
01 Cardfight Vanguard

A good looking 20 year old boy was watching his favourite anime Cardfight Vanguard while walking in a subway station.

After watching the last episode of Cardfight Vanguard G: Z and waiting for the train to come so he can go to his University.Leon is a bright student of Oxford University and he is majoring in business,he is first of his class and his future is full of greatness,he comes from a good family,he supports wellfare programs for the sickly.

Now Leon is waiting for the train and thinking about how great is Vanguard.While thinking he notices from the corner of his eyes that a little girl who looks only 3-4 years old playing in the railtracks and thinking `What is wrong with that girl i know she is young but why the hell is she playing in the freaking railtracks and where is her parents are they dumb enough to let a young girl like her be alone'

While he saw that the train was coming and the little girl was still playing in the railtracks not noticing the train that is approching her at quite a good speed and nobody is noticing the girl in the tracks.

Leon then has no choice but to go to the tracks and help the girl get in the platform

When he helped her he heard the girl say ``Thank you'' and he smiled and said ``Welco''

He couldnt say it fully because the girl still had the smile and pushed him to the tracks.

Leon then turned around and the trains was just inches away from his face.He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable but he waited for 10 sec seconds but nothing happened he opened his eyes and what awaited him is blinding light,he bilnked multiple times so his eyes could adjust to the light.

A few seconds later he opened his eyes and saw a white place and then he heard a soothing voice from behind saying ``Hello my child''

He looked and saw a guy with what you can say was perfection. he took some time and then said ``Hello and may i know who are you?''

The Guy said ``I am what you may call GOD and you have died my child''

Leon was shocked he said `` GGGGood''

GOD said `` Yes my child''

Leon asked ``Did i die and why if i did? "

GOD said ``Yes and the girl you saved was one of my angel that i sent to bring you here because your time has come to an end,my child"

Leon was depressed asked ``So,now what will happen to me?"

GOD said ``Cheer up my child because of your past lifes contribution to society i will reborn you to any world of your choosing and grant you five wishes"

Leon was extremely excited and asked `` Any World"

GOD said `` Yes, do you want to start?"

Leon said `` yes and i want to go to Cardfight Vanguard world the original one not the reboot"

GOD said `` Now comes your wishes, tell me your first wish"

Leon and said ``My first wish is to have a system which will give missions and when i complete them i can get cards of cardfight vanguard and some other stuff like food and electronic devices etc."

GOD said `` Granted now to your second wish"

Leon said ``My second wish is to be extremely lucky at the Cardfight Vanguard game"

GOD said `` Arent you sly, Granted Next wish"

Leon let out a shy chuckle then said `` My third wish is to have a Eidetic memory"

GOD said `` Granted now your forth wish"

Leon said ``To have a good amount of physical strength and strong mental capabilities so i dont get my memory wiped clean when the asia circuit arc comes"

GOD said `` Good thinking and NOW STATE YOUR FINAL WISH LEON"

Leon with Confident says `` To have the power to master every deck there is and will come"

GOD with laughter said ``Are you ready?"

Leon said ``Yes"

GOD says `` Good Luck" and snaps his finger a light comes and leon loses his consciousness.

In a galaxy far far away in a hospital a women with sea colored hair in laber moans in pain

Few seconds later she delivers a good looking boy the doctor holds the boy and gives it to his father

The father comes closer gives the boy to the mother and says ``what do we name him darling?"

The mother looks at her sleeping son and says `` Leon Sendou"

The boy named Leon acting like his sleeping thinks`I will have the final turn'

So how do you like my novel if theres any problem i am sorry it is my first time writing so bear with me please.

What do you guys thinks his first clan should be i am choosing one of these three:

1. Royal Paladin

2. Shadow Paladin

3. Dimensional Police

4. Kagero

Please comment which clan should i play with first.

See you guys next time in Cardfight Vanguard World

Darpan_Biswascreators' thoughts