

Sanchiez · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The end day

With her intelligence "Life" noticed her loneliness and also discovered her powers, she then began to create life, being after being, she loved them and put them in one place, that was her mistake. She underestimated her creations, underestimated her arrogance and greed and because of this mistake she ended up creating her counterpart, she created Death.


After a few hours Jim was on his feet, he began to remember everything, things he even doubted he knew.

"And to think that that fallen angel would present me with such a wish... I came back 25 years, and for exactly the day the cataclysm is going to happen..."

Jim was in the bathroom and whispering alone.

"Hey, weirdo, what are you whispering about?"

As he looked away he took a fright, but then he remembered that he was in the past and that the boy in front of him was just an ordinary boy and not the bloodthirsty beast that was in his memory.

"Hm... I understand"

The boy was avoided by everyone. He was the rookie and payer, all that culminated in being excluded and avoided everywhere.

"Hey wait, your name's Harry, isn't it?"


"Easy boy, don't you want a friend?"

"You, like everyone else, have been avoiding me for four months, so my answer is..."

Before he finished his answer Harry was pushed and fell to the ground.

"If it isn't the great witch here"

The one who pushed him was none other than the director's son, always arrogant and full of himself, he respected no one.

"And if it isn't Daddy's little boy."

Harry kept quiet, but this time he decided to fight back because he was tired of being mistreated.

"Have you finally decided to talk?"

Two more boys appeared behind the director's son, both older.

"Joe, let's leave it at that for now, in a few hours it's all gonna be pure bullshit."

Joe was the name of the redheaded boy, he had a physical athletic and a tattoo on his neck.

"Quiet Jim, I won't involve you in this in respect of your brother"

The redhead didn't even look at JIm, he just spoke up and thought it would all end there.

"I'm not asking, Joe."

Joe finally looked at Jim, his expression a mixture of arrogance and irritation.

"What? Repeat."

"Leave Harry alone or suffer"

Joe looked at the two veterans and as if they had agreed earlier the three of them started laughing.

Harry who was still on the ground looked with doubt at Jim.

"You're a funny boy, now get out. Your brother Aleck said he was looking for you."

"Yeah, he said he wanted to know more about the terrace"

The boys were Chris and Evan, they were both part of the football team and so they were pretty messed up.

"They're only both chosen by beasts."

They could only hear the word "beasts."


"I said, they both look like Joe's puppies"

"I don't care about Aleck anymore, I'll break you in half"

Chris was tall and broad, this school brought together elites from all over the world, Chris was from an African country called Libya and excelled in physics, not a complete genius like most, but enough to get the right to study here.


The sound came first and then the blackout, but from the windows you could see the flash of lightning that hit the school.

"It began"

Listening to Jim speak so firmly Joe was the first to ask.

"What started?"

With a completely carefree face, JIm answered.

"The end"

"Hahaha, it was just a blackout, don't be dramatic"

Jim completely ignored Joe and looked at Chris who was next to him.

"Chris, I know you want to break my face, but I think you better go after your girlfriend, so I remember she's stay... Out there, right?"

The boy who was looking at Joe finally remembered his girlfriend and ran out in a blackout. The first thing that happen in blackout's are robberies and his girlfriend was working part-time at a school shop.

"Come on Harry, we have to find my brother and go to the terrace"

As Jim passed Joe he spoke in his ear.

"Run to the terrace, only you'll be safe there."


When Joe turned JIm and Harry had already gone out the door, he was confused, how could a boy so scared and living in his brother's shadow suddenly be facing him and saying things with such confidence.

"Call Chris, ask him how things are down there."

Evan, he was German, so he had delicate features. A silky smooth hair and ocean colored eyes, his body had very well carved muscle lines.

"Boss, my phone's broken, I think, he doesn't want to call."

Evan had checked his cell phone before going into the bathroom, and yet here it was, off and with no sign of life. Joe took his and realized he was in the same situation.

"What the hell is going on?"

It was then that he remembered Jim's words "the end" and as he remembered those words he felt a chill behind his neck, all his hair stood up at the same time.


Meanwhile Chris is running against a tide of people, because when there is a blackout it is law that students get together and go for stage of performances, he kept trying to turn on his cell phone.

"Get out of the way!"

"Hey don't push"

"Veteran idiot"

"We don't have to go that way"

Constantly Chris looked out the window, the dark sky gave him a feeling of panic, the clouds lit up once in a while and lightning fell to the ground.

"Hey Chris, let's go on stage."

When Chris turned around, he saw his coach.

"Mr. Maritn, I can't. I have to go after my girlfriend."

"don't worry about her, I'm sure everything's fine"


"Another flash of lightning, if it continues, we may have a fire"

Before Chris had any reaction a thick arm full of muscles was already around his neck, now it was impossible for him to escape.

"Come on, we might need that..."


A scream of terror crossed all those students.


A girl came running down the hall, her clothes were dirty with blood and one of her shoulders looked injured, behind her there were two more people in similar situations, all afraid and running.

Behind them came a stinking creature with rotten teeth, her eyeballs were white and the rot eroded all her flesh, her fingernails were a bit big and her running was disheveled, almost as if her legs were disorganized.

The creature ran and fell over a girl who was further back, she bit her neck and the blood spilled on the walls, but that didn't kill the girl.

"Help... me"

Those were his last words before the creature chewed the rest of his throat and shut up forever.


Fear haunted all the students in that narrow corridor and the peace and respect that existed was gone, everyone started to push and run, those who lost their strength in the legs and fell were trampled to death.