
Cash Out

[Disclaimer] This content is not copied from anywhere and is completely the author's imagination. And if it seems to be copied from any movie, web series, documentary, or any other thing, Please feel free to comment or review and I will definitely look after it. Although, this novel is inspired from a famous series, but it is completely different story with all names being imaginary. (Parental Guidance suggested as this content might contain some strong violence and gore language and is related to guns, heist and killing) ALSO, it does not promote anything. In the heart of Frankfurt, Germany, a meticulously planned bank heist unfolds with flawless execution. As the skilled team of criminals maneuvers through the intricate security systems of Eclipse Financial, tensions rise and unexpected twists threaten to derail their carefully laid plans. Outside, a determined investigator races against the clock, haunted by past failures and driven to uncover the truth behind the audacious robbery. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, "Cash Out" is a gripping tale of ambition, betrayal, and the high-stakes world of clandestine operations in one of Europe's financial capitals.

TheUnskilledPro · Acción
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7 Chs

For The Loved Ones

Cole picked up the phone, his resolve seemingly softened by his sister's plea. "Ms. Gomez," he said when Mariam answered, "we're ready to negotiate. No tricks. Let's end this peacefully."

Mariam's relief was palpable. "Thank you, Cole. Let's work this out."

But as the words left her mouth, Cole's demeanor shifted. His voice turned cold, hard. "Actually, Mariam, I have to tell you something. We're not backing off. This heist isn't about the money. It never was."

Mariam's heart sank. "What do you mean, Cole?"

Cole took a deep breath. "This heist is about something much deeper. Something personal. There's more at stake here than you realize."

Mariam's eyes widened in shock. "What are you talking about, Cole?"

Cole continued, his voice filled with a mix of anger and determination. "Years ago, someone close to me was wronged by this bank. It destroyed their life, and no one was held accountable. This heist is our way of setting things right."

Mariam's mind raced. "What exactly are you trying to achieve, Cole?"

"In the vault," Cole said, "there are documents, hidden among the money and gold. Proof of the corruption that ruined my loved one's life. We're not leaving without them."

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed Cole's revelation. The heist had just taken on a new, more dangerous dimension. Mariam knew she had to tread carefully. "Cole, I understand your pain. But this isn't the way to get justice. There are better ways to fight corruption."

Cole's laugh was bitter. "You think I haven't tried? Every door was shut in our faces. This heist is our last chance to get the evidence we need and clear their name."

Mariam's heart ached at the story, but she knew she couldn't let emotion cloud her judgment. "Cole, if you have proof, we can use it to take down those responsible. But you have to trust me."

Cole hesitated, torn between his need for revenge and the possibility of a peaceful resolution. Before he could respond, the phone rang again. Mariam and Cole both turned to it, tension crackling in the air.

Back in the command tent, Mariam's team was furiously working to gather more intel on Cole and the situation inside the bank. They knew time was running out. Mariam picked up the phone, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions inside her. "Cole, listen to me. I want to help you. We can expose the truth together. But you have to give me something in return."

Cole's eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

"A sign of good faith," Mariam replied. "Release some of the hostages. Show me that you're willing to work with us."

Cole considered her words, weighing his options. "Fine," he said finally. "I'll release a few hostages. But we keep the rest until we get what we came for."

Mariam nodded, her heart pounding. "Agreed. Now, tell me exactly what you're looking for in the vault."

As Cole began to describe the documents hidden in the vault, Mariam's mind worked quickly, formulating a plan to get everyone out safely while ensuring the corrupt individuals at Eclipse Financial were brought to justice. She knew this was a delicate balance, and one wrong move could spell disaster.

Back inside the bank, Cole turned to his team. "We're almost there. Once we have the documents, we can leverage them to negotiate our way out. Jess, Raven, Natalia, keep an eye on the hostages. Grad, finish up with the vault."

Grad nodded, working quickly to secure the last of the ropes and levers. The team moved with a sense of urgency, knowing their window of opportunity was closing.

Outside, the tension was palpable. Mariam's team had managed to establish contact with the authorities in Nantes, ensuring the safety of her daughter. With that weight lifted, Mariam focused all her energy on resolving the situation at the bank.

As the negotiations continued, Mariam knew they were walking a tightrope. The stakes were higher than ever, but she was determined to find a way to save the hostages, expose the corruption, and bring Cole and his team out safely.

The real challenge lay ahead. How to outsmart Cole, gain his trust, and ensure justice was served. Mariam took a deep breath, steeling herself for the final act in this high-stakes drama.

As Cole hung up the phone, he turned to his team with a determined expression. "Alright, everyone, we're making progress. Jess, Raven, Natalia, keep an eye on the hostages. Grad, keep working on that vault."

Inside the command tent, Mariam took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she had to do next. Colonel Tropez approached her, his expression serious and calculating. "Mariam, we need to talk."

Mariam looked at Tropez, her brow furrowed. "What is it, Colonel?"

Tropez glanced around to ensure no one was listening. "Those documents Cole is after—they implicate some very powerful people, including me. If they get out, it could mean the end of everything we've worked for. We can't let that happen."

Mariam's heart sank as she realized the depth of the situation. "You're involved in this corruption too?"

Tropez nodded grimly. "Yes, and if Cole gets his hands on those documents, it won't just be my career on the line. It'll be a political catastrophe. We need to stop him, Mariam."

Mariam hesitated, torn between her duty and her conscience. "But what about the hostages? What about Cole and his team?"

Tropez's expression hardened. "They knew the risks when they walked into that bank. This is bigger than them now. We have to protect our interests."

Mariam took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "What do you want me to do?"

Tropez leaned in closer, his voice low and urgent. "Convince Cole to lower his guard. Get him to release more hostages. Once he does, we move in and secure the documents. It's the only way to protect ourselves."

Mariam felt sick to her stomach. She had always prided herself on being a negotiator who sought justice, but now she was being asked to betray that trust. "And what about Cole? What happens to him?"

Tropez's expression softened slightly, but his resolve remained firm. "He's a criminal, Mariam. He broke the law. We'll deal with him once we have the documents."

Inside the bank, Cole and his team worked feverishly on the vault. Grad had managed to disable the biometric security and was now carefully maneuvering the heavy door. The tension in the room was palpable as they neared their goal.

"How much longer, Grad?" Cole asked, his voice tight with anticipation.

"Just a bit more," Grad replied, sweat beading on his forehead. "We're almost there."

As the team worked, Cole's phone rang again. He glanced at the caller ID—Mariam. With a sense of cautious optimism, he answered the call. "What is it, Mariam?"

"I need you to release more hostages, Cole," Mariam said, her voice steady but tinged with urgency. "It will show your willingness to negotiate in good faith."

Cole frowned, sensing something was off. "Why do you need more hostages released? We're making progress on our end."

Mariam hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "It's a gesture of goodwill, Cole. It will help build trust between us and buy us more time to resolve this peacefully."

Cole's gut twisted with suspicion, but he knew he needed Mariam on his side. "Fine. I'll release a few more hostages. But this is the last time. We're not compromising our position."

Mariam exhaled quietly, her plan falling into place. "Thank you, Cole. I appreciate your cooperation."

As more hostages were selected and released, Mariam signaled to Tropez. "Prepare the team," she said quietly. "We're moving in as soon as Cole lowers his guard."

Tropez nodded, his face set in determination. "Good. We'll be ready."

Inside the bank, Cole watched as the last of the additional hostages were released. He turned to his team, a sense of unease settling over him. "Something doesn't feel right," he muttered.

Jess nodded, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble. "Agreed. We need to stay alert."

Outside, Mariam watched the scene unfold with a heavy heart. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but Tropez had made it clear—there was no turning back now. As she watched the SWAT team prepare for the raid, she felt a pang of guilt. Cole had trusted her, and she was about to betray that trust in the name of protecting corruption.

As the SWAT team breached the entrance and stormed the bank, chaos erupted. Gunfire filled the air, and shouts echoed through the halls. Cole and his team fought back fiercely, but they were outnumbered and outgunned.

In the midst of the chaos, Cole managed to grab the phone once more. "Mariam! What the hell is going on?" he shouted over the din of battle.

Mariam's voice cracked with emotion as she responded, "I'm sorry, Cole. It was never supposed to be like this."

Cole's heart sank as he realized he had been betrayed. "You set us up," he said, his voice filled with betrayal.

Mariam hesitated, her voice barely audible over the chaos. "I had no choice. They have too much at stake."

As the gunfire continued and the SWAT team closed in, Cole and his team were overwhelmed. They were subdued, their weapons confiscated, and the documents hidden in the vault were seized.

Back in the command tent, Tropez approached Mariam, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Well done, Mariam. You played your part perfectly."

Mariam looked at him, her eyes filled with remorse. "Was it worth it, Colonel? Betraying everything we stood for?"

Tropez shrugged, his expression cold. "Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Those documents could have caused irreparable damage."

Mariam nodded, but inside, she felt a sense of emptiness. She had sacrificed her principles and betrayed Cole's trust, all to protect a corrupt system. As she watched the aftermath of the raid unfold, she couldn't help but wonder if there was any way she could have done things differently.