
Chapter 4

Unsure what the other male had been saying, all he knew was he had to find a way to from himself from the projectiles that had impaled him arms and legs to the ground, but the pain had been to much and this caused the male to groan and crie out but the moment he had smelled the blood and seeing pigments of purple flowing free from now inflected wounds had caused him to snuggle, twitching in attempt to flex his muscles to move but it had been for nothing and to his perspective him being pinned against the ground had been absolute..

" Ne'Nora, Can you translate what he is going on about? "

[ " La'ventis, You know i can't do that. Why not use that device nexus has given you? You do know it has a multi-function to do just about anything, all you have to do is equip it to your arm and tell it what to do. " ]

Remembering the neon blue band that. Ne'Nora had spoken about laventis having reached his hand down into the right pocket of the jeans, curling his fingers around the device he had within it. He allowed his arm to withdraw from the pocket afore being brought up then over to the wrist of his left arm...

Clipping it there, the band began to glow as it turned on. "Beep, Beep, Beep " sounded off the moment it awakened. " Welcome La'ventis, How may i be of use to you? "

" Omni- Translator Mode, please i need to communicate with this assailant. "

[ Beep, Beep, Beep ]

" All Done, Will take be all? "

A sadistic grin had pulled at the corners of the male's lips whilst he heard what the device had said. Now they could talk...

Mixed between the screams of the male, laventis could hear the unknown language turn into one of many he knew.

" Tru-va Nis' Dassi, Neous Strei Si-se'a "

(( OK, Please. please. I just want them. ))

" Listen, if i let you up are you going to attack me again or are you going to be calm? "

Be calm, the thought had brought a chuckle to emit past his lips as he waited for a response.

" Gavra' Gavra " replied that male.

Speaking calmly, " Ne'Nora, return to me. "

Following the command, the sounds of dripping flesh and the sound of metal scratching against bone could be heard as the spears freed themselves from the male's body.
