
Yamanaka flower shop.

"Yamanaka Florist's First Stop". Ino pointed the way by opening the transparent curtains.

Genji looked with amazement at the beautiful Eden that the Yamanaka family had, the place was huge, he always thought it was just a normal flower shop, but it seems that he was completely wrong.

The Yamanaka clan specializes in different plants and Genji imagined that these plants were grown on the outskirts of town like other clans.

But apparently, he underestimated the dedication of the Yamanaka clan because they managed to create their greenhouse with a huge amount of plants. The vines grew for hundreds of meters on the walls and trees that were in the place.

"Amazing isn't it!" Ino proudly told him while trying to inflate her small chest, "My clan has a lot of plants, but your main job is to take care of normal plants, and you are prevented from roaming around the different greenhouses, of course!"

Genji didn't listen carefully to Ino, as he was amazed at the beautiful sight he had in front of his eyes.

"This is where we grow what's in season," Ino told him as he paused in a small greenhouse.

Ino opened the plastic curtains and entered with Genji.

It was a small greenhouse that had lilies of different colors and sizes. The smell of the flowers was pleasant and reassuring, it was a difficult way to describe the aroma that the flowers produced.

"Are you listening to me"? Ino reprimanded him by bringing him back to reality with a small bump.

"What were you saying".

"That you will spend the rest of the day, here." He told Ino when he was looking for some things in a metal closet, Ino when taking out a watering bucket and a spare apron, just like hers with purple flowers.

Ino picking up the things, she threw the apron at Genji and hit him in the face with the apron.

"You know how to water the plants? Right!"

"Yes, Kurenai-sempai likes plants and I help her from time to time." He told Genji as he grabbed the apron and looked at him with annoyance, but still, he used it and tied it around his waist.

"Okay, fill the bucket and water some plants," Ino said pointing to the water faucet.

Genji filled the bucket and began watering one of the pots.

"Pfft…". Ino giggled a bit and placed her hands on his hips, "You have no idea how to water a plant, do you."

"But that's how I always water them."

"Look at the plant." Ino told him, "If you water it with a lot of water, the plant may not survive, as it is not very healthy for this type of plant."

"You could have started there!" Genji told him as he moved to another pot and sprinkled less water on the pot.

"Ooooh". Ino clapped sarcastically, "Congratulations on watering your first plant."

Genji could only sigh at Ino's sarcasm since he didn't understand that there was something to make him hate him, but he didn't care much, so he continued to water the plants for a while and ignored Ino's teasing.

As he watered the flowers, he remembered why he had to do community work.

Start the flashback no jutsu.



Late at night through the village of the leaf.

Genji, Tenten, Neji, and Naruto walked with awkward steps, helping each other.

The friends used each other's shoulders to be able to walk through the dark streets of Konoha while shouting and laughing with joy.

A few steps away from them a herd of people, ninja dogs, and village policemen were chasing them.

All four of them were very drunk, without any border that could stop them.

Genji talked to Naruto about his sadness that he hid most of the time, but Genji was the only one who was always there for Naruto and in the end, Naruto broke down in tears.

The two friends were sad for different reasons, one was sad for the loss of the third Hokage and Teuchi. While the other was drowning in depression over his terrible decisions.

As the afternoon progressed and little by little the sun was setting over the horizon.

The two friends went to eat at the barbecue restaurant, but who would have thought that this would only be the beginning of a total lack of control.

Naruto and Genji sat down to eat, however, while they ate, another pair of friends entered the same restaurant and without warning, they sat next to Naruto and Genji.

"May I know what they are doing here?" Genji told Tenten and Neji.

"This is the first time we spoke, but I would like to ask for your help, Genji," Neji told him along with Tenten.

Genji and Naruto looked at him for a while and let him continue to tell about his problem, while they ate the meat.

Neji told them how he had a great hatred stored inside him and that when fighting with Hinata, the clan leader called him to his secret room, where they talked about his father and the sacrifice he made for the clan.

As Neji told more, his attitude changed a bit as he remembered how he ended up in a draw against Hinata.

At Hinata's insistence not to give up, it caused Neji to think differently and after a few days, he understood then that if someone like Hinata who was despised by her father and considered useless within the clan, I managed to draw against him and see that Little by little Hinata's destiny was changing.

Because he couldn't do the same if he was considered a genius within the clan. So Neji felt that the first step in changing his destiny was to find the person who helped Hinata.

In this way, I talk to Hinata's sensei and she told him all about Genji.

Genji who enjoyed food had no problem teaching Neji a bit because he didn't seem like a bad guy compared to other people in the village.

However he considered that he was not in the best state, but in a few moments, a crazy idea occurred to him.

Neji was always serious about things and if he made her relax a bit.

"Waiter a bottle of sake."

"Of course". A waiter came over to his table to drop off a huge bottle of sake.

That was the drop of sake that made all sense to the four people.

*Moments later!*.

After that, they could not remember everything very well, only that they visited many places in the village and were chased by the police, civilians, and dogs.

They first went to the remaining Inuzuka clan on their way home and threw onions at the barking dogs, causing the police to chase them.

Then Genji used some snails to play some songs that woke people up from his dream.

The villagers were enraged by the annoying noise of Genji's electronic music that caused the windows of the houses to vibrate to the point that some windows popped and this caused several civilians to chase them.

The four who were super drunk, their movements were fast, avoiding the Konoha police and civilians with the use of onions that they threw all over the street.

The night was very helpful in preventing the Konoha police from catching them, thanks to Genji using his abilities to hide in the shadows and throw onions.

Naruto created hundreds of clones that took different paths everywhere and Neji was the GPS that warned them if someone from the police approached.

Tenten was the only one who did not perform any mischief, as she was the only one who was asleep on Genji's back and vomited from time to time.

Chaos flooded the entire village and in the end, the four of them were caught by the furious Tsume Inuzuka clan leader.

The four were given punishment for disturbing order within the village.

Tenten didn't have so many problems, since she stayed asleep most of the night, but when Tenten's father arrived in jail, Tenten's face lost color.

Then Neji followed that it only took a glance from the clan chief to see that he was very upset.

Later Naruto and Genji were the ones who caused the most damage. They had to do community service by painting some walls, damaging property with powerful pepper spray, and smashing several windows due to the loud sound of music.

End of flashback no jutsu.




Ino hummed as she made some wreaths and bouquets, made from different flowers.

"I'm done Ino." Genji entered through the back door, as he took off the annoying purple apron with flowers, something that hurt his manly pride.

Ino looked at him in annoyance when she saw that he was her future co-worker. She moving away from Genji a bit, while she delicately placed the crown on the counter.

"Now that I think about it, Genji might be useful if he does the heavy lifting." Ino thought maliciously.

"So you dribbled all the pots to the limit?"

"Of course".

"Ok let's move on to the next greenhouse."

Genji followed her into the next greenhouse, while she reproachfully tied her apron around her waist again.

This is how Genji spent the week transforming into a full-time gardener, but not everything seemed like bad luck since he felt that by spending more time with the plants and understanding the care that had to be done to each different plant.

His letter from a friend of flora helped him that shortly a new plant would be added to his collection.

Genji, spending the week with Ino, fully understood his personality.

Ino was rude, bossy, annoying, loud, a little scary and she didn't make up for it enough with her cute face or body.

The worst of all was that she was a complete fanatic like the old Sakura that she did not reason in any way and only had Sasuke in her hard head.

In the end, he could only relax by watering the different plants and ignoring Ino who treated him as his slave.

By becoming a plant keeper, I helped him relax his mind with the sweet scent of hundreds of flowers, this helped his conscience be in complete peace of mind, and with a little time, he managed to forgive himself for his terrible decisions.

He even helped him a lot with meditation, while he watered the plants and recorded all the methods with his snail to create a complete list of all kinds of plants and flowers.

His job so far was taking care of roses, lilies, orchids, daisies, azalea, dahlia, hibiscus, and small sunflowers.

When he finished his work he would return to the store to help Ino with whatever he needed.

Ino most of the time was making different flower arrangements and Genji his slave would bring her the flowers that he requested.

Genji could try to remove his slave status from Ino, but he decided to let her be the way she was since she did most of the work and he only had to carry a few things, water the plants and that was all.

Why bother to do the tedious and delicate flower arrangement, if you can leave it all in the hands of an expert who would do a better job than yours and at the same time rest in the greenhouse most of the time.

- This is life -. Genji thought as he finished watering the plants.

While he waters the plants he prepares a chamomile tea and sips it gracefully by raising the little finger of his hand.

(Manners make man hehe).

"Genji, I need ten pounds of sunflower blossom and some orchids!" Ino yelled at him.

"I'll take them to you in a moment, do you want a specific color Ino ?!".

"Orchids that are blue and yellow."


Genji walked to the different greenhouses, while he cut some flowers and handed them to Ino.

Ino was concentrating on wrapping some flowers and tying them with a red ribbon for her client, but it seemed like something was bothering her as she made some mistakes arranging the flowers.

"Are you okay Ino?"

Ino looked at him with a bit of annoyance and could only sigh, "I'm suffering… And all because of your damn fault!".

"I see". Genji ignored her words, not understanding what Ino was talking about.

* Whoosh! * Ino hit the counter and then got up annoyed and threw some flowers on the floor.

"Is that the only thing you will say…?"

"And what do you expect me to tell you if I don't understand what's happening to you!"

"You can never understand women with that big head of yours."

"And how do you want me to understand them if there are times that you don't even understand yourself Ino". Genji said as he raised her hand and tried to imitate some of Ino's words with the same position that she uses Ino when she is upset.

"You always get angry for five reasons, for everything, for nothing, because yes, why not and just in case!". Genji said as he imitated some of Ino's poses.


"It may be that you are in that difficult season, called menstruatio-". As he is about to finish the word, Genji ducks down to prevent a vase from hitting him on the head.

* Sound of broken vase *.

"Don't say another word Genji or you'll end up with overtime!" Ino tried to kill him with her gaze.

Genji raised his hands in surrender and asked, "What mess have I made this time? If you can tell."

"Because you are working here, some of my friends and former classmates from the academy, they think we are friends or worse, they think we are a couple ... Sasuke has been so depressed that he did not even speak to me when visiting him in the hospital and just when I thought I was getting a little closer to him. "

Genji could only raise an eyebrow at the nonsense Ino said, "First; Sasuke has always been like this! Second; Where did you hear that stupidity? Where you and I are a couple! Third; Do you need a psychologist or an appointment with the doctor!".

Genji communicated by guarding his body behind the door, while the decorative vases smashed into the poor wooden door.

* Broken vase sound * * Broken vase sound * * Broken vase sound * * Broken vase sound * * Broken vase sound *.

Ino stopped her attack, noticing that she was left without warning.

"Are you feeling better already?"

"Shut up idiot".

As the two of them looked into each other's eyes, the front door opened.

The bells rang and Genji and Ino changed their attitude.

"Welcome to the Yamanak-a store." They both said at the same time and with a big smile on their face.

The two were so well in sync that they seemed very close, although deep down they both denied it.

But upon noticing that it was Mother Ino who entered the store, they both had a stiff faces.

"Chief Noriko, today the sunlight pities her bright smile. Could it be that I bought a new face product? Because she looks younger today." Genji walked with delicate steps, as he tried to kick the broken pieces of the vases and hide them from the boss's view of him.

"Mom, today I found out that the Spa had a two-for-one offer, why don't we both go?" Ino was telling her as she moved her hands quickly and picked up the flowers from the ground.

"Do you know that customers can see you through the windows when they pass?" Noriko told them while she smiled, but Genji and Ino knew it was a fake gesture.

Ino and Genji looked at each other for a few seconds and they couldn't help but sigh.

"I'll pick up all the broken pieces," Genji told him as he used the dustpan to collect all the pieces.

"I'll find the glue," Ino told her as she searched for the glue from the wooden drawers that she had on the side.

"What am I going to do with you," Noriko said as she placed her hand on her face and watched with a small smile the advance of these two young men.



While Genji and Ino try to put the broken pieces of the vases together with glue.

In one of the buildings in the village of the leaf, a sannin watched with glee as some girls relaxed in the hot springs, then moved his binocular in different directions.

The construction of the village was ongoing and the help of many people was needed to repair the damage, but Jiraiya was not interested in the construction of the buildings.

If not, he watched as some sexy girls helped with the construction.

"Oh yeah! You almost got it, a little more to the left hehehe!"

Jiraiya kept looking in different directions as he jotted down some notes in his little notebook.

"Hehehe this is gold." Jiraiya had a big smile, as he quickly waved his hand and jotted down a few things.

Seeing how the girls helped with the construction, his mind began to imagine different scenarios for his new novel.

"Icha Icha Construction! I like the sound of it!" Jiraiya said as he started to think about development, plot, and especially the +18 scenes.

<< A weak young man looking for a job to have a marked body and win over his ex-girlfriend who left him for a bodybuilder.

The young man accidentally finds a job advertisement in construction and is hired by a huge company that has beautiful women as bosses.

His superiors train him in the construction area and he ends up having some intense developments with some of his colleagues >>.

Jiraiya was writing in his little notebook while writing the synopsis of his next book, while his brain reached heavenly illumination and many ecchi scenes appeared in his mind.

As he rambled on about some things, a hawk landed on his head squawking for a few seconds.

Jiraiya stroked her a bit and picked up a small note from her paw.

<< the Last sighting of Tsunade Senju, country of tea and fleeing from collectors.

He left the place with his travel companion in a short time for being recognized by other collectors and we think they are heading to the north of the country of fire >>.

"So this was the last visit from him."


