena's hand and helped her sit up. Keena had lost her mind for a second for a second all bets were off. She wouldn't have stopped him what did that say about her?

"Keena would you like to stay here for your birthday or go out?"

"We can eat here Aldric I would love to try the food prepared here."

"Alright you asked for it." Aldric pulled out his phone and called the kitchen letting them know that they were staying for dinner. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling while Keena joined him they both just laid there and thought.