
Career theft

Getting what I need,the only way I can

Chimango_Kondowe · Deportes
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2 Chs

1.The corner of my eye

Everyday the starlight shines over the city of Tokyo. A beautiful scene of stars gently dancing in the sky, floating over the endless vacuum of space and singing along with each other to the moon as it shines for them. It had been around 8:30 in the night when Hunter signed while looking out his bedroom wind gazing upon the site of his mothers garden.

The garden had been in his family for generations that came passed down for one family member to another,smiling to the fact he knew that one day it will be his own. It had some very exotic plants that had been said to have the ability to heal,kill and even make people go crazy. His mother,Hazel Moore,a tall Spanish woman who move to Tokyo so that she could continue her family legacy of gardening.

"wow those stars are all lined up in a special way",Hunter said to himself,"it says ge ge Geography!"

"ow noo my Geography essay",he remembered.

He rushed into the house and kicked down the door to his bedroom and began to search as fast as he could for his books.

"where is it"

"where is it"


He grabbed the book and pen and began to ran as fast as he could to his safe spot. A big mushroom shaped tree, at first sight it looks like a normal tree but if try to concentrate on it close enough you will see a transformed deck with a small bookshelf,albums,books and a sleeping bag. It was his safe spot a place where he could be and not bothered It was a place where he could go to escape the dark times and relax.

"Dinner is ready!",Mrs . Moore screamed in an Spanish accent.

"Coming!",Hunter replied with a Spanish accents.

He checked out of the window to make sure no one was watching,he didn't want any one to find out where his secret spot was cause he was afraid of what the others would think like calling him a 14 year old that likes to play with kids tree houses.

The dinner table where everyone was including hunter and his family they had been eating a delicious home-made version of macaroni and cheese with a little twist. The rue which is a mixture of butter,flour and cheese was put together with her special spices and herbs that were freshly made by hand and the cheese was mixed in ground beef making a type if soup.

"How's the food everyone"

"Its great mother"

"And you honey,how's the food"

"well the mice is a little bit over cooked bit it is ok"

"ok,wow I expected more"

"ow stop acting like that"

"like what"

"your being so dramatic over the smallest things"

"your just being sarcastic"

"no am not"

"you know what I don't care cause I know that my food tastes great,also stop complaining so much darling try to be like Hunter not complaining and peacefully eating his dinner"

He nodded his head for he did not want to get into the argument his parents where having. Hazel and Terrance where always like that,one was a stay at home mother and the other was a professional lawyer with his own law firm that dealt with cases of sexaul abuse and harassment mainly. Terrance loved his job and never want to stop being a man that loves to put smiles on peoples faces.

The dinner table had been set beautifully with candles and different forms of decoration perfectly set up for a beautiful dinner atleast that's what my mother want a peaceful quite dinner and this what she got a loud violent dinner just because my father did not like the food.

"Thats enough"

Hunter stood up and pushed the plat infront of him aggressively leaving the with everyone in shock.

"This was your fault"

He sat down by the living room and continued to think of going outside to his secret spot right outside the walls.Hubter sighed while his mother approached him.

"what do you want"

"well am sorry sweetheart"

"but your father and I are just having some problems we need to sort out first ok "


"now go to bed its late out here"

"fine" Hunter said as he left the room.

He was not easily fooled he knew his mother was just trying to get him out of the room but his just happy no one got hurt this time.

"I cannot wait to leave this place",he said to himself as he fell asleep.

Hunter could not sleep that night thinking of all the things that had been happening in his life,he stood and left from his bed for the bathroom and sprayed his face with water.

Its was at that moment at the corner of my eye I saw it.

warning chapter 2 spoiler:the next chapter will be the opportunity where he finds out the way to get where he wants and I honestly think it was not that bad for my first book chapter please do not hate thank you for your support

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