

Before reading this Graphic novel you need to know this will have a lot of things that some people might be sensitive to so before you read this novel if you don't like blood, Gore, kidnapping, Teens cursing( It's 2022 it's normal), death, Illegal use of drugs, harm against teens, and most importantly MURDER! If you are sensitive to these topics, please don't read this novel. This is my only warning ⚠️. I can't tell you what you should do I'm just the writer. If you are still here then let's watch some CARTOONS! Pictures version is on Wattpad

104Studio · Horror
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How did everything fall so quickly?

Before the incident happened it was just a normal day. Well, it was a very special day because it was my little sister's birthday! We all enjoyed her birthday party.

Me, My younger brother Kamis, we call him Kam for short. My parents Adam and Jess, and the birthday girl herself my youngest sibling is Emily. The day started so well. Until it didn't this is truly what went down.