
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

Chapter 32, Frost flower

the afternoon is quite good, the sun is warm and sweet, smokes are all around the camp as well as rushing noises everywhere, monks are preparing for tonight's second catching

Yunxi opened her eyes and saw a bright white space surrounded by other things, she laid down on a soft cusion and warm blanket, the chirps of bird is singing outside, she got up and had her eyes wide

"I-Im alive?" she said touching her body all around, she remembered, Fei Jin shouting her name when she fell, the green whisps turned to poison fog causing her to cough none stop

"did Fei Jin save me?" she lazily asked herself, Yuan came inside with a bowl of water and towel, she was just gonna clean Yunxi but now she is awake and thinking deeper than a rabbit hole

"Diánxià!" she carefully dropped the bowl and threw herself to Yunxi!"

"Diánxià, I though I was gonna lose you!!!" she cried, Yunxi hugged her back and asked

"w-what happened?"

"you fell down after taking the poison fogs, I warned you about it-" Yuan's expression as terrified

"how about Fei Jin!" she pushed her

"his highness is ok, he is the one who saved you from the fall, Shao Qi also detoxifies you?" Yuan explained


"hmm, he said you will sleep for a little long, you've been asleep since last night and just woke up now?" Yuan stood up and marched towards the bowl

"Yuan, can you go and get my husband instead, I'll wash myself?" she asked, she slowly marched towards her and cignalled her to go

Yunxi washed her face and changed in more than 2 minutes, she wore a lighter dress and pants, she tied her hair in pony to look more natural

"Diánxià, we're back?" Yuan called, Yunxi turned around and saw Fei Jin standing behind Yunxi, he is pale but calm yet cool looking

"you're awake?"


"Princess, prince Fei Jin, I'll take my leave?" Yuan excused herself leaving them both in silence

"Fei Jin-"

"how is your body?" he asked straight face

"I'm ok-" Yunxi looked at Fei Jin and found a look of cold and concern face, she knew he is quite angry and hia presence is really strange

"I'm a little sore, by the way I heard you saved me from the poison fog-" she raised her head to praise him but his cold gaze is made her shut up

"Yuan warned you not to go up the tree top, thise poison whisp should've devoured your lungs due to its toxic oxygen!" Fei Jin's teeth is gritting in anger

he found himself scolding Yunxi, it's not good to take things far, so he shut up and closed his mouth

"s-sorry!" is all she said, she is quite guilty in her action, so she cannot blame anyone for scolding her

"it's fine" Fei Jin marched towards her and handed a small pouch

"what is this?" she looked at him

"it's a frost whisp, use that to grow a winter flower!" said Fei Jin

"really- w-where did you find it?" she peep at the pouch and saw blue glowing stone like creature

"frost whisps likes cold places, they are especially found near a water, Yue helped me catched them!" said the guy, it was a little trouble catching frost whisps, but with Yue's sensitive smell he found them inside the wilderness, around 4 the frost whisps are visible, and it's really hard to catch them since they make the water really cold, Fei Jin liked dipping in cold, and it's an easy catch

"t-thank you?" she said, Fei Jin turned away but Yunxi grabbed her clothes

"your still angry, Let's make things right, how about I'll show you how to grow frost flower!" she tightened the grip, Fei Jin sigh and turned back to her

"if I did not suck that poison in your mouth I will never know how dangerous that poison fog is-" he said, he pulled the pouch and left

"I'll go prepare what you need, let's go!" he said

Yunxi was speechless on his words, did he just say suck the poison

"did he perhaps-" she touched her lips and closed her eyes

she went out red faced and found Fei Jin looking at her

"what took you so long, come, I'll bring you to my friend, we'll grow frost flower there!" he said and walked away, Yunxi followed him as they walk towards their destination

all the way to the nearby space, Yunxi is really quite which made Fei Jin awkward

"what's wrong, why are you silent, you use to be so talkative and never ran out of topic!" Jin started

"nothing, I'm just curious where we will go outside the camp"

"were going to see Yue, he's a wolf dog?" hearing the wolf dog Yunxi shivered

"your not gonna feed me are you?" Fei Jin's brow went higher and turned around

"why the hell will I feed you?"

"y-your mad!" she whimpered, Fei Jin was speechless, he turned around and shook his head

"your way too imaginative my wife?" he said walking faster than he never use to


Yunxi and Fei Jin arrived at a middle of nowhere, it was a beautiful open space where trees at socially distanced, the hour is golden and warm making Yunxi's eyes twinkled around

"wow this place is so open and beautiful?" she said, after a while, howls coming from afar was heard, Yue and his small pack came out wild running in a speed, Yunxi got terrified on their fast moves, she moved towards Fei Jin and wrapped herself inside his chest cloth

"why are you always hiding in my clothes, you look like a small child!" Fei Jin chuckled

"w-wolves!" Yunxi buried her face in his chest and stayed there for a long time

she was terrified upon seeing mountain wolves, they are big and large dogs about the size of average bear, Yue surrounded Fei Jin with his pack and stopped after smelling Yunxi in his clothing

"Yunxi, it's alright, these packs are with me?"

"your gonna feed me to them are you!" she tightened the grip

"Im not, your my wife why would I?" he whispered, Yunxi looked up to his gaze and slowly looked at the wolf that is an inch from her face

"he's so big!!!" she silently cried while her eyes are locked on Yue's twinkling orbs, Yue let out a little "woof" which gave a huff of stinky breath towards Yunxi, he then licked her cheeks which froze her

"Yue this is Yunxi, my wife, Yunxi, this Yue, my dog best friend!" Fei Jin opened his white clothes and pulled out Yunxi

"F-Fei Jin!" she scolded, Yunxi stared at The for a second, she found out how charming the dire wolf look like, he is pure white with blue ocean eyes, he is really big and fluffy

"this is an Alpha wolf, once an alpha is chosen by their ancestors they change color into white, while the beta is colored in silver grey, the others are colored differently according to their skills, the brown, the grey and more" Fei Jin explained, Yunxi rubbed the big dog and chuckled

"he is so charming?"

"yeah, climb on him were heading to their cold den" Fei Jin lifted Yunxi on Yue's back

the pack and Fei Jin ran away as fast as a wind towards the den of wolves

wolves has an ice cave inside their cavern, it is a secret cave where the river temperature turns the small cavern into an ice cave, this is usually where Fei Jin stay aside from going deep inside the river

the river deep is different in sucking energy since it has power to pull out flames inside Jin, while the ice cave cavern is only a leftover temperature that the river made

when they arrived, Yunxi saw how large the pack is, they all seem anxious after seeing Yunxi, they were all growling in her presence, but after Yue gave his feirce eyes and growl back no one dared to touch Yunxi, they all back out but is still suspicious towards her

Yue led them both to the empty cavern before entering the iced cave, it was a deep part of the den that only few wolves go, they stack different kinds of meat and weird food inside, it was hilarious how they discovered such

"they stock their food here?"

"it was my idea!" Fei Jin smiled down at her

"now that says why they know how to preserve their food?"

"in winter, it is actually difficult to find food, when Yue and I discovered this place I thought him how to preserve their food, hunter wolves are the once mostly allowed to come down here, it is their duty to make stock some food for everyone!" hearing how Fei Jin managed Yue's pack made her smile

"the wolves seem smart?"

"yes they are, and telepathically I can communicate with them?" Fei Jin smiled


"it's a secret, not everyone can do it!"

the three arrived down at the open space, it was a little far from the meat area, the place they are in is cold damp and not too icy, there is a smell of earth and healthy soil beneath their feet

"wow, the soil look healthy?" Yunxi sat down and touched the wet dirt colored in black healthy soil

"it sure is?" Yue, layed down and did not bother the two, Fei Jin sat next to him and rested in his warm belly

"alright do your thing!"

Yunxi brought out the small pouch and pull out one small frost whisps, touching them is like touching an ice cube, it is really tiny like a pearl that glows blue and shines none stop

"it's really cold!" she complained but was happy at the same time

she put a small deep hole on the ground and planted the frost whisp, when the process is done, Yunxi put both her palms above and made a hand gesture to let out an energy inside her, as Fei Jin stare at her, he is quite curious, at the same time saw how cool Yunxi

a flower came out of the ground in a timelapse, the flower look like an illusion but as Yunxi continue to gesture her hands it turned out beautiful, it looked like a blue ocean rose with 8 large petals, it had no thorn but only beauty

"wow!" Fei Jin spoke, Yue was also stunned and watched as Yunxi grow more, each whisps is one frost flower, and the way she grows them one by one is really satisfying

after growing as many as 11 frost flower it was time for them to go back, Yue was yet again sad but was happy at the same time, he got to meet Yunxi and leave a frost flower at the cavern

"Yue, I'll leave 4 frost flowers, every month the flower will make another frost flower!" Yunxi explained


"actually, frost flowers doesn't like being lonely, and a small pack like 2 or 4 is gonna make them sad, that's why, using all their frost energy they create one flower month after month til they are formed in many numbers like a pack of wolves, and when the frost flowers are satisfied with their many number the oldest one who used all its energy will die, the young ones will do the same as long as the temperature is cold!" Yue was satisfied on their little gift, he was no longer sad, Yue knew he will guard something below this cave and the other pack seem a little grateful with the fairy

Yue bowed down and licked Yunxi's hands, it's a sign that he is grateful for the gift

"he said he is grateful!" Fei Jin lifted her at Yue's back

"really!" Yunxi patted him, Yue looked back with a smile, he gently walked while having both Fei Jin and Yunxi in his back towards the camp, the beta was tasked to look after the flower down the chamber, but it looks like everyone gathered below the den just to see a blue glowing flower