

His lips curled up in a sensual smile. He leaned close, his mouth brushing against the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Perhaps.”

“He hates me even though he says he loves me, Alek. I don’t know what to do.”

“If you’re asking for advice, I don’t have any. But I will say this. I know that I’ve not found my way into your heart yet, and that’s okay because you still allow me in your orbit. You are that man’s sun, and yet you refuse him any of your warmth. Shine for him, Sunny. See what happens when you give a dying man hope like you give me hope.”

I closed my eyes against the overwhelming wave of rightness I couldn’t deny when he was so close to me. Opening my mouth to respond, I stopped at the scent of bergamot and the pull of my heart toward Noah. I hadn’t even seen the man, but I knew he was there. I opened my eyes, and sure enough, Noah stood at our side, gaze soft and expectant all at the same time.