
Caretaker of Hololive

Collection of diary-like entries and dialogues detailing the day to day activities of the members of Hololive while staying with the owner of Aelin Inn.

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Entry 8 - Arrival (Sora)

A couple of weeks ago Yagoo told me and the rest of the girls that we were going to be taking a short break from streaming. He said that if we continued the way we were, then we're going to burn ourselves out.

I agree to some degree with that, but none of us were tired of streaming. We love to stream and it was never really a chore to play games while talking to an audience, I mean once we got the hang of it. But Yagoo insisted and I could tell he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

So with my bags packed, I rode a bus along with the rest of 0th gen to our new lodgings.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to live with the girls, it was like a massive sleepover or a school trip. Honestly, I nearly didn't sleep from the excitement.

However, when we arrived at the location, we didn't expect to get dropped off in front of a forest. We were told the place we were staying was hidden, but I didn't think it was this hidden.

Luckily we weren't being made to find the place on our own. In front of the forest, a small cute, white fox was waiting for us. It led us to the place and least to say it was amazing.

But that wasn't the only thing that was waiting for us. When we went inside we were happily greeted by two familiar faces.

Wearing some flower-patterned kimono were Aloe-chan and Coco-chan.

They greeted us rather elegantly like swans turned into maidens. Though us on the other hand, not so much.

Upon laying their eyes on them, Miko-chan and Sui-chan immediately jumped them with tears rushing out their eyes. They've really missed them after all. Well, we all have but these two especially in 0th gen.

After a couple of seconds of weeping, the owner came and I was fairly surprised to see that he was quite young, too young to be running an inn out in the country.

When he appeared, Aloe-chan and Coco-chan stood up and introduced him to us as their boss before he spoke to Coco-chan and ordered her to take us to the dorm since he and Aloe needed to entertain some guests.

On the way there we decided to catch up with each other. We asked Coco-chan about her time here and we were glad to hear her eagerly tell us of her time working for the owner.

When we reached the dorm our jaws hung at the size of the building. It looked like someone's mansion. I was actually worried if they spent a little too much on our accommodations.

Inside was even more lavishing than the outside, with the decor reminding you of those high-class western homes you only see in pictures. Chandeliers, patterned carpets, furniture you definitely wouldn't find in a regular home; I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of high-class looking paintings as well.

They put in a lot of effort into our rooms since Coco explained that the building, despite its size, actually had not enough room for everyone so they had to do a bit of renovation.

When they showed us the room we would be staying in, we were surprised to find out that inside was another set of doors that were the actual doors to our respective bedrooms.

Just what sort of person was the owner of the inn? Was the question that was in my head at that moment.

The day was already full of surprises and it wasn't stopping at all. When we took a look at our rooms we quickly realised that each one has been tailored specifically for each of us. Roboco-chan even had a bed that doubled as a charger.

My room looked like the one I usually had in my streams. They filled it with some recording equipment, a piano and a giant Ankimo stuffed doll was sitting on my bed. How lovely.

After we had the tour we returned to the inn where we met up with Aloe and the owner again. We discussed some rules and it was revealed that Coco would become our dorm mother, temporarily though.

We then spent the rest of the day unpacking and relaxing before cooking something for dinner.

Our new home. I'm excited to live with everyone, I just hope we all get along and keep the building intact.

Alright, Hololive is finally coming into the picture.

So, the plan is for the next couple of weeks, depending on whether I decide to release multiple entries within a week or not, we'll be speedrunning gen 0's to gen 5's arrival to Aelin inn with each gen having a member that would record their experience in the inn. Some will be in the moment, others will be over time. So you'll have something like Sora's here, while another one might be about their time from arrival to their current state.

Once the jp branch has arrived I'll start the randomness. Other branches will come, in due time.

Anywho that's it for this week, I hope you all enjoyed this entry and I'll see you all next time.

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts