
Carnage Hunter

Carnage Hunter In a world forged by cosmic forces and divided by supernatural abilities, humanity faces a new and deadly threat: the Carnage. These grotesque monsters, born of flesh and darkness, terrorize the land, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Cities are fortified with towering walls, but even these defenses are sometimes breached by the relentless and evolving Carnage. Mark Coloma, son of the legendary non-gifted Class 1 hunter Loid Coloma, grows up in the shadow of his father's heroism and sacrifice. Loid, a man of immense strength and unmatched bravery, wielded a colossal war hammer-axe to protect humanity, but his valiant stand against a Type 2 Carnage led to his mysterious disappearance and presumed death. Young Mark witnesses this tragedy and vows to honor his father's legacy. As Mark comes of age, he trains his body to the extreme, harnessing the unique evolutionary abilities of the non-gifted. His determination leads him to the prestigious hunters academy, where he strives to rise through the ranks and prove himself as a capable hunter. Facing both internal conflicts and external threats, Mark's journey is one of self-discovery, resilience, and vengeance. Carnage Hunter: follows Mark as he navigates a world teetering on the edge of chaos. The novel explores themes of redemption, the struggle for equality, and the unyielding human spirit. Through intense battles, personal sacrifices, and the forging of unlikely alliances, Mark's story is a gripping tale of heroism in the face of overwhelming odds. As he fights to protect humanity from the Carnage and uncover the truth behind his father's disappearance, Mark Coloma's journey will test the limits of his courage and the strength of his resolve. This epic saga of survival and defiance is set against a richly crafted backdrop of a world where the line between hero and monster is perilously thin.

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10 Chs

Chapter 2: First Day At The Hunters Academy

The sun rose over the fortified city of Cagayan, casting long shadows that danced on the towering walls. In a modest home, 18-year-old Mark Coloma moved with practiced quietness. It was 5 AM, and his grandmother, Berna Coloma, was still asleep. Mark efficiently prepared breakfast, ate in silence, and tidied the house. By 6:00, he was showered, dressed in his academy uniform, and out the door, ready for a day that marked the beginning of his journey as an official hunter.

Today was his first day at the hunters academy, a significant milestone after a grueling year of exams. He had passed and earned his place as an official hunter. Mark sprinted through the quiet streets, the cool morning air filling his lungs. As he reached the towering entrance gate of the largest hunters academy in Mindanao, he took a moment to steady his breath and gather his thoughts.

Inside, the campus was already bustling with Class 5 students, eager and anxious about their first day. Mark found his locker, stowed his belongings, and surveyed the scene. Despite the early hour, excitement buzzed in the air.

At 6:30 AM sharp, an alarm sounded, signaling all students to gather in the courtyard. The sea of young hunters quickly formed ranks, standing straight and silent as a figure took the stage. General Tatsuko Haroshi, a fire user from the Japan hunter corps, had transferred to the Philippines after a joint effort with neighboring countries had vanquished a colossal Type 1 Carnage in the Pacific. Now, he was one of the official generals overseeing the academy.

General Haroshi's presence commanded respect. He began to speak with authority, his voice carrying across the courtyard. "Philippine Class 5 hunters, I am grateful that many of you have passed the first-year hunters exam. Gifted and non-gifted alike, you are here to become hunters, to protect humanity from the grotesque creatures known as Carnage. For centuries, our ancestors have fought and built walls around us, hoping that one day no more Carnage will roam the earth and we can live in peace and harmony.

"You students are the backbone of our world's protection against the Carnage. We humbly deliver the message that no one shall die during battles. Everyone, gifted or non-gifted, shall fight together as one. Protect each other even in dire situations, like Loid Coloma, who fought valiantly for his comrades. My sister was one of the 18th battalion he saved. I humbly show my respect to him and honor his memory as one of the most honorable Class 1 Grade 3 hunters of our generation. One day, you too will become Royal Class hunters, protecting our world from threats and reclaiming our land!"

The courtyard erupted in applause, the students clapping in sync, filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. As General Haroshi exited the stage, Class 2 Grade 6 hunter Michael Cuajao took charge. He commanded the students to return inside the school to begin their lessons. With the ceremony concluded, they dispersed, heading to their respective classrooms.

Mark moved with the crowd, his heart pounding with excitement and nerves. Today marked the beginning of his journey, a path forged in the legacy of his father, Loid Coloma. As he entered the school, he vowed to honor his father's memory, to train hard, and to one day stand as a beacon of hope and strength against the relentless threat of the Carnage.

Navigating the bustling halls of the hunters academy, Mark suddenly bumped into someone. To his surprise, it was Olivia Reyes, his childhood friend.

"Mark!" Olivia's eyes brightened as she looked up at him. Despite his towering, muscular frame, she recognized him instantly. Mark looked down with concern, momentarily worried he might have hurt her. But Olivia's smile reassured him.

"Olivia, it's good to see you," Mark said, his voice steady.

"I've been waiting for years for you to join," Olivia beamed. She was now a Class 4 Grade 6 Hunter, having completed her 20th successful Carnage hunting mission in the Davao City region. As an ice user from the prominent Reyes family, she had already made a name for herself. Her older brother, a general and Especial Class hunter, was second only to the Royal Class hunters.

Olivia couldn't contain her excitement. As the childhood friends walked together in the busy halls of the Hunters Academy, she started talking rapidly about her recent missions, describing in vivid detail the battles she had fought. Mark, kind and stoic as ever, listened intently, asking her questions about her experiences. Though he rarely smiled or showed much expression, his eyes conveyed his genuine interest and concern.

"And then there was this one time," Olivia continued, "we were surrounded by Carnage, and I had to use every ounce of my ice abilities to create a barrier. It was intense! But we made it through."

Mark nodded, absorbing her words. "Sounds like you've been through a lot."

"I have," Olivia admitted. "But it's nothing compared to what you went through, Mark. Losing your father like that... I'm so glad you're here now."

Mark's gaze softened slightly. "I'm here to honor him and to make a difference. Just like you."

Olivia reached out and squeezed his hand. "We'll do it together, like we always did as kids."

As the two reached their respective classrooms, Olivia gave Mark a reassuring smile before stepping into her room. Mark lingered by the door for a moment, then headed toward his own class. Class 5 and Class 4 hunters were separated, so he wouldn't be seeing Olivia again until later. Entering the classroom, Mark scanned the unfamiliar faces of his new classmates. Among them, he recognized a few students from the one-year hunters exam, including Justin Lee, an American-Chinese foreigner known for his gravity-manipulating abilities. Justin's popularity had soared due to his charming and easy-going nature, the complete opposite of Mark's stoic demeanor.

Mark found his seat, the last one by the window, a location reminiscent of many anime scenes he'd seen. As he settled in, he gazed out at the beautiful view of the school yard and the clouds drifting lazily across the sky. It was a calming sight, one that helped him focus amidst the classroom chaos.

The room buzzed with excitement and chatter as students, already familiar with each other from the hunters exam, reconnected and socialized. Despite the commotion, Mark remained composed. He was accustomed to observing and listening more than participating.

Seated next to Mark was Maria Ushiromiya, a Japanese-Filipino girl and a non-gifted individual with an extraordinary physical body. She often wore big, baggy jackets to hide her attractive physique, a habit born from her extreme shyness. Mark remembered Maria from the final hunters exam, where he had helped her during a difficult challenge. That shared experience had created a bond between them, and Maria felt safe around him.

"Hey, Mark," Maria whispered, glancing shyly at him. "It's nice to see a familiar face."

"Hey, Maria," Mark replied, giving her a small, reassuring smile. "Ready for the first day?"

"I think so," she said, her voice gaining a bit more confidence. "Thanks for helping me back then."

"No problem," Mark said, turning his attention back to the window. "We're all in this together."

As the morning sun rose higher, casting a warm glow over the academy, the classroom door swung open, and their instructor entered. The students quickly quieted down, their attention now focused on the front of the room. The instructor, Marten Rivera, a seasoned hunter with a stern expression, began his introductory speech.

"Welcome, Class 5 Grade 10 hunters," he began. "You've made it through the initial exam, but your real training starts now. You will be pushed to your limits and beyond. Remember, out there, it's not just about your abilities—it's about your heart and your will to survive. Let's see what you're made of."

Mark listened intently, his determination growing with every word. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, not just for himself, but to honor his father's legacy. And with friends like Olivia and Maria by his side, he knew he could overcome any obstacle.