
Cash Out

[Disclaimer] This content is not copied from anywhere and is completely the author's imagination. And if it seems to be copied from any movie, web series, documentary, or any other thing, Please feel free to comment or review and I will definitely look after it. Although, this novel is inspired from a famous series, but it is completely different story with all names being imaginary. (Parental Guidance suggested as this content might contain some strong violence and gore language and is related to guns, heist and killing) ALSO, it does not promote anything. In the heart of Frankfurt, Germany, a meticulously planned bank heist unfolds with flawless execution. As the skilled team of criminals maneuvers through the intricate security systems of Eclipse Financial, tensions rise and unexpected twists threaten to derail their carefully laid plans. Outside, a determined investigator races against the clock, haunted by past failures and driven to uncover the truth behind the audacious robbery. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, "Cash Out" is a gripping tale of ambition, betrayal, and the high-stakes world of clandestine operations in one of Europe's financial capitals.

TheUnskilledPro · Action
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7 Chs

The Greatest Heist in History


The main entrance of the 'Eclipse Financial Bank, Frankfurt, Germany' was shattered into pieces.

A gang of ten individuals, clad in black hoods and white masks, stormed into the bank accompanied by a military truck loaded with a vast arsenal of weapons and ammunition.


Five of the members leaped from the truck, swiftly neutralizing every guard on the ground floor. Simultaneously, the others swiftly barricaded the entrance with a solid iron blockade. Inside, another member skillfully maneuvered the truck into position while his accomplices began unloading the arsenal of weapons and ammunition.

 Over 200 terrified citizens present in the bank were held captive as hostages, compelled to sit silently on the cold, tiled floor while the thieves snatched everyone's phones and switched them off.

 As Blade, Viper, and Raven stealthily searched for the bank president, they confronted five formidable guards stationed outside his office. Despite the guards' resilience, the trio managed to swiftly eliminate four of them on the spot. However, the fifth guard managed to escape with the president into a panic room concealed somewhere within the bank, a location the gang had no prior knowledge of.

 Everything had been running so smoothly until now that it seems this intrusion was meticulously planned over a long period. This heist could potentially be the most significant one the world has ever witnessed.

 The city was in a state of alarm. News of the intrusion spread rapidly across the country, prompting an immediate response from the national defense system. Swiftly, tents were erected in front of the bank, and the area became a fortress with military personnel, armed trucks, and snipers positioned on rooftops. The situation was so dire that they even managed to bring in a negotiator at a moment's notice. The scene was set for a high-stakes standoff, with every resource mobilized to thwart what could be the greatest heist in history.

 Now begins the main game. As Jess, Raven, and Natalia unloaded supplies from the truck, it became clear that this heist might extend for days. Their primary task was to look after the hostages, ensuring no one attempted to disrupt their plans. Meanwhile, Viper and Blade meticulously searched for the Bank President and his guard, vital pieces in their strategy.

 In the depths of Eclipse Financial, the other five members of the gang—Prieto, Syria, Grad, Leo, and their formidable leader, Lord Damien Cole—advanced toward the main vault. Each step they took was calculated, each move precise, as they prepared to breach the heart of the bank. The clock was ticking, and the stakes had never been higher.

 Deep within the fortified walls of Eclipse Financial in Frankfurt, Germany, lies a bank vault renowned for its near-impenetrability. This vault, the very heart of the bank, is a marvel of modern security engineering, designed to safeguard unimaginable wealth. Constructed with layers of reinforced concrete and high-grade steel, the vault is further protected by state-of-the-art biometric scanners, requiring multiple levels of authentication. Only a select few have access, each entry logged and monitored in real-time.

Inside, the vault is a cavernous space, meticulously organized and climate-controlled. Stacks of cash, bundled in crisp, neat piles, fill the shelves along the walls. The central area is dominated by gleaming gold bars, each one stamped and certified, arranged in precise rows. The shimmering reflection of the gold under the vault's bright, sterile lighting creates an almost surreal atmosphere.

 High-security lockboxes line another section, containing priceless jewels, rare artifacts, and confidential documents. Surveillance cameras cover every angle, and motion sensors detect the slightest movement. The vault door itself, a massive circular barrier, weighs several tons and requires an exact combination of codes, keys, and biometric scans to open. It is a fortress within a fortress, designed to deter even the most daring thieves. Yet, within these impregnable walls, the team led by Lord Damien Cole prepares to face the ultimate challenge.

 Prieto, a highly educated hacker with a genius-level intellect, sprang into action with precision and efficiency. He swiftly pulled out his custom-built laptop, its screen flashing with complex codes and algorithms. Connecting a series of wires to the bank's main technical system, he began his intricate work. Within minutes, Prieto hacked into the CCTV network, ensuring their faces remained invisible to any prying eyes. The screens went black, and any footage of their operation disappeared into the digital abyss.


 Next, he deployed his self-designed software to disrupt all communicative radiations, effectively blocking electromagnetic waves and cutting off any external signals. The bank was plunged into an eerie silence, its security systems rendered blind and deaf. Prieto's fingers flew over the keyboard as he broke through the vault's sophisticated biometric system. Fingerprint scanners, retinal recognition, and voice authentication fell one by one, dismantled by his expert hacking skills.

 The biometric locks disengaged with a series of clicks, signaling their defeat. Prieto's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched the final layers of the vault's security crumble. The path to Eclipse Financial's treasure trove was now open, and the gang stood on the brink of their greatest triumph.

 But there was a problem. Just as the team began celebrating their victory, Cole's sharp voice cut through the air. "Hold on," he warned, his eyes narrowing with concern. "We overlooked one crucial detail. The most dangerous threat still remains."

 The team froze, their triumph instantly shadowed by Cole's words. "This vault is vacuum-packed," he continued, "meaning there's no air inside. The moment anything physical touches the vault floor, even a single drop of sweat, the alarm system will activate."

 Cole's revelation sent a chill through the group. "Once triggered, the emergency protocols will seal all exits. But that's not the worst of it. The vault will flood with approximately 100 tons of water, pumped directly from the Frankfurt Dam through a pipeline concealed beneath the gold bricks. The pressure created by this deluge will be so immense that anything or anyone inside the vault will be crushed in under ten seconds."

 The gravity of the situation sank in, replacing their earlier excitement with a tense silence. This was the biggest task they had faced. The room's sterile air now seemed to thrum with an ominous hum, as the team realized the true extent of their challenge.

 Prieto quickly recalibrated his laptop, searching for a way to bypass this final, deadly security measure. The others exchanged uneasy glances, the reality of their predicament weighing heavily on them. They had come so far, but the path to their prize was more perilous than they had anticipated.

 Natalia, the strategist, spoke up. "We need a plan, and fast. If we can't disarm this trap, we'll have to find a way to access the vault without touching the floor. Maybe a suspension system or..."

 Her voice trailed off, and the team huddled together, brainstorming solutions. The clock was ticking, and with every passing second, the risk grew. They were on the brink of either the greatest heist in history or a catastrophic failure.

 Cole's mind raced as he evaluated their options. They had the skills, the technology, and the determination. Now, they just needed the perfect plan to outsmart the ultimate safeguard. The fate of their mission—and their lives—hung in the balance.