
Cash Out

[Disclaimer] This content is not copied from anywhere and is completely the author's imagination. And if it seems to be copied from any movie, web series, documentary, or any other thing, Please feel free to comment or review and I will definitely look after it. Although, this novel is inspired from a famous series, but it is completely different story with all names being imaginary. (Parental Guidance suggested as this content might contain some strong violence and gore language and is related to guns, heist and killing) ALSO, it does not promote anything. In the heart of Frankfurt, Germany, a meticulously planned bank heist unfolds with flawless execution. As the skilled team of criminals maneuvers through the intricate security systems of Eclipse Financial, tensions rise and unexpected twists threaten to derail their carefully laid plans. Outside, a determined investigator races against the clock, haunted by past failures and driven to uncover the truth behind the audacious robbery. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, "Cash Out" is a gripping tale of ambition, betrayal, and the high-stakes world of clandestine operations in one of Europe's financial capitals.

TheUnskilledPro · Acción
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7 Chs

The Sinner

Everyone in the room was tense, their minds racing to understand the reason behind the eerie silence. If this was the negotiator, why weren't they speaking? Then suddenly, a voice broke through, a heavy metallic tone that sent a shiver down their spines. It was clear the caller was using a voice changer. "Cole, it's me, The Sinner."

The relief in the room was palpable, a collective exhale as the familiar yet unsettling voice filled the space. Cole straightened, his confidence returning. "Oh! But didn't you say that you weren't going to interrupt?"

The Sinner's voice was cold and precise. "Indeed, but you've messed everything up, and now I have to fix it."

The team exchanged worried glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The audience might be wondering who The Sinner is and what has been messed up. Well, read further, and all will be revealed. 

Cole frowned, his mind racing. "What do you mean, messed up?"

The Sinner's voice remained unflinching. "Your plan is falling apart. The President's capture has triggered a secondary alarm system you overlooked. The authorities are closing in faster than anticipated. You need to adjust your strategy immediately if you want any chance of getting out alive."

Cole's face hardened, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Alright, what's your suggestion?"

The Sinner's response was chillingly calm. "You'll need to leverage the President to buy more time. Extract the information you need about the vault's final security measures. And Cole, remember, no more mistakes. The clock is ticking."

As Cole relayed this new plan to his team, the pressure intensified. The Sinner had intervened for a reason, and their mysterious ally's involvement hinted at deeper layers to this heist than anyone had anticipated. The stakes were higher than ever, and their every move would now be under the scrutiny of both their unseen ally and the relentless forces outside.

Cole said, "Sir, we might need some well-designed swimming gear to get into the vault, as filling the vault with water seems the only way to get in and get the money out without touching the surface."

The Sinner's voice crackled with irritation. "You dumbass, that's not possible. You've already disarmed the security vacuum of the vault door, so the water will come out. I'll give you just a small hint, as I promised not to interfere directly. Listen carefully: you have one of the world's best welders with you, Grad, and you also have ropes and levers. Now use your empty brains and get the money out."

Cole's eyes lit up with realization. "Alright, everyone," he said, turning to his team, "we've got work to do. Let's get to it."

But as they hung up the call and started moving out, suddenly the phone rang again. This time, everyone was certain it was the negotiator, Mariam Gomez. However, the call ended after ringing about three times, plunging the situation back into tension.

Inside the tent set up in front of the bank, a cunning plan was being executed under Mariam's command. They had intentionally called the bank and hung up quickly, hoping to bait the thieves into calling back out of curiosity. The ploy worked perfectly. Cole, unable to resist the urge to uncover the caller's identity, dialed the recent number.

Mariam answered, her voice steady and deliberately condescending. "Hello, cute little robbers. Do I have the allowance to be the negotiator of this heist and foil your dirty plans?"

Cole smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, of course, dummy. You don't even know whom you're talking to right now. But the truth is, I'm not cuter than your daughter." 

He paused, savoring the silence that followed. Mariam's face paled, her confident demeanor crumbling. She was shocked, worried, frightened, and panicking all at once. 

Cole's grin widened as he sensed her distress. "Awww... are you worried about your daughter? Don't worry, nobody has harmed her—yet. But she's under constant watch."

With that, he hung up, leaving Mariam reeling. The chilling revelation about her daughter had struck fear into her heart, shaking her to the core. The balance of power had shifted, and the thieves now had a dangerous psychological edge.

Mariam was in a state of confusion and panic. Her daughter, whom she believed to be safe at a boarding school in Nantes, France, was now a pawn in this high-stakes game. The revelation sent a chill down her spine, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. 

In the command tent, the bustling activity came to a halt as Mariam's face betrayed her inner turmoil. Her usually composed demeanor cracked, and she gripped the edge of the table, trying to steady herself. Her team noticed the change, their eyes filled with concern and questions they dared not voice.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus. This was a battle of wits and nerves, and she couldn't afford to falter. She quickly motioned for her second-in-command to take over temporarily while she stepped aside to gather her thoughts. The sound of voices and equipment in the tent faded as she retreated to a quiet corner.

Her mind replayed Cole's words. How had they found her daughter? What kind of surveillance did they have in place? She knew she had to stay calm and think strategically. The safety of her daughter depended on it.

Back at the bank, Cole's team sensed the shift in their leader's mood. They knew Cole had struck a nerve, and it gave them a twisted sense of confidence. Cole himself paced the room, his mind working through the next steps of their plan.

In the tent, Mariam returned to the table, her face a mask of determination. She couldn't let her emotions compromise the mission. She signaled for a secure line to the authorities in Nantes, knowing she needed to ensure her daughter's safety while continuing to manage the negotiation.

Her voice was steady as she issued commands. "I need immediate surveillance on the boarding school in Nantes. Full security detail. Now."

Her team sprang into action, tapping into international contacts and resources. Mariam knew she had to keep Cole engaged, to buy time and maintain a façade of control.

She picked up the phone again, her voice unwavering despite the storm raging inside her. "Cole, I'm back. Let's discuss your demands. What do you need to release the hostages and end this peacefully?"

Cole smirked, knowing he had the upper hand. "Oh, Mariam, this isn't just about demands. It's about proving a point. But let's start with the basics. I want safe passage for my team, a helicopter on the roof, and $50 million in unmarked bills."

Mariam listened, her mind already calculating responses and counter-moves. The stakes were higher than ever, but she was determined to outsmart Cole and save both the hostages and her daughter. The real game had just begun.