
On the edge of stubbornness

Maybe it was a chapter they weren't expecting, but in the end, I thought it was too fast for Genji to show his true abilities and cause too many doubts about his powers.

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Genji looked at the two chains that came out of his forearm and could not think that he only needed to imitate the spider-man pose and that chains came out of his hands.

Putting aside his thoughts, he looked at Lee. "I hope you're ready to finish the round!"

To put this event in context, let's go back a bit in time. Genji was immersed in a sea of ​​knowledge as he continually read the Uzumaki clan's red scroll.

The whole story of the sealing was interesting in his way, but he came across a text that interested him very much.

The title said; 'The principles that must be known about the personal chain'.

The first thing to know about the personnel chain is that it not only uses the user's chakra but also vital energy, which is why there are almost no clans that can dominate it and only the Uzumaki clan managed to be successful at that. over the years.

The Kekkei Genkai of the Uzumaki was a great advance in their strength, but over the years they created hand seals almost equal to those used in Fuinjutsu, these hand seals are techniques that help the Uzumaki, harnessing the vital energy within them.

The first members of the clan wrote a wide range of information regarding the hand seals, but years later they understood that there was an ancient language that made it easier for them to use their chains.

Koji Uzumaki found the ancient text, which contained ancient knowledge and is possibly lost after the devastation of the Uzumaki clan.

Koji was the leader of the clan for a few years when traveling around the world, but his experimentation with chains and the betrayal of his older brother, led to an early death, leaving all his research to the next leader of his clan known as Ashina Uzumaki, Shinobi who supported the founding of Konohagakure after the death of Koji who did not approve of the decision to create an alliance, since he distrusted the nations.

Koji translated the ancient knowledge and named it after the nine seals, the knowledge that was passed on to few people. The nine hand positions are known as; Shuku, Mabi, Ibu, Goku, Koo, Sain, Choi, Gyki, and Kuma.

Koji thought that the hand poses were a practical way to help them improve their kekkei Genkai, but it took years of research to learn that the hand signals were not a true aid, but the hidden meaning within each word that empowered their strings.

Handstamps translate as; 'May the nine allies line up by my side and become my vanguard, who will protect the world from calamity, these words invoke the chakra of your life, to be channeled in 'The chains of personal sealing' or years later known how; 'The Diamond Sealing Chains'.

In addition, the chains of personal sealing, take a different form, depending on each person of the Uzumaki clan, something that was not told to recent generations after Koji's death for fear that this would kill them.

In Koji's golden age, the clan that was under his command had about forty people that he trained personally and who could use the personal chains, his apprentices took command in various positions of authority, to support his ideals.

Each person showed incredible ability, but few had the same ability, all personal chains were great, to seal not only tailed beasts.

The people who stood out the most for their chains were the ones who had the potential to cancel any Ninjutsu, others absorbed the chakra of people or beasts, one was great at connecting their chains to the ground and expanding their tracking range, some people They were capable of expanding their Genjutsu, others could deform their chain and give it the shape of a weapon or armor.

Koji wrote down the different chains in his diary, but it was within the few years that he had left to live that he discovered those with enormous strength. Those who awakened two abilities in their chains, those who developed the ability to heal any wound and even regenerate body parts, and those who had the opportunity to add an item to their chains.

Koji understood that all additional abilities can be seen as a form of protection, which is why chains vary from Uzumaki to Uzumaki as it depends on what they believe will best protect them in their lifetime.

The life force of an Uzumaki is reflected in the number of chains that he manages to remove on his first attempt and this can be seen reflected in the genetics that plays an important role, so it is likely that he has some chains and see if it is enough. , to be useful in combat.

Chanting should be done silently to help focus the life force chakra. While singing it is important that you try to remember the happy and sad moments, how that energy felt when remembering those emotions. The happy and sad energy that circulates through the body.

If the feelings are strong, the power will distinguish itself and build in your body the chains that will protect you for the rest of your life.

"This was too emotional," Genji said as he performed the steps that the scroll said.

"May the nine allies line up by my side and be made my vanguard, who will protect the world from calamity." Whisper in your lows when thinking of all the happiness he had in this world and the sadness he has when remembering his other life.

When thinking intensely about the stored feelings, happy thoughts go through his mind to protect his friends and the low self-esteem that sometimes caused him to have little chakra, feeling inferior to others, but hidden in the depths of his heart.

Before he could continue with those feelings, four chains protrude from his body and pull him out of his tranny. This surprises him and he investigates them for a while before deciding to handle them a bit.

Genji reads the story again, noticing that he did not pay attention to the whole story and only concentrated on the written words, this could go very wrong if he did not know what would happen if he failed.

Koji affirmed that this would not be bad for the body and that the only way for Uzumaki to die from the chains was by destroying the chains or overuse. The chains protect you, but life is used to shape the chains, so if some chains are destroyed, this will affect health or in the worst case death.

Overuse causes chains to weaken and fracture. A situation that happened to Koji when he was betrayed by his brother, weakening him to almost the limit of death and placing him in his bed in his last breaths.

The people most loyal to Koji, thought that his death was rare and distrusted their clan, all the people who were trained by Koji made a secret vow not to teach their techniques to the people who took command of the clan and they swallowed their hatred for the new clan chief by retiring from their positions of authority.

Ashina who took the role as the new leader did not know about the fight that took place between Koji and his brother. However this affection for the clan to trust Ashina, as they thought he was involved in Koji's murder by deceiving his brother.

Ashina, who took control of the clan, did not force Koji's apprentices to teach the new generation, it was enough for him to show fuinjutsu to the new shinobi and preferred the help of the village of Konoha than to fix the misunderstanding of his clan.

Over the years this was hidden, for most of the clan and only a few knew the nine seals. At the end of the second shinobi war carried out by all the nations, a meeting was secretly held where the destruction of the Uzumaki clan was agreed upon.

The shinobi fought hard against a weakened clan by losing consciousness of Koji and the few survivors were hunted like animals, for their bloodline.

"It is amazing how a simple internal clan conflict and misunderstandings caused the downfall of a powerful clan that had the potential to win the fight against the five nations and even rules the entire world with their powerful Kekkei Genkai and sealing techniques."

Genji put down the scroll when he felt the idiocy produced by the members of the Uzumaki clan, the clone continued reading the scroll while he handled the chains a bit and found out what his abilities were.

In the end, he did not understand very well his chains, but he managed to know that his chains could steal the chakra by hitting a clone that he used as a guinea pig.

Going back to the Genji vs Lee fight.

"I hope you're ready to finish the round!" Genji raised his hand and pointed in Lee's direction.


Lee's vulnerable body couldn't help but be pulled in Genji's direction, but Lee didn't want to lose to anyone, so, with what little strength he had left before his body recovered from using the primal lotus, he tried to hit Genji.

Genji's body felt heavy from lasting a long fight with two physically draining abilities and the heavy attacks that Lee carried out. He with fluid steps he slid aside avoiding Lee's blow.

In avoiding the blow, he used his left hand to secure Lee's left arm and move his right arm deftly like a snake around Lee's neck.

Lee felt like the chains that Genji had, acquired a blue aura, and ...

- My chakra! No, it's just my chakra, my body feels weak! It's taking over my chakra and my physical stamina! -.

Before Lee tried to fight, Genji successfully caught him and didn't miss the opportunity to finish this, so he kicked Lee's foot causing his body to lose its balance as his body fell. Genji dropped his full weight onto the arm that was gripping Lee.

The back of Lee's neck hit the ground as he mimicked Annie's training scene, which he had seen in the anime. Lee felt his body heavy with him from losing a lot of chakra and energy in a state of vulnerability.

Genji felt how he regained some of his chakra and energy in his body, but he felt that the chains when transferring chakra and energy, could not effectively move the stolen power and released it into the environment, clearly he needed to practice with his diamond chains.

Genji crouched down, to look Lee in the eye and show his kunai in his hand, politely asking him to surrender.

"Accept defeat, Lee." Genji indicated as he placed the kunai on his neck.

"J-NEVER! ... You will never be able to extinguish the flame of my youth !!!"

"Hmm, I see." Pulling the kunai away from his neck.

"The only way to defeat…".

* Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * Genji gave him four blows to the face interrupting Lee's words, trying to knock Lee unconscious with blows that were not very strong due to his exhaustion.

"Yo… Yout...!" Lee held his last words and continued to reject failure.

* Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * * Punch! * - Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep! -. They were the only thoughts to the continual whipping that the stubborn Lee was giving of retreating.

Even hitting him so many times in a rush he felt like he was repeating the scene of iron-man hitting the Hulk.

"FSS ~ YOUTH-SH". He comically pronounced Lee when he refused, showing two black eyes with his face slightly puffy and missing a tooth from the top.

Genji seeing that he could not manage to withdraw the tenacious Lee, sighed wearily and looked at Hayato for help, but simply shrugged his shoulders and waited for the match to end.

"You know Lee, I didn't want to resort to this because even myself, I sometimes feel afraid of my secret techniques, which I develop thanks to Anko," Genji affirmed by magically showing an onion and a very sturdy plastic bag that he usually uses when shopping for him and having a serious look on his face.

The shinobi were interested to know what Genji would do next when taking out two completely useless things in a deathmatch, some even thought that it would be easier to end Lee's life and save the time in which he accepts defeat, but they had to admit that Lee was stubborn to the end.

The chains moved a bit before returning to Genji's body, avoiding getting in the way of his secret technique.

Genji placed his hand on Lee's mouth, managing to open it and shoving an onion into his mouth, the onion ready to comfortably place the plastic bag on Lee's head.

He lowered the bag to his neck and closed it tightly, preventing the air from entering his body. Accomplishing that, I perform with a hand signal and * Pop! A small pop was heard as the onion exploded into gas.

"NNMMM… HHHHNNN… MMMMMMMMMMMMNN !!!!" Lee produced unrecognizable sounds when he lost the ability to breathe and more because of the pepper spray that the onion caused him.

Lee's body tried to remove the bag and shook his body hard, but Genji held it with his hands. Staying two minutes with Lee's body that I know moved like a fish out of water.

"Shuu ~ Shuu! Very soon it will all end." Genji reassured him by placing his hand on Lee's head as if he were trying to put a baby to sleep and continuing to squeeze the plastic bag with his other hand.

A minute later Lee's body stopped moving and to prevent Lee from cheating on him he waited another minute, before removing the plastic bag and smiling at Hayate that the fight was over.

Hayate got chills when looking at the little Genin who did not hesitate to torture his village companion and ended the fight.

On the second floor, some shinobi admired Genji's technique and others thought it would be good not to mess with this little Genin, but each village had its own opinions.

- But what the hell is Kakashi teaching them ?! -. Asuma thought as he looked fearfully at her coworker.

Kakashi didn't know what was happening to his partner and he just greeted him with a calm smile, causing Asuma to fear and avoiding his gaze quickly.

From this day on some strange rumors would spread through the village, saying that Kakashi Hatake had a strange way of teaching his students, and some villagers claiming that he was a person who experienced excitement when watching his opponents suffer physical and psychological.

After all, he was the ninja that he copied and some of the techniques that he copied from him weren't very nice to say. With their technique from 1000 years of death, it was not to say a ninja technique that they would use in a fight to the death.

Strange rumors aside, for the near future, Genji's combat was over and the medics removed a purple Lee who was coming back to life after losing to Genji's terrible technique.

"I think I can finally rest," Genji said when asking the medics to take him away before he fell unconscious, for using his energy to the limit and using the chains for the first time in combat.


